Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 2238 Zhu Wu was challenged, in seconds, it is recommended

Chapter 2238 Zhu Wu was challenged, in seconds, it is recommended
"Because the island owner doesn't allow it!"

Hearing these seven words, Sanyan Boy was completely stunned, and then asked in disbelief: "Do the other survivors listen to our island master?"

"That's the internal challenge." Zhu Wujiang explained the previous internal challenge of the chaotic galaxy.

The three-eyed boy was very surprised: "So it's still possible to operate like this, but it's not easy to be able to issue two mandatory challenge cards."

"It shouldn't be driven, but acquired. When the survivor launched a challenge, he had already thought of a way out." Zhu Wu shook his head and said.

"However, this way of retreat is not wise!" Sanyan Boy said with emotion.

"Not necessarily. Some people would rather be a chicken head than a phoenix tail. After he enters another galaxy, he can be the first-tier survivor, and then challenge the entire galaxy. If no one in that galaxy can control him, he will be the survivor of the entire galaxy. It will become a stepping stone for his development." Zhu Wu said with emotion.

Sanyan Boy understood Zhu Wu's meaning in an instant, and said in shock: "This possibility is really very high."

"His way of development is to exhaust the resources, and he can only continue to search for other galaxies. Only by eliminating survivors can he continue continuously. Once he cannot transfer to other galaxies, his development will completely stagnate." Zhu Wu continued, "So the more survivors, the more basic resources there will be, and the overall development will be sustainable."

The three-eyed boy nodded slightly, and then suddenly asked: "My lord, shall we remind everyone?"

"I'll talk about it later, but I don't think the effect will be great, because your galaxy doesn't have a single survivor who can hold down the entire galaxy. There must still be many militants who choose to challenge the survivors of their own galaxy." Zhu Wu said helplessly. Said.

Compared to challenging survivors from other galaxies, they are more aware of the development of survivors in their own galaxies.

The three-eyed boy nodded in agreement.

Zhu Wu immediately appealed in the public channel.

"Everyone, don't continue to challenge the survivors of this galaxy. If this continues, most of the survivors in our galaxy will soon be eliminated. The prosperity of a galaxy requires more survivors."

Survivors in the Domire galaxy saw Zhu Wu's speech and immediately began to discuss it.

"Who is this person, dare to meddle in other people's business here!"

"Yeah, it's none of your business whether we challenge or not!"

"I don't like this kind of survivors, I'll eliminate him immediately!"

Before Zhu Wu had time to reveal his identity, he immediately received a reminder from the island monument.

"The cosmic police have used a mandatory challenge card on you, and you will enter the challenge space in 3 minutes! Please put on the space suits for other personnel on the battleship!"

Zhu Wu looked at the prompt helplessly, and muttered: "It seems that I really shouldn't change my screen name, everyone doesn't know me anymore!"

The island monument on Zhao Baishui's spaceship belonged to Zhu Wu, but after the mandatory challenge card appeared, Xiao Yi immediately let Zhao Baishui occupy Zhu Wu's island monument.

The reason is very simple, if someone challenges Zhu Wu forcibly, after sending Zhao Baishui and his spaceship to the challenge space, Zhao Baishui and the others will all be thrown around the No. [-] comet.

And Xiao Yi is not sure, in this case, if Zhu Wu immediately challenges the space after winning the challenge, whether to return to the chaotic galaxy or return to Zhao Baishui.

At that time, Zhu Wu was on Xiao Yi's spaceship in the chaotic galaxy, and his island monument was flying with the No. [-] comet.

This situation is quite special, and Xiao Yi and the others dare not do this experiment lightly. If the spaceship does not return to the comet after a challenge, then Zhao Baishui and the others will die.

According to Xiao Yi's request, Zhao Baishui occupied the island monument on the spaceship, and Zhu Wu rearranged another island monument. After occupying it, Zhu Wu named himself Pig who can cultivate.

Zhao Baishui's island monument ID is still called Dancing Pig. Although he occupied it, he did not change the ID, so Zhu Wu could only give himself a new online name.However, even though Zhu Wu said this, he was still very excited in his heart.

He has waited for so long, and there is no opponent in the first stage to challenge him. After all, he has developed so well with Xiao Yi, and he always has to brag in front of other survivors, otherwise, won't he develop so well in vain?
When Zhu Wu followed the caravan, Xiao Yi prepared a challenge warship for him, the same arrangement as Xiao Yi and the others.

Three minutes later, Zhu Wu and a satellite-class warship in the caravan disappeared.

After coming to the challenge space, Zhu Wu looked at the space in front of him curiously, and muttered: "It's a shame, I randomly landed in a void of space, so let's make a quick decision!"

There is nothingness, so naturally there are no resources, so there is no need to waste time here.

Zhu Wu released the spy satellite, and soon found the other party.

Looking at the petite escape pod, Zhu Wu was speechless for a while.

Even if such a challenge is won, there is no sense of accomplishment.

Zhu Wu rushed over in a satellite-class battleship. Seeing such a huge battleship, the other party felt extremely regretful, but it was too late now, and only one person could get out alive after entering the challenge space.

There was nothing to talk about, and he directly fired to kill the opponent, collected all the opponent's meager supplies, and then left the challenge space.

After returning, Zhu Wu found that his spaceship was still around the comet.

In other words, my spaceship flew with the comet before, and it will still fly with the comet after the challenge.

The survivors of the Domire galaxy were completely stunned.

"What's the situation? Was that brother killed in seconds?"

"No way, is this pig that can cultivate so powerful?"

"Hey, this name seems very familiar, have I seen it somewhere?"

"This is similar to Brother Pig, the comet merchant from before, the dancing pig, isn't it?"

"When you put it that way, it seems to be very similar!"

"I just checked my private chat with Brother Pig, they are in the same language!"

"Damn, this person should also be a comet merchant, you dare to challenge the comet merchant, you are looking for death!"

"Fortunately, that brother helped me get rid of the thunder just now, otherwise I would have been eliminated."

"@会实习的猪, my lord, are you a comet merchant?"

Zhu Wu saw that someone had asked him, so he replied, "I'm the brother pig you guys are talking about. The previous island monument was handed over to someone else. This is another island monument."

"So it's really Brother Zhu, you guys want to challenge Brother Zhu, now you know how powerful Brother Zhu is!"

"From the very beginning, I opposed everyone challenging the survivors in my own galaxy. You see, Brother Pig also opposed it!"

(End of this chapter)

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