Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 2224 Selling rule information and being challenged again

Chapter 2224 Selling rule information and being challenged again
Survivors from Yitong Kingdom paid such a high price that other survivors who bought challenge cards could only pay so much dark gold, so his bid provoked public outrage!
"That's right, you are in such a hurry to collect the compulsory challenge card, don't you want to die?"

"We all come to buy thousands of cornerstones and dark gold, but you just open your mouth and come for [-]. Isn't this tearing us down?"

"Hmph, so what if I just want to tear you down? If you're not convinced, then challenge me directly. I'll be waiting for you, a bunch of scum!" The rebellious tone of a Chinese man instantly angered everyone.

"Made, if there is no challenge card, I will challenge you immediately!"

"Brother, I have one here, and I sold it to you!"

"Then what, I don't have that much dark gold in my hand, let's see if other people want it or not!"

What I said just now was just a joke. If you really want to challenge a strange survivor, no one will rashly challenge it.

After all, the challenge of only one life, the price of failure is too great!
"Countless, if you don't dare to challenge, just say it, and make excuses?"

"Dare you? You have a challenge card and can go directly, why not?"

"I'm not busy, I'm not free!"

Seeing that no one dared to challenge him, the Survivor from the One Tube Country sneered and said, "If you have a mandatory challenge card, you can private message me, and you can buy one with [-] units of dark gold."

Although the bid for this box of country survivors is high, it seems that no one wants to sell the challenge card.

In this way, Yitong Kingdom's challenge to Xiao Yi was interrupted.

"Bageyalu, if it wasn't for the mandatory challenge card, I would have taken Yiranpin!"

All the Survivors of Yitong Kingdom thought so.

At this time, someone in the public channel of Chaos Galaxy was calling Xiao Yi.

"@易然品, boss, you have participated in two challenges, can you tell us about the rules of the challenge space?"

"That's right, boss, tell us, I don't prostitute for nothing, I'll ask you for a fee!"

"That's right, there is too little information on the Yiranpin Alliance for sale now, and I plan to buy more information!"

Seeing everyone's enthusiasm, Xiao Yi thought for a while, and replied: "Okay, I'll sort it out here, and it will be listed on the online market later, everyone can buy it by themselves if you need it!"

"Great, thank you, boss!" Everyone responded one after another.

Xiao Yi picked up his phone and sent Feng Menglong a message: "Feng Menglong, here you sort out the rules I said about the challenge space, and then put it on the online market, and sell it for one yuan!"

"Yes!" Feng Menglong replied.

As long as someone participates in the challenge once, this information can be explored almost, but it may be life-threatening.

But for Xiao Yi, it was very easy to harvest this information, so it wouldn't be too expensive to earn a reputation.

Soon, Feng Menglong sorted it out and listed it directly on the online trading market.

The moment it was hung up, more than [-] copies were instantly sold out.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Yi muttered: "It seems that the awareness of intellectual property rights has been cultivated by us, and there are a lot fewer prostitutes!"

Naturally, the public channel also began to discuss.

"Boss is so generous, the first-hand fresh information is sold for one yuan."

"Yeah, if you want to go whoring for nothing like this, it would be too disrespectful to the achievements of the boss's labor!"

"After reading it, it turns out that not all challenges are on planets!"

"Yes, in this way, the environment of the challenge venue will also have an impact on the challenge!"

"If you randomly get to a field that is not suitable for you to play at all, that would be a shame."

"More than that, it turns out that even if the other party's escape capsule or spaceship is replaced with resources, the island monument can be brought out, but it cannot be left in your own spacecraft for too long." "Yes, this seems very humane, but It’s actually not humane to me at all, because I have no chance of harvesting extra escape pods and ships!”

"Can you tell me more about the island monument?"

"Fuck off, whore for nothing, you don't want to spend even one yuan? If you want to know the details, just go buy the information yourself and find out!"

"There is still a certain amount of time to sort out the harvest, this rule is still possible."

"I feel that this period of time is not only used to sort out the harvest, but also used to recover, to prevent continuous challenges."

"It makes sense. The boss was challenged continuously before, as if there was almost no cooling time in the middle."

"That's right, according to the time point provided by the boss, there is indeed no cooling time."

"It turns out that different scenes will have different rewards. After entering the challenge space in the future, we must pay attention to the surrounding environment."

"No way, the boss was challenged twice before, how could he know the rewards of different scenarios."

"This is the difference between us and the big brother. You don't think the big brother got here just because of luck, do you?"

"How naive!"

"I can't take it anymore. You guys are talking so vaguely that you have successfully aroused my interest."

"Then hurry up and buy one, it's not too expensive."

Xiao Yi glanced at the sales in the online market, and it has already reached more than 60, and [-]% of the survivors should have bought the information Feng Menglong put on the shelves.

At this moment, Xiao Yi unexpectedly received another challenge.

"The board has used the [Compulsory Challenge Card] on you. After 3 minutes, you and the battleship where your main island monument is located will be teleported to the challenge space."

"It's coming again!" Xiao Yi felt helpless.

This feeling of being constantly pulled by others makes people very uncomfortable, but he can't resist, he can only enjoy it slowly.

After talking to Jiang Yuntian and the others, Xiao Yi entered the challenge space again.

"A large number of Zerg tentacles have been found, and the spaceship has been surrounded by Zerg!"

As soon as he entered the challenge space, Space One immediately reminded him.

Xiao Yi immediately released the nuclear mine, and when the nuclear mine was far enough away, it exploded immediately!

Instantly emptied the bugs around his spaceship.

Then Xiao Yi manipulated the weapons on the spaceship to kill all the bugs crawling on the surface of the spaceship.

In less than ten seconds, Xiao Yi's spaceship was eaten and damaged by bugs.

"Repair [broken satellite-class spaceship] * 1 needs to consume [cornerstone] * 120 million, [dark gold] * 120 million, do you want to repair it?"

Seeing the reminder of the island monument, Xiao Yi twitched the corner of his mouth helplessly.

The satellite-class spaceship is too big, so there are many places where the bugs attack, and the damage range is relatively large. Naturally, repairing it also consumes resources.

The previous challenge site was a meteorite belt, and the other time was an empty space, but this time the challenge site was actually full of Zerg tentacles.

The rules of the world really know how to play!
Xiao Yi felt a lot of emotion in his heart, and then immediately observed the environment of the challenge venue.

"Hey, so many!"

Xiao Yi widened his eyes and looked at the surrounding space.

(End of this chapter)

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