Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 2249 See the state of epiphany again, worry about the future

Chapter 2249 See the state of epiphany again, worry about the future
Hearing Xiao Yi's words, Yang Jian suppressed his excitement and listened carefully.

Because of the skill of heart and soul, when Xiao Yi taught Daozang, there was no obstacle at all.

Even though Dao Zang is full of classical Chinese, Yang Jian can accurately understand the meaning.

After listening to the cultivation methods in Daozang, Yang Jian immediately tried to practice, and he was surprised to find that he did not feel any stagnation when practicing.

Xiao Yi was also very surprised, he could clearly feel that Yang Jian's cultivation was very smooth.

Zhu Wu, Lu Meiyu and the others couldn't get started at all, and they didn't get the point.

"It seems that the more we look like us, the easier it is to accept Daozang." Xiao Yi speculated.

So far, only Dili and Yang Jian from outsiders can successfully practice Daozang.

These two are extremely similar to humans, except that one has six fingers and the other has a third eye.

It was based on this that Xiao Yi made such an inference.

Next, the mental power around Yang Jian suddenly rioted, and then increased rapidly.

Jiang Yuntian looked at Yang Jian in surprise, and asked in a low voice, "Island Master, what's going on with him?"

"The epiphany state!"

Jiang Yuntian was even more surprised by the simple four words.

Before that, only Zhu Wu had entered the state of epiphany in the Yiranpin Alliance, but now Yang Jian has also entered the state of epiphany.

"Now I'm a little doubtful whether Daozang is a product of our earth. We humans have never entered the state of enlightenment in cultivation. Instead, these foreigners have entered the state of enlightenment one by one." Jiang Yuntian looked helpless.

Xiao Yi smiled slightly: "The state of epiphany itself is something that can be encountered but not sought after. It is normal not to have a state of epiphany."

Jiang Yuntian nodded helplessly, and then changed the subject: "According to the information we intercepted, those first-level civilized fleets are rushing to where they first appeared."

"Well, everyone's discussion on the public channel scared them away." Xiao Yi was a little helpless.

Jiang Yuntian spread his hands and said: "Whether they discuss it or not, these first-level civilizations will definitely be able to react in the end. Different civilizations will definitely guard against each other, and it is difficult to cooperate closely."

"That's true!" Xiao Yi nodded slightly.

"I don't know if the world rules will arrange for more advanced civilizations to come after these first-level civilization fleets leave." Jiang Yuntian was a little worried.

Xiao Yi shook his head: "It shouldn't be so fast. There is still a big gap between different civilization levels. Although we can handle two first-level civilization fleets now, there is a high probability that we will still kneel when we encounter a second-level civilization."

Jiang Yuntian nodded slightly, and continued: "If there is no fleet of higher civilization coming, then the Zerg should exert their strength!"

"Well, it's been brewing for so long, you must give us a little surprise!" Xiao Yi said in agreement.

At this time, Feng Menglong came over, frowning: "Island owner, the sales of our online market have declined severely recently."

Xiao Yi was startled, thought for a while, and said, "It should be the reason why the Zerg invaded our galaxy."

The Zerg has almost occupied all the positions where resources can be collected, which leads to very limited resources in everyone's hands, and naturally they will not trade them in the market.

Now even if there are gains from killing the Zerg, those gains will fall into the Zerg army, and they dare not go in to get it.

In this way, all survivors can only obtain resources from the material box.

But there are very few resources in the material box.

Feng Menglong's brows were still furrowed. He naturally knew this was the reason, but if this problem was not solved, it would be difficult for the Chaos Galaxy to continue to develop. "If this continues, our development will slow down!"

Feng Menglong's tone was full of worry.

According to the consistent characteristics of the world rules, the test is upgraded step by step.

If their development slows down, it means that the next test may be difficult to deal with.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly: "Well, but don't worry too much, there must be a way for the car to reach the mountain, and things will definitely turn around."

At this time, Yang Jian's epiphany had disappeared, and he opened his eyes in surprise.

"My lord, I seem to have awakened!"

Xiao Yi replied with a smile: "No, it seems that you have indeed awakened! Red light, fire element, not bad."

Yang Jian was stunned.

He didn't say that the light spot he sensed was red, how did Xiao Yi know?
"Don't be so surprised, the island owner's mental power is very strong, he can completely sense each of us's department." Jiang Yuntian explained with a smile.

Yang Jian is still very puzzled, even if a person's spiritual power is very strong, he should only be able to sense his awakened department.

So Xiao Yi could sense everyone's department, not because of his strong mental power, but because he had a special ability, just like the island owner could communicate with any race without barriers.

Thinking of this, Yang Jian felt that she had found the truth.

Xiao Yi took out a marrow washing pill and avoided it.

"This is Xisui Pill. The specific method of taking it and precautions are all on our internal network. You can check it yourself. Du Kang, take Yang Jian back to his room."


Du Kang immediately walked up and beckoned Yang Jian to follow him.

After Yang Jian cupped his hands in thanks, he followed Du Kang out of the cockpit.

After Yang Jian left, Xiao Yi glanced at the big screen, resources and Zerg matters were already being discussed in the public channel.

"Mad, since the Zerg invasion, I haven't been able to collect resources properly once, it's so fucking uncomfortable!"

"Everyone is like this, maybe even Yiranpin doesn't dare to enter the position occupied by the swarm to collect resources!"

"Oh, what's wrong with this, I feel like I can't even eat if this goes on!"

"Brother upstairs, it's not enough. It's too exaggerated. Are there any survivors in our chaotic galaxy who can't eat?"

"I'm sure we can eat now. If the problem of the Zerg remains unresolved, then we will have no source of income. Isn't it normal to have no food in the long run?"

"It seems right to say that. Now there will be no food in the supply box. They are all basic resources, and they can't be exchanged for a little money. It will be embarrassing if you really starve to death by then!"

"It shouldn't be so. Didn't you all plant them in your own escape pods? There are no seeds for sale from Yiranpin. As long as you do it yourself, you won't starve to death!"

"Yes, as long as you work hard, you will definitely not starve to death, but the problem is that there is no way to continue to develop like this!"

"That's right, if we can't collect more resources, then the development will definitely slow down a lot, and there will definitely be more and more difficult challenges in the future. What should we do!"

(End of this chapter)

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