Chapter 2143 Zhu Wu's Awakening, Epiphany State

Zhu Wu nodded and said with emotion: "Dao Zang is really profound! It's a pity that I can't practice."

At this time, Xiao Yi came over and said, "Although you can't practice, as long as you get started, Daozang will affect you, and you can use the power of Daozang to speed up your cultivation, just like a fox instrument!"

"Well, I understand, but, Island Master, can you give me some high-level Concentration Pills?" Zhu Wu rubbed his hands and said.

"Get it from Du Kang yourself!" Xiao Yi replied, and he handed over all the refined Concentration Pills to the logistics.

These core members can claim them at any time.

"Okay!" Zhu Wu immediately turned his head, looked at Du Kang, and said with a smile, "Brother Kang, I need to get a high-level Concentration Pill, do you think it's convenient now?"

"That depends on your performance!" Du Kang put on airs.

Xiao Yi shook his head helplessly, then turned and walked towards the restaurant.

Behind him, Zhu Wu was still holding Du Kang's stinky feet.

"Brother Kang, what do you want to eat for lunch today, I'll buy it for you right now." Zhu Wu asked with a smile.

"Then I'll just order it casually!" Du Kang replied proudly.

The two of them at this time resembled the emperor and the head of the Ouchi very much.

After ruthlessly killing Zhu Wu, Du Kang took out the Advanced Concentration Pill.

After Zhu Wu got the Advanced Concentration Pill, he took it back to the bedroom, and he wanted to experience the feeling of high-speed cultivation immediately.

After taking the high-level concentration pill, Zhu Wu immediately entered the state of cultivation.

After he practiced for an hour, he suddenly entered an unusually mysterious state. At this moment, he seemed to sense yellow light spots appearing around him.

"Is this awakening? It feels so refreshing!"

Zhu Wu was happy to feel those yellow spots of light. Although there were only five of them, he still pursued those five spots of light tirelessly.

This game lasted for three hours, and when he woke up from that state, it was already past four o'clock in the afternoon.

Zhu Wu excitedly rushed out of his room, came to the cockpit, and shouted loudly: "Islander, I'm awakened!"

Hearing the word awakening, everyone looked at Zhu Wu.

"Are you kidding? You haven't cultivated your mind power for a week, have you awakened so soon?" Du Kang felt a little unreliable.

"Old Zhu, is what you said true?" Feng Menglong asked in surprise.

"Of course, it won't do any good for me to lie to you!" Zhu Wu replied affirmatively.

Xiao Yi was also a little surprised, and asked, "What color is the light spot you sensed?"

"Yellow!" Zhu Wu responded.

"That should be the earth element!" Xiao Yi replied, "Amazing, you are really coming from behind!"

The core members of the Yiranpin Alliance have all started to practice Taoism, but so far only Jiang Yuntian and Du Kang have awakened, and the rest are still far away!
Zhu Wu scratched his head and replied, "It's still up to you to refine the high-level Concentration Pill, otherwise I would definitely not be able to enter that very mysterious and comfortable state!"

Hearing this, Xiao Yi was slightly startled, and then asked: "Tell me about the state you entered."

"I don't know how to describe it, anyway, it makes people very comfortable!" Zhu Wu thought for a while and replied, "It took me an hour of practice to get into that state after taking the advanced concentration pill!" Xiao Yi said slightly He nodded, and then said: "This should be the state of enlightenment we often talk about, which is something that can be encountered but cannot be sought."

Hearing Xiao Yi's words, everyone looked at Zhu Wu enviously again.

"What kind of shit luck did you have to be able to enter the state of epiphany? It's really not easy!" Du Kang said.

"What is shit luck? I am very talented!" Zhu Wu replied proudly.

"No matter how talented you are, don't you still have to rely on the island master's high-level Concentration Pill?" Du Kang replied angrily.

"It depends on the island owner's Concentration Pill, but personal talent is also indispensable!" Zhu Wu said, and then said to Xiao Yi, "Island owner, do you think so!"

Xiao Yi nodded slightly, and then said: "That's right, but the effect of this Advanced Concentration Pill is beyond my expectation, everyone can use it to see if anyone can enter the state of epiphany again."

Everyone nodded in succession!

At this time, Jiang Yuntian, who went out to hunt the Zerg, rushed back, saw Zhu Wu, and greeted him, "When did you come back?"

"It's almost noon!" Zhu Wu replied with a smile.

Seeing that Zhu Wu's pig face almost turned into a chrysanthemum, Jiang Yuntian asked curiously, "What's the matter, so happy?"

"Isn't it because I stepped on dog shit, entered a state of epiphany, and then awakened!" Du Kang replied first.

"You are the jealousy of Hongguoguo!" Zhu Wu said with curled lips.

"I'm jealous of you? Not only am I awakened, but I can already control wood-type abilities. Do I want to be jealous of you?" Du Kang asked back.

Jiang Yuntian said in surprise: "Not bad, Lao Zhu, you've only awakened in a few days, and we've been struggling for so long!"

"The island owner said that this state is rare, thanks to the island owner's high-level Concentration Pill!" Zhu Wu said with a humble mouth and a proud expression.

"Advanced Concentration Pill? Is it the same as Concentration Pill?" Jiang Yuntian suddenly heard this term and asked uncertainly.

When Xiao Yi refined the high-level concentration pill, Jiang Yuntian had already left the spaceship to hunt the Zerg, and he just returned, so he didn't know about this high-level medicine.

Only then did Xiao Yi open his mouth to explain to Jiang Yuntian!
"There is such a good thing, why didn't you notify me in time!" Jiang Yuntian said excitedly, "Du Kang, give me one, I want to try it immediately."

"Let's talk after dinner, you're practicing now, and you don't even know when you'll be able to eat dinner!" Xiao Yi stopped him immediately.

Although Jiang Yuntian was impatient, he also knew that what Xiao Yi said was reasonable, so let's just wait patiently!
"Zhu Wu, did you have any special preparations when you were cultivating?" Xiao Yi asked again.

He wants to find out the law of Zhu Wu's entering the state of enlightenment. If he can artificially control the state of enlightenment, then the survivors in their alliance will definitely wake up soon!

Zhu Wu frowned and thought for a while, then shook his head, and replied: "I don't have any special preparations, except for the high-level Concentration Pill!"

"Could it be the effect of the advanced Concentration Pill?" Du Kang speculated.

"The elixir is only a supplementary effect, and it depends on the individual's cultivation!" Xiao Yi frowned and replied, "Let's do another test tonight to see if anyone else has entered the state of epiphany!"

"Yes!" The crowd responded in unison.

Zhu Wu asked with a smile: "Island Master, can I get another elixir for cultivation?"

"No!" Xiao Yi replied firmly.

(End of this chapter)

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