Chapter 2206: Shocking the Three Views, Progress of Planet Transformation

"Literally? How can space be all to yourself?"

Tirena continued: "The wormhole we just came over is the only passage to enter this space, and this passage can only be opened by the island owner."

Now the prisoners were completely stunned.

After a while, someone asked cautiously: "You mean, this space can only be entered with the permission of Master Yi Ranpin?"

"That's right, this is an independent space, at least you don't have to worry about the threats in space here." Tirina replied with a smile.

"In this case, we don't need to go out if we just hide here?"

Tirina shook his head, and then said: "This space is not yet fully self-sufficient, so it is not feasible to hide here all the time."

The prisoners were slightly taken aback, then nodded.

They all know that even stars may be extinguished. If the stars in this space enter the aging period, they will not be able to provide enough energy.

"How long will the stars here last?" someone asked.

Tirina froze for a moment, then replied: "Stars? There are no stars here!"

The captives were stunned again, and someone pointed to the dazzling light spot and asked, "What is that?"

"You misunderstood, it's just an artificial sun, it can be understood as an artificial star!" Tirina said with a smile, "We need to add fuel."

"Artificial stars? Can stars be made?"

"The Yiranpin Alliance is so powerful that it can even create stars."

"I really can't figure out what our patriarch thinks, why must we attack Yi Ranpin?"

"I heard that there is a reminder on the island tablet that as long as we can grab items from survivors, our level will automatically increase!"

"Is that so? No wonder the patriarch keeps defeating and fighting repeatedly! It turns out that he has taken a fancy to the resources of the Yiranpin Alliance!"

"However, he didn't measure his own strength first. He is no match for Master Yi Ranpin at all, and he has to force himself to die!"

Amidst the discussion among the crowd, the spacecraft escorting the captives landed on the Chaos Star in the space of the independent planet.

At this time, there are sparse vegetation on Chaos Star!
"Is this a planet suitable for us to live on?" Someone asked, looking at the vegetation in shock.

Tirina shook her head slightly, then nodded.

"Our alliance is transforming this planet. It is not suitable for us to survive now, but it will definitely be suitable for us to survive in the future."

Hearing Tirena's words, everyone was shocked again and again, and they felt that their three views were about to be shattered.

"You should be thankful that our alliance has such two planets that need to be transformed, otherwise, you may not survive!" Tirina continued.

Everyone was stunned, and then someone reacted quickly.

If there is no planet that needs to be transformed, the Yiranpin Alliance does not need so much manpower.

"Tirina, you said there are two other similar planets?" Someone accurately captured the key point in what Tirina said.

Tirina nodded slightly: "That's right, there are two. The other one hasn't started to be modified yet. This one is considered a pilot. After the transformation of this one is successful, the transformation of the other one will be started."

Everyone swallowed in unison.

The background of the Yiranpin Alliance is really thick!
"Tirina, why do you know so much? Aren't you just a prisoner?" Someone suddenly realized that Tirina seemed to know a little too much.

Tirena smiled slightly, and then explained: "I am now a legal citizen of the Yiranpin Alliance, not a prisoner."

"What? How is this possible?" Everyone was shocked.

"As long as you work hard and make contributions to the alliance, everyone will have the opportunity to get rid of the captive status and become a normal member of the alliance!" Tirina replied with a smile, "And what I just said is all about being a member of the alliance." The basic situation can be seen on the internal website."

Hearing what Tirena said, the eyes of these prisoners lit up.

No one wants to be a prisoner for the rest of their lives. If Tirina can obtain citizenship so quickly, as long as they work hard, they will definitely have a chance to obtain citizenship!

"In that case, we also have a chance." Someone couldn't help but confirm.

Tirina nodded and replied: "Of course, but there is one biggest premise, that is, you must not betray the alliance. Once there is a betrayal, you will never have a chance to get rid of the status of a prisoner."

Everyone nodded.

At this time, a Chaos Star soldier came over and said: "The Star Lord has an order, immediately arrange a group of people to transplant trees, the more the better."

"Yes!" Tirina replied in a deep voice.

After the soldier left, Tirina looked at the crowd and said, "Come on, everyone cheer up and transplant trees as required!"

"Yes!" the crowd responded.

"Tirina, who is this star master?" Someone asked curiously.

"The first batch of natives, or the top managers of this planet, that the island master took over." Tirena explained, and then told about Wang Yang and the others taking refuge in Xiao Yi.

"This Wang Yang really has foresight. At that time, he took refuge in Mr. Yi Ranpin!"

"Who says it's not? If it weren't for Master Yi Ranpin, the creatures on their chaotic planet would be completely extinct!"

"Yeah, the stars have evolved into red giants, and galaxies collided. With the technological strength of the chaotic planet, we can only wait for death!"

Tirina said with a smile: "Okay, it's time for us to get out of the cabin and work!"

Everyone nodded in unison, put on protective clothing and walked out of the cabin.

Only then did they see clearly that there were still many dead green plants here.

"Isn't it too much of a waste of trees to do this, and it won't survive if transplanted to this planet!"

"Yeah, looking at the dead trees here, it probably isn't the first time they have been transplanted!"

"It seems that the Yiranpin Alliance is really rich and powerful, such a good sapling is so wasted!"

"Waste is not enough. I heard that the island monument has an acceleration function. As long as you can find fast-growing seedlings, you can quickly grow a large number of them!"

Everyone was slightly taken aback, then nodded in agreement.

With acceleration, I really don't worry about not enough seedlings!

With such a group of captives coming over to help transplant trees, the progress of the entire planet transformation was rapidly advanced.

"Star Lord, with so many people coming to help, it is estimated that the date of our transformation will have to be brought forward again!"

Wang Yang nodded slightly, and then said: "The logistics must ensure the supply of seedlings."

"Yes, please rest assured, Star Master! By the way, should we adjust the completion time of the plan forward?"

Wang Yang shook his head slightly: "Don't make any adjustments yet, proceed according to the original plan, and then give the island owner a surprise!"

(End of this chapter)

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