Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 2229 Buying challenge cards at a high price, the other party has a plan

Chapter 2229 Buying challenge cards at a high price, the other party has a plan

"Receive a compulsory challenge card first, and be ready to challenge at any time!" Xiao Yi nodded slightly, and said, "Since you've blown out your awesomeness, you have to do it!"

Jiang Yuntian nodded slightly, and then asked: "Then what price does our Alliance plan to use to purchase the Compulsory Challenge Card?"

"Purchase according to 50 yuan first, and then determine the price according to the probability of issuing this challenge card!" Xiao Yi thought for a while and replied.

"50! Is this too high?" Su Wan said with some uncertainty.

Xiao Yi said with a smile: "The reason for the high price is to show the attitude of our Yiranpin Alliance."

Su Wan was taken aback for a moment, then nodded in understanding.

In fact, a mandatory challenge card is really not worth so much, because the opponent you challenge may not have 50 resources.

In addition, even if the opponent has it, you may not be able to win, so the price is on the high side.

Jiang Yuntian directly said this in the public channel.

"In order to maintain the stable development of the chaotic galaxy, our Yiranpin Alliance will spend a huge sum of money to purchase a compulsory challenge card. Later, I will contact the first survivor who is willing to take out the compulsory challenge card, and wait until the person who takes the initiative to challenge the When the challenge space leaves, we will immediately choose to challenge him!"

Seeing the news from Jiang Yuntian, everyone immediately became excited.

"Big boss Yiranpin is awesome, he will keep what he says, and I'll just wait for that person to be challenged and eliminated!"

"That's right, I was the first one to say that I was going to hand out the mandatory challenge card, just wait for the Yiranpin Alliance to contact me."

"I don't know how much the Yiranpin Alliance will spend to buy this mandatory challenge card?"

"I guess it should be [-]. After all, although this thing is rare, its value is not high!"

"Yes, but, have you ever thought about what if the person who took the initiative to provoke the trouble loses?"

"It's better to lose, and the boss won't have to challenge him!"

"That's right, now let's see when that person will solve the opponent and come out!"

"Brothers who have a mandatory challenge card quickly trade the challenge card, don't delay the boss to challenge that guy."

"It's already been traded, and I have to say that the boss is really generous. You can't imagine how much money the boss spent to buy this challenge card?"

"Is it more than [-]? One hundred thousand? Such a price bubble is too big!"

"No way, a challenge card is [-] yuan, and this one in my hand is also sold, will the boss still accept it?"

"You guessed wrong, it's 50! The Yiranpin Alliance bought this compulsory challenge card in my hand with 50."

"What! 50? Lying on the grass, how is this possible!"

"Yeah, this challenge card isn't that valuable!"

"I even suspect that the survivor who provoked the incident doesn't have 50 supplies at all, even if the boss wins, he won't be able to make money."

"The boss did this just to show his determination to maintain the order of our galaxy, and to calm down those survivors who still want to make trouble!"

"Yes, so the overflowing price of this challenge card is the boss' determination."

"Boss is so awesome!"

"Look, that challenge is over!" Someone suddenly said.Jiang Yuntian also discovered it immediately and immediately used the forced challenge card on the island monument against the survivor.

"The other party is in the challenge space, please initiate the challenge later!"

Although the challenge was over, the survivor didn't come out immediately, and should have rested in the challenge space.

Jiang Yuntian wasn't sure when he would come out, so he could only keep using the mandatory challenge card.

"The other party is in the challenge space, please initiate the challenge later!"

This prompt pops up all the time on the island monument.

Xiao Yi could also see the situation on Jiang Yuntian's side on his mobile phone, and said, "It seems that the other party wants to use this half an hour of tidying up the harvest to confuse us."

"But he has to come out!" Su Wan said with a frown.

"If he still has a challenge card, it will be a little troublesome!" Xiao Yi said with a frown.

"There is another challenge card? What can he do?" Su Wan asked.

Xiao Yi explained: "He can precisely control the time when he comes out. If he seamlessly connects to challenge the second person when he chooses to come out, it will be difficult for Brother Jiang to squeeze in!"

Speaking of this, Su Wan also reacted immediately, and said: "I understand, as long as he can seamlessly connect to the next challenge, then he may escape this galaxy!"

"Yes, that's what I mean!" Xiao Yi nodded slightly.

The opponent only needs to challenge a survivor from another galaxy, and with the advantage of the chaotic galaxy, there is a high probability of winning.

The winner is free to choose which galaxy to go to.

So after he wins, he can choose to go to the opponent's galaxy.

Jiang Yuntian has been using the mandatory challenge card, and after ten times in a row, the island tablet actually prompts: "You use the challenge card too often, please use it again after ten seconds!"

Seeing this prompt, Jiang Yuntian was dumbfounded: "Why is there such a restriction?"

But he reacted immediately, and traded the compulsory challenge card to Bai Qi, letting him continue to use it.

Bai Qi continued to use it without any hesitation.

But soon the survivors of the chaotic galaxy were surprised to find that the survivor who had just challenged had entered the challenge space again!
"Lying in the grass, what's the situation, it seems that this one is the one taking the initiative to challenge again."

"Yeah, I just found out that Aite's opponent is not from our galaxy, and the boss Yiranpin failed to challenge this one?"

"I see. He must have used the half an hour of tidying up time after completing the challenge. He can choose to quit at any time and start a new challenge, but Yiranpin doesn't know when he quit."

"It seems that this survivor has long thought of a strategy to deal with the boss's attack!"

"He actually has two mandatory challenge cards, it's really not easy!"

Seeing that the other party had started another challenge, Xiao Yi sighed helplessly, and then said in the public channel: "You guessed it right, we have been using compulsory challenge cards on that person, but the island monument keeps prompting The other party was in the challenge space. After we used the challenge card ten times in a row, the island monument still restricted us from using it. We had to wait ten seconds before using it. We replaced the island monument of other people in time and continued to use it, but we still couldn’t catch it. Seize the opportunity for the opponent to withdraw!"

"As expected, this man is really far-sighted!"

"There is indeed a bit of deep thinking, but are you sure about foresight? It is true that you can leave the chaotic galaxy, but what about after leaving the chaotic galaxy? Without the high-level items, equipment, etc. provided by the boss, he is sure that he can develop better ?"

(End of this chapter)

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