Chapter 2273 The entertainment city opens, live demo
Xiao Yi and his party came to the space of the independent planet through the wormhole, and the thousand entertainment spaceships are currently staying in space.

This is also done in order not to expose the secrets of the independent planetary space.

If you choose to be on the planet, you will definitely be discovered by those who are interested. There are no Zerg on the planet here, and the transformed Chaos Star has begun to have patches of green.

Such a good environment must be paid attention to by people. Instead of preventing those people from peeping, it is better not to let them see it.

In the space of the independent planet, there are a thousand large spaceships connected together in the dark space.

The warning lights on the surface of the spaceship flickered continuously, forming Xia Guo characters one by one.

"Welcome to Yiranpin Entertainment City!"

After Xiao Yi and the others entered the entertainment city, Wang Yang immediately greeted them.

"Island owner, everything is ready and ready to welcome outside guests at any time!"

Xiao Yi nodded slightly, and ordered: "Inform them that the guests can be brought over."

"Yes!" Jiang Yuntian replied.

At this time, nearly half of the survivors at the gathering point of the Yiranpin Alliance chose to come to the entertainment spaceship to experience it.

In order to attract tourists, Xiao Yi ordered that the first three days of free rides on the spaceship to entertain the spaceship will be charged later.

As long as the free gimmick is thrown out, many people will come here for the free spaceship.

With the first batch of survivors, a large spaceship of the Yiranpin Alliance passed through the wormhole.

"There is actually a wormhole here! Aren't the previous wormholes all located on planets or meteorites?"

"It seems that no one has ever told you that wormholes must be on planets or meteorites!"

"Would the Yiranpin Alliance dare to enter the wormhole that appeared out of thin air?"

"The Yiranpin Alliance doesn't want to keep us all here, does it?"

"It shouldn't be, I believe in the Yiranpin Alliance, and I also believe that the boss is not such a person!"

"Yes, it's very simple for the boss to really want to kill us. He can wipe us all out at the previous gathering place!"

"That's right, there's no need to trick us out and kill us."

"That's not necessarily the case. If we are killed in a gathering place, it will be easy to be broadcast live, and if we resist, it will be more troublesome for them to deal with!"

"Now you can also broadcast live. The network is still unblocked. I have been broadcasting live and interacting with the audience in the live broadcast room!"

In the midst of everyone's discussion, the spaceship arrived near Yiranpin Entertainment City!
"Okay, stop arguing, and look outside!"

Everyone looked out one after another, and a thousand large spaceships were neatly floating in space, connected to each other.

The lights on the surface of the spaceship also make up the text.

"It's like our home star entertainment city! The boss really wants to do entertainment business."

"Yeah, you people suffering from persecution delusions, I didn't even bother to talk to you just now. If the boss really wants to cheat you, you will die when you gather here. You have to wait until now!"

"That's right, when we gathered here, we needed to trade our spaceship or escape pod to the boss, and then come through the teleportation array. At that time, as long as the boss wanted to kill us, we would come out of the teleportation array." He was shot to death!"

"Stop talking, you guys continue to discuss, I'll go down and experience it first."

The passenger spaceship has docked with the spaceship in the entertainment city, and the notification sound has already sounded.

"Dear tourists, our spaceship has arrived at its destination. Please bring your luggage and items and disembark in an orderly manner!" Those survivors walked through the docking channel and walked into the entertainment city.

There are two chaotic star beauties at the door to welcome guests, but unfortunately, the aesthetics of each race is different. Many races don't understand why the Yiranpin Alliance arranges two ugly monsters to guard the door. Isn't this unappetizing?
Xiao Yi was standing in a private room on the second floor near the entrance of the entertainment city, looking at all kinds of strange races, feeling a little emotional.

"How many races are there participating in the trial?"

Jiang Yuntian thought for a while, and replied: "It must be no less than a million."

When they first entered the second stage, there were at least a million survivors in a galaxy, and these survivors had no companions, and they were basically of different races.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly: "With millions of clans as chess pieces, this game of chess is really big!"

"Yes!" Jiang Yuntian replied, "I just don't know if the person behind the scenes is just playing chess for the sake of playing chess!"

"Probably not." Xiao Yi thought about the final battle of the first stage, where the power to hold everyone suddenly appeared.

That power is obviously hostile to the power opposite the space crack.

Xiao Yi had a guess in his mind that their trial might be related to the world beyond the space crack!
Jiang Yuntian asked suspiciously, "Why?"

Except for Xiao Yi, everyone else had their memories erased, so Jiang Yuntian didn't have much impression of that powerful man.

Xiao Yi shook his head slightly, but didn't continue. He was worried that after he said it, Jiang Yuntian's memory would be erased again.

Leaving Xiao Yi alone, Jiang Yuntian didn't ask, he knew that Xiao Yi must have his own secret, since it was a secret, then don't be so curious.

After those survivors entered the entertainment city, they were completely dazzled. There were a lot of game equipment on their home planet, and the price was not expensive.

"Old men, have you seen it? This is a game machine called an arcade on my home planet. Wait for me to set up my phone and watch me show you off!"

A survivor who was broadcasting live saw the arcade equipment and sat down immediately.

The staff on the side immediately introduced: "You can pay by scanning the code, and then you can play directly."

The survivor nodded slightly, picked up his mobile phone and scanned the QR code to pay.

"It's only one yuan once. I have to say that the consumption of this entertainment city is still very low!"

After checking the operating instructions for a while, the Survivor started to play.

"I haven't played a game since reaching the SSS level. This is the first time. I feel that arcade games are too easy for us SSS-level survivors. Let's find a more difficult game!"

Soon the survivor came to the virtual game area.

"Virtual reality cabin? This is just a conceptual item on my home planet. I just don't know if the boss can reach the level of virtual reality here. Let's try it right away!"

After scanning the code, the survivor found that the virtual reality cabin was 50 yuan an hour.

Seeing the price of scanning the QR code, the survivors in the live broadcast chatted one after another.

"Wow, it's so expensive? Didn't the anchor just say that the entertainment city consumption of the boss is low?"

"Haha, I didn't expect the slap in the face to come so quickly!"

"Should the anchor continue to play? This is 50 yuan an hour!"

The survivor gritted his teeth and replied, "Of course!"

(End of this chapter)

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