Chapter 2174 Xiangzhen wants to come back, Zhao Baishui returns

"This dancing pig actually chose to exchange high-end items for food, which shows that their food is in crisis. The food crisis here is very serious. We can make a fuss about it."

"That's right, as long as we insist on not trading food to him, then he will definitely reduce the price, so that the same food can be exchanged for more advanced equipment!"

"Hearing what you said, it seems to be true!"

"Then we collectively agreed not to trade food. That's the only way. Otherwise, as long as there are a few survivors who choose to trade, we won't be able to force him to lower the price."

"Okay, if anyone dares to exchange food for advanced equipment at this time, it is our common enemy."

Seeing their discussion, Zhao Baishui immediately sneered and said: "Exchange food for advanced equipment, the opening time is only 10 minutes, and it will be taken off the shelves directly after 10 minutes!"

He didn't argue with those survivors because it was unnecessary. Although he wanted to store more food, it didn't mean that he couldn't live without the food.

Seeing that Zhao Baishui ignored their arguments, some survivors began to hesitate.

If it was really only 10 minutes, then after 10 minutes, he would not be able to trade food for advanced equipment.

Is it really necessary to use basic resources such as cornerstone and dark gold to trade?

While everyone was hesitating, the survivor with the ID of "The Truth" was looking at the high-end items on the trading floor in shock.

"How is this possible? It's not that Xiao Yi came to the second stage without any cornerstones. How could he develop so well?"

The truth came to light that he was the deputy of the southeast island of the Yiranpin Alliance in the first stage, truth be told!
In the first stage, Xiangzhen was responsible for assisting Wang Xin in managing Dongnanzi Island.

Xiao Yi also used it on her when he harvested the transfer card, but Xiang Zhen thought that Xiao Yi had no foundation, and he must have suffered in the past.

What's more, she has developed well in this galaxy, so naturally she would not agree to go back to Xiao Yi's side and become a younger brother.

She wants to be a queen, and shine with confidence!
But now she suddenly realized that she was a little blindly confident. Xiao Yi's ability to develop so well in the first stage was not just luck as she imagined.

Xiangzhen suddenly wants to return to the Yiranpin Alliance.

She is indeed developing well now, but seeing those high-level items, she knows that she is just a clown.

"No, I must seize this opportunity and board the big ship of the Yiranpin Alliance again!" Xiangzhen thought so, and immediately exchanged the food for those advanced equipment on the trading floor.

As soon as she completed the transaction, a survivor found out.

Moreover, Xiang Zhen did not choose to hide her ID, everyone can see it.

"Lying grass, the truth is clear who it is, why didn't you follow our agreement?"

"Everyone block him collectively, and don't trade with him for anything in the future."

"That's right, he totally messed up our plans by doing that."

"Don't insist, everyone, it's pointless! The equipment that can be traded with food has been sold out."

"How come so fast?"

"Of course it will be soon. Everyone's cornerstone and dark gold are very limited. If you can exchange food for equipment, I believe most people will not refuse."

"Made, if I knew it earlier, I would have done it in advance. You guys didn't abide by the agreement! Just wait to be slaughtered by the Yiranpin Alliance in the future!"

"It's too late to say anything now. Alas, it's a pity that I couldn't exchange food for some high-level items to come back."

When Xiang Zhen saw this, he immediately said: "Yi Ranpin Alliance never kills people. It's because you are too greedy. You always want to get the best items at the least cost. How can such a good thing happen?" "That's it. But they are all SSS-level items, and being able to exchange them for food is simply a blessing. How much cheaper do you want them to be? Can I give them to you for free?"

"Human nature is greedy, there is no need to argue with these people, let's see if there are other affordable high-end items in the Yiranpin Alliance."

Zhao Baishui frowned slightly when he saw the truth-telling speech.

Why does it feel like you're showing favor?
At first the truth came out, but it was very disrespectful to the island owner!
Could it be that after seeing those high-level items and knowing the strength of the island owner, he changed his attitude?

Just when Zhao Baishui was thinking, the island monument in front of him received a private message.

"Hello, I am Xiangzhen, the deputy island owner of Dongnanzi Island in the first stage of the Yiranpin Alliance. I called the island owner by his name before. I just want to confirm your relationship with the island owner!"

It's a private message from Xiangzhen.

Seeing this private message, Zhao Baishui frowned and pondered. Now that there is no inter-galaxy communicator, he cannot confirm whether what the other party said is true or not.

Regardless of whether it is true or not, Zhao Baishui decided to wait and see for a while.


Zhao Baishui just replied indifferently.

Seeing this reply, Xiangzhen naturally understood Zhao Baishui's plan, so he continued, "I wonder how the Yiranpin Alliance is developing now?"

"It's okay!" Zhao Baishui said vaguely.

"Then how many of our companions in the first stage have returned to the island owner?" Xiangzhen continued to ask.

"There is a part, but not much, but enough!" Zhao Baishui replied.

"In fact, I also want to go there, but I have developed well here, and I want to help the island owner set up a stronghold here, but I didn't expect to wait for you!" Xiangzhen said without blushing.

Zhao Baishui sneered, and then replied: "That's good, then do you have any good things to pay tribute to the island owner?"

Xiangzhen immediately began to cry and became poor: "Our galaxy is too barren, and there are no good things at all."

"Since there is nothing good, why didn't you go there when the island owner called you?" Zhao Baishui asked immediately.

Xiangzhen was stunned for a moment, she didn't expect Zhao Baishui to be waiting for her here.

"Multiple bases can always collect more information, don't they?" Xiangzhen thought for a while, and found another reason.

"Oh? Then what information did you collect here, tell me?" Zhao Baishui continued to ask with a smile.

Xiangzhen thought for a while and replied: "Our galaxy is called the Ford Galaxy, and it is rich in food."

"That's it? Is it over?" Zhao Baishui couldn't help but laughed in front of the island monument.

Can this kind of information also be called intelligence?
If it wasn't too boring, Zhao Baishui wouldn't bother to pay attention to Xiangzhen.

"Because the overall development level of our galaxy is relatively low, there is not much information to collect!" Xiangzhen continued.

"Then what's the point of your staying here?" Zhao Baishui snapped back without hesitation.

"In order to wait for you, provide a supply base for the Yiranpin Alliance."

(End of this chapter)

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