Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 2172 Zhao Baishui's decision, divination, new galaxy

Chapter 2172 Zhao Baishui's decision, divination, new galaxy

Following Zhao Baishui's order, all teams began to work in an orderly manner.

Zhao Baishui switched the island monument to the public channel.

The public channel, which was originally full of voices, seemed to be banned by the group at this time, and no one spoke.

Zhao Baishui knew that this was because they did not come to other galaxies, or there were no survivors here.

If there are survivors within the range he is in, he can see them as long as he speaks on the public channel.

Most of the universe is empty, otherwise it wouldn't be called space!
Zhao Baishui was worried that the impact of the meteorite would bring them into a void.

Without the supply of external resources, only relying on the little things in their spaceship, I am afraid they really can't last long!
Now Zhao Baishui has two paths in front of him, one is to leave the comet and fly back.

The speed of their spaceship is definitely incomparable to this comet. Although the comet only flew for five hours, their spaceship may fly for five months or even longer.

It may take longer time to return to the location where they hit and continue to fly to the wheat head galaxy.

The longer it takes, the more unexpected things can happen in between.

The other way is to continue to follow the comet. Its speed is fast enough. As long as the galaxy of the next survivor can be found, the probability of their survival will be greatly increased.

After all, there are a lot of goods on their spaceships, which are enough to arouse the interest of any survivor.

However, there is a question here, that is, will this comet bring them to a galaxy with survivors?

Zhao Baishui pondered for a long time, and finally decided not to leave the comet, but to continue flying with it!

Following the comet, it is possible not only to fly to a galaxy with survivors, but also to the location where it hit before.

If he turned around and returned to the impact location, but did not find a galaxy with survivors, then he could choose to escape from the comet.

After making such a decision, Zhao Baishui breathed a sigh of relief, and secretly said: "I wonder if the island owner has noticed that there is a problem with the comet merchant fleet!"

But he thought about it again, it has been so long, and Jiebi has not received the goods, so he should report to the island owner!
In this way, the island owner must know that there is a problem on our side!

"I hope the island owner can think of a way to save us soon!"

Sitting on the chair in the cockpit, Zhao Baishui let out a long sigh of relief, closed his eyes and got up!

At this time, Xiao Yi stood up from the island stele, looked at the time, and it was already past eleven o'clock in the evening.

Sighing helplessly, he walked towards the bedroom.

Knowing that Zhao Baishui's fleet was in danger and their whereabouts were unknown, Su Wan stayed on duty and kept an eye on the information on the island monument.

Su Wan hasn't been on the night shift for a long time.

Xiao Yi returned to the bedroom, thinking that there was divination technology in Daozang, he immediately went back to the island tablet again, and made three ancient coins with dark gold.

Su Wan looked at Xiao Yi curiously, and asked, "What is this?"

"It's for divination!" Xiao Yi replied, and then directly started doing divination here.

Su Wan was slightly startled, and asked, "Do you still believe this?"

"The supernatural power has come out, why can't you believe this?" Xiao Yi asked rhetorically.

Su Wan nodded slightly.

Xiao Yi scattered three ancient coins on the table.Looking at the three ancient coins, Xiao Yi said in a deep voice: "Tianze Lu Gua, turn bad luck into good luck."

"Does it mean that Zhao Baishui and the others will not be in danger?" Su Wan asked.

"The hexagram says so, I hope they're okay!" Xiao Yi replied, then got up and walked to the bedroom.

At this time, Zhao Baishui suddenly heard movement on the island monument, he hurriedly opened his eyes, and found that the public channel suddenly became lively!
"Great!" Zhao Baishui became excited when he saw people chatting in the public channel.

He was right, the comet brought them to a survivor galaxy again.

"What's the matter? Why did such a big bug suddenly appear?"

"Yeah, I was still collecting resources, and suddenly a bug jumped out and broke my collector!"

"I was near a planet, and a wormhole appeared on that planet."

"Great, it happens to be possible to visit other galaxies through the wormhole, maybe there will be new opportunities."

"Please, can you wait for me to finish? Pile after pile of worms are constantly gushing out of the wormhole."

"Fuck, isn't it, are there bugs in the wormhole?"

"If you don't believe me, come and see for yourself!"

"Forget it, the distance is too far, and the fuel is limited."

Looking at the chat of this galaxy survivor, Zhao Baishui knew that the overall development of this galaxy survivor was not very good, otherwise, the Zerg invasion would not have started just now.

After pondering for a while, Zhao Baishui immediately spoke in the public channel in Chaos Star Language: "Hello everyone, survivors, we are the comet merchants of the Yiranpin Alliance, and we have brought some intelligence information and goods from other galaxies. If you need , Go to the trading hall to buy it yourself!"

Everyone who was discussing the Zerg was startled when they saw the other news that suddenly appeared, and then immediately began to mock.

"Lying grass, where did this evil pen come from? How dare you say that you came from another galaxy?"

"That's right, he probably didn't even move his location, so he dared to say that he came from another galaxy."

"You still want to provide intelligence information? You know a hammer!"

"Don't be like this, everyone, what if they really come from other galaxies?"

"If he really came from another galaxy, I'll live broadcast Chixiang!"

Looking at the ridicule of these people, Zhao Baishui was not angry at all. First, he felt that he was saved after seeing the survivors, and he was in a happier mood. Second, because of his current state of mind, he didn't care too much about these jumping clowns at all. Performance.

"Since you don't believe me, let me tell you about these bugs." Zhao Baishui said, "The bugs you encounter are likely to be different. These bugs are all creatures we have seen before, but they are all huge. Yes, we have hunted and killed dozens of bugs in the chaotic galaxy, and at the same time studied their corpses, and have obtained some research results."

Having said that, Zhao Baishui stopped.

"Keep talking, don't stop, we just want to know your research results!"

"You can't say half of the words, otherwise, you will be beaten easily!"

"Lying grass, you don't really believe him, do you! Anyone who has seen bugs can tell what he said."

"That's right, anyway, I don't believe that he came from another galaxy."

Zhao Baishui took a sip of SSS grade pure water and continued, "Then do you want to know why those bugs can survive in a vacuum?"

(End of this chapter)

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