Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 2222 Has been challenged again, the advantage of continuous challenges

Chapter 2222 Has been challenged again, the advantage of continuous challenges

Seeing Xiao Yi's reply, Jiang Yuntian immediately ordered: "Send the order, slow down the speed, and wait for the island owner!"


The speed of the Yiranpin Alliance fleet immediately slowed down.

Xiao Yi, on the other hand, corrected the downward direction according to the electronic navigation system, and then moved forward at full speed.

At this time, the survivors of the chaotic galaxy also discovered that Xiao Yi's challenge was over.

"Boss Yiranpin has won!"

"Isn't that nonsense? With the current strength of survivors, no one can beat the boss!"

"But the boss took a long time to challenge this time. Could it be that Saburo Noma's strength is so high?"

"Who knows, the boss didn't choose to broadcast live, we can only rely on guessing."

"It's not easy, just ask the boss directly, @易然品, why did you spend four hours with Noma Saburo before you came out?"

"Lying on the grass, what kind of tiger and wolf words are these?"

Seeing someone calling him, Xiao Yi was stunned for a moment, then smiled and replied: "It's not always better to be as fast as possible, you should understand!"

"Damn, this is the first time I see a boss driving secretly!"

"Looking at the boss' tone, he seems to be enjoying this challenge!"

"That's probably because the boss deliberately delayed the time, but what's the point?"

"Fucking grass, I know, this is the meaning of the big boss delaying time!"

"What's the point?" Everyone asked.

"Look at the challenge channel, someone is challenging Yiranpin again!"

All the survivors immediately switched the interface of the island monument to the challenge channel, and found that there was a new challenge there.

The survivor who was challenged turned out to be Yi Ranpin again.

"I finally understand why the boss is so slow, this is fishing law enforcement!"

"Deliberately slowing down the pace, making his enemies think that he won the challenge very hard, and the rest will challenge one after another, and the boss can continue to harvest!"

"Wucao, the boss is really planning something far-sighted!"

"I seem to have heard the word insidious, brother, you are finished, be careful that the boss will put on small shoes for you!"

"I didn't say it, you said it! Besides, the boss is not as narrow-minded as you."

And Xiao Yi was also a little dazed at this time, the survivors in this Tong country really wanted to take the opportunity to beat him to death completely!

Jiang Yuntian and others also saw the situation in the challenge channel, and Su Wan immediately sent a message.

"Island Master, the survivors of this Tong Kingdom are crazy!"

Xiao Yi replied with a smile: "There are still more than two minutes, first trade me a miniature spaceship, and I will transfer the island tablet I just harvested first!"

Su Wan immediately traded a miniature spaceship without an island monument.

After Xiao Yi agreed, he transferred the island tablet he snatched from Saburo Noma to it, and traded it back.

"Everyone, listen to me. The challenge venues in the challenge space appear randomly, so any venue may appear. With the strength of our alliance, we don't have to be afraid of anyone who challenges us. The reason why it took me so long is Because there are quite a lot of resources in the challenge venue, I took the time to collect some. Don’t worry, everyone!”

Xiao Yi talked a lot in one breath, and said all the rules of the challenge space that he had explored.

It's almost time like this.

"I estimate that the scumbags from the Yitong Kingdom will continue to challenge me, so you should come back and wait for me. Don't rush to another first-level civilization fleet for the time being!" Xiao Yi finally said.After saying that, Xiao Yi was transported to the challenge space.

"Locate where the island owner last appeared, and let's rush there!" Jiang Yuntian said in a deep voice.


"Do the scumbags of this country really think that they can take down our island owner with continuous challenges?" Du Kang said disdainfully.

"Thinking too much, their constant challenges are nothing more than constant delivery of food, that's all!" Jiang Yuntian shook his head and replied.

"In this case, if the difference in strength is not too big, and one side has many companions, wouldn't it be possible to pick one to death?" Feng Menglong said with a frown.

"It seems to be true!" Sun Gudao nodded, "This rule seems a bit unreasonable!"

"The rules of the world probably want to eliminate some survivors, it doesn't need to be reasonable!" Jiang Yuntian said in a deep voice.

At this time, this rule is also being discussed in the public channel!

"As long as there is a leading death squad, it is absolutely possible to catch a well-developed survivor and build it!"

"Yeah, as long as there are enough death squads, the opponent can always be wiped out!"

"That's when there is not much difference in strength. If it is a boss like Yiranpin, no matter how many challengers come, they will kneel!"

"Yes, this kind of situation where the strength is completely crushed is definitely not good. No matter how many challengers are arranged, the strength of the boss will not be consumed!"

"According to this statement, can I challenge the winner of the second challenge just now?"

"Good idea, before the other party recovers, take him away in one wave!"

"Are you sure that the winner just now didn't hide his clumsiness?"

"That is, in case he has more trump cards, you think you are taking advantage, so be careful not to get yourself involved!"

"So, someone may deliberately broadcast the live broadcast, and then hide his clumsiness to seduce more people to challenge him. This is also a fishing law enforcement officer!"

"Look, everyone, there are really survivors challenging the winner of the second round just now! They didn't start the live broadcast this time."

"It's normal not to start the live broadcast, otherwise you will completely expose your own strength!"

"Fuck, why is it so fast this time? The survivor who won the second round won again so quickly?"

"I said that he might be hiding his clumsiness. If you still don't believe me, look, this is a lesson. The winner of any challenge should not be underestimated!"

"Who wants to challenge just now, do you want to go now?"

"I won't go, I feel that this Survivor is not easy, so let's play it safe!"

Once entering the challenge space, only one survivor can come out alive.

While the rewards are great, the risks are equally high!

No one is willing to hand over the spacecraft, resources, etc. that they have worked so hard to develop to the other party!

Looking at the fourth challenge, Jiang Yuntian said, "Actually, I think it's a good time to challenge the winner. Not daring to broadcast live also shows that the opponent should have played all their cards."

"Well, but we don't have a mandatory challenge card." Du Kang said helplessly.

"Yeah, why didn't we issue a challenge card!" Jiang Yuntian shook his head helplessly.

"So the operability of the infinite challenge discussed in the public channel is not high, which requires a large number of compulsory challenge cards, but at present, the probability of this thing is not high!" Su Wan said.

Everyone nodded.

At this time, Xiao Yi looked at the challenge venue in front of him in a daze!
(End of this chapter)

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