Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 226 Foreign Passenger Transport, Xuanyuan Panic, Beastmaster Hunting

Chapter 226 Foreign Passenger Transport, Xuanyuan Panic, Beastmaster Hunting

"Oh, he's dead!"

"Indeed, there is no way for one person to face so many indigenous people!"

"We still have to gather together. The more people we have, the more chance we have to compete with the natives!"

"We need some long-range attack weapons, at least we can't let them get close to our island easily, it's definitely not enough to rely on iron guns!"

"So, let's quickly merge together, then open more supply boxes, and strive to open some long-range attack weapons!"

"However, in this vast sea, even if you want to merge, it's not easy!"

"I heard that Xia Guo has a family with strong mouths who are doing passenger transport business, you can contact them!"

"What? Doing passenger transport business here? Impossible! How to ensure safety?"

"Of course it's possible. I heard that they have an S-class figurehead, which can completely evade all kinds of monsters in the sea!"

"There is such a thing, isn't it a lie?"

At this time, Qiu Sheng, who was from the strong-mouthed family, also saw the discussion on the public channel.

Qiu Sheng's foreign language level is not bad, and he can basically understand everyone's speech, so he spoke in a foreign language: "The person just said is right, this is the advantage of our strong-mouthed family. )*1."

No matter how much you say, it is not useful to directly display your equipment in the public channel.

"Oh, God, how can there be such a powerful equipment?"

"Yeah, why haven't the survivors in our country issued such powerful equipment!"

"I want to use your passenger service, how much will it cost?"

Qiu Sheng immediately posted the cost of the passenger transport service on the public channel, and the price was naturally 20% higher than that of his Xia country compatriots.

"My God, this is too expensive, why don't you grab it?"

"We run long-distance passenger transport, which requires a lot of labor costs, and we have to face many dangers and accidents. This is the price, and you can choose not to use our services!" Qiu Sheng replied forcefully.

Whether to use it or not, anyway, at present, only their family has the possibility of running long-distance passenger transport.

Just like in the previous world, while some people cursed that foreign things were expensive, many people still chose to use foreign things.

This is the situation now. Although Qiu Sheng and his crew are very expensive, many foreign survivors still choose to use it.

They want to reunite with their relatives and friends as soon as possible, so they can only use Qiusheng's passenger service. Who told others not to offer this kind of cheating equipment!
Di Lintianxia and Xuanyuan Wuwei both arranged special personnel to watch the public channel.

If there is something abnormal, there will always be some signs here.

So as soon as Nar and the others met the natives, Di Lintianxia and Xuanyuan Wuwei received the report from their subordinates.

"President, someone on the public channel reported meeting aborigines!" Emperor Lin Qinglong reported to Emperor Lin Tianxiahui.

Emperor Lintianxia was not a big surprise. When Xiao Yi revealed the traces of the indigenous people before, he had already arranged countermeasures.

Therefore, Emperor Lintianxia just replied: "Well, continue to pay attention, our people have already started the merger, don't panic!"

When Xuanyuan Wuwei heard Uncle Chen's report, he was a little shocked: "Did the natives come so fast? Quickly ask the Zuiqiang clan to transport people to me!"

"Yes!" Uncle Chen responded, and then immediately came to the auxiliary island monument to contact Zui Qiang for survival. "Please transport our people over as soon as possible!" Uncle Chen sent a message.

Seeing Uncle Chen's message, Qiu Sheng chuckled secretly: "Have you started to panic after seeing the news on the public channel?"

"We will send people there as soon as possible according to the order of receiving orders. If you can't wait, you can choose other ways!" Qiu Sheng replied neither soft nor hard.

Uncle Chen frowned, but instead of continuing to bargain with him, he ended the chat and reported the situation to Xuanyuan Wuwei.

Xuanyuan Wuwei frowned, and said, "Hmph, this gangster is obviously not giving me face!"

"Young master, don't worry, when they come over, I will teach them a lesson!" Chen Bo said.

Xuanyuan Wuwei nodded and asked, "How are the C-grade potatoes doing?"

"Returning to the young master, it has already been planted, but the growth is not very good." Chen Bo replied.

"Pay more attention and use some C-grade pure water!" Xuanyuan Wuwei frowned and said, "It seems that we need to find someone who is familiar with farming!"

Uncle Chen nodded at the side, and said, "Yes, we don't understand this aspect. If we go on like this, it will slow down our development!"

"Well, if the people recruited this time are farmers, they should focus on training them!" Xuanyuan Wuwei urged.

"Yes!" Chen Bo replied.

All afternoon, Su Wan helped Xiao Yi translate the information on the public channel in front of the island monument.

According to the information reflected in the public channel, about twenty islands were attacked by indigenous people!
Unfortunately, it seems that no island has defended the natives, and the survivors have been completely wiped out!

Even the native who only came over in a small boat successfully took down the survivors.

Without the superiority in weapons and numbers, these survivors would be no match for the natives who have survived here for decades!
Gudao Survival is the only survivor who met the natives and successfully resisted them, but without the repeating crossbow provided by Xiao Yi, his island would have been captured by the natives in all likelihood!

Just look at the islands that have been conquered and you will know that the physique of the indigenous people here is definitely better than those of ordinary survivors!

When it was almost evening, the beast king who had been lying on his stomach at the gate of the villa got up and ran into the woods.

With the high-grade pure water and Nana's treatment, the Beastmaster felt that he had basically recovered, so he was going to catch some game back.

Let the two cooks bake it for me, the aroma of lunch is still lingering in my nose!
The Beastmaster walked out from the west gate of the wall, and about 10 minutes later, the Beastmaster dragged a goat and walked back.

After dragging it to the door of the farmhouse, the Beast King opened the door by himself, but he couldn't find An Ran and the two of them, with question marks all over his face.

I had no choice but to run to the villa, go up to the third floor, find Xiao Yi who was still in front of the island monument, and growled twice.

Xiao Yi was stunned for a moment when he heard the beast king's growl, and then said, "I won't be cooking and eating in that room from now on, I'll be here from now on!"

The Beastmaster growled twice again and walked out.

Xiao Yi stopped it and said, "Since you've already done it, go out and catch a few more animals and come back, everyone wants to eat them!"

"Roar! (No problem!)" Beastmaster responded and ran out again.

Seeing Xiao Yi's conversation with the Beastmaster, Su Wan said, "Isn't it injured? Let it go to the woods like this, will it encounter more powerful beasts?"

(End of this chapter)

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