Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 2216 The reason for the treasure hunt, the mandatory challenge card

Chapter 2216 The reason for the treasure hunt, the mandatory challenge card

Being able to control a piece of space is an ability that only gods can have!
"Are you sure the island master can control the arrangement of stars in the space of that independent planet?" Sun Hong felt a little dry.

Hearing Sun Hong's question, the staff officer was a little uncertain.

"People in space say this, and they also say that when there were no artificial stars, the two planets were orbiting like binary stars, and after there were stars, these two planets became orbiting stars. "

Hearing what the staff officer said, Sun Hong nodded slightly.

Although it is not certain whether Xiao Yi can really control the planetary layout in the independent planet space, what is certain now is that the planetary layout in this space can be changed.

With such a very safe space where the layout can be adjusted, the future of the Yiranpin Alliance is limitless!

Next, the staff officer said in detail about the transformation of the planet.

After listening, Sun Hong fell into deep thought.

After a while, Sun Hong got up and came to the island monument, requesting a video call with Xiao Yi.

Seeing Sun Hong's video call request, Xiao Yi was stunned for a moment, and then immediately agreed to the request.

"What's the matter, is there something wrong with you?" Xiao Yi asked.

Sun Hong shook his head and said, "My lord, I would like to send a few messages to those teams returning to our home planet."

Xiao Yi frowned, and asked, "Send a message? Why? Do you want to call some reinforcements?"

"No, I just want to suggest that the entire Mount Moonstar seek refuge with you, the island owner!" Sun Hong said hastily.

Now Xiao Yi was stunned.

What's happening here?
You got beaten up by me, did you show your feelings?

Stockholm Syndrome?

It's not enough to be a prisoner by yourself, but you also have to drag a whole planet to be your little brother?
Seeing the doubts on Xiao Yi's face, Sun Hong continued to explain: "My lord, we have been in the stage of first-level civilization for too long, and if there is no breakthrough, we will probably decline. It is also the reason why we are willing to take risks when we receive information from an unknown source!"

These first-level civilizations who came to look for treasures are almost in this state. If they hadn't encountered a bottleneck in their development, they would not have taken such a risk to seek a breakthrough.

At this moment, Xiao Yi finally understood why these first-level civilizations were so stupid.

Knowing from the very beginning, when these first-level civilizations dared to rush over to hunt for treasure because of receiving an inexplicable message, Xiao Yi felt a little inconceivable.

It's like suddenly a stranger calls you one day and tells you that you can get rich just by going somewhere.

In such a situation, Xiao Yi would generally suggest installing the National Anti-Fraud Center app on his phone.

Hearing Sun Hong's explanation, Xiao Yi thought for a while and asked, "Can you convince the leadership of your parent planet?"

"Of course, I believe I will be able to convince them!" Sun Hong replied confidently.

"Since you are so confident, then you can try it, I have no objection!" Xiao Yi replied with a smile.

Hearing that Xiao Yi had agreed, Sun Hong immediately said happily, "Thank you, Island Master!"

Just when Sun Hong was about to end the video, Xiao Yi continued: "You're welcome, if you need a cross-galactic communicator, I can support one of you!"

Hearing this, Sun Hong was stunned for a moment, and then immediately became excited. "Island Master, does our alliance have a communication device across galaxies?" Sun Hao confirmed in disbelief.

Xiao Yi replied with a smile: "Of course, otherwise how would we contact other galaxies?"

"Great, thank you Island Master, I need one here." Sun Hong immediately replied.

With the Inter-Galaxy Communicator, it will be better to convince the stubborn old people on the home planet.

Xiao Yi has been collecting raw materials for inter-galaxy communicators, and there are still some idle ones made before, so he readily gave Sun Hong two inter-galaxy communicators.

After getting these two cross-system communicators, Sun Hong immediately installed one on his spaceship, and the other on a satellite-class cruiser.

After installing it, Sun Hong immediately sent the satellite-class cruiser back.

"Island Master, is this just letting go of a cruiser?" Du Kang watched the cruiser leave their fleet quickly, and asked curiously.

"Gamble, now our territory is huge and we need people. The few people we captured are simply not enough!" Xiao Yi replied with a smile, "Besides, it's just a cruiser. After the template is generated, we It can be easily manufactured!"

Du Kang nodded slightly.

"Island lord, do you think the people from Mount Ken will join us so easily?" Jiang Yuntian asked with a frown.

Xiao Yi shook his head slightly, and replied with a smile: "It's definitely not going to be that easy. Look at Sun Hong's eloquence. If they really encounter a bottleneck that they can't break through, maybe they really have a chance!"

Jiang Yuntian nodded slightly, then shook his head and said: "Even if there is a chance, they are willing to join us, we can't count on them now!"

"Yeah, now we don't have a very convenient way to sail across the galaxy." Xiao Yi also said with emotion.

Su Wan raised her head suddenly, pointed to the big screen beside her, and said, "Maybe it has already appeared!"

Hearing Su Wan's words, Xiao Yi and the others immediately looked at the big screen projecting the content of the public channel.

"Look what the hell this is! [Compulsory Challenge Card]*1."

"[Compulsory challenge card]: Designate a survivor with an island monument to challenge. The winner will get all the supplies of the loser and can choose to stay in any galaxy. The loser will be eliminated directly."

The reminder on the island tablet is very detailed, and this is the first time Xiao Yi has seen such a detailed item description.

In the past, the reminders of the island monument were vague, and most of the rules had to be guessed by yourself.

This time, the usage rules of this compulsory challenge card are so clearly explained, it is estimated that this is a new activity just launched by the world rules!

"There are still such cards? Brothers who have many enemies in the first stage will have a hard time in the future!"

"Yeah, since it's a mandatory challenge, then of course you can't refuse it, now it's interesting!"

"I feel that not many people dare to challenge. After all, if you lose, you will be eliminated. Everyone should understand what it means to be eliminated here!"

"That's right, the people who had enemies with me in the first stage must not be in the same galaxy. Different galaxies, everyone doesn't know each other's strength. If you challenge rashly, I guess you will be eliminated!"

"Having said that, there must still be brothers who dare to challenge. After all, the winner will get all the supplies of the loser. As long as the target is selected well, the supplies will be doubled instantly, and the ships may also be doubled."

(End of this chapter)

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