Chapter 2082: First level civilization, looking for collaborators

"Boss, I had an in-depth chat with that prisoner here, and learned that their civilization is only a first-level civilization, I hope you know!" Lingji privately said.

Xiao Yi, who was still having dinner, was reminded by a soldier that someone was talking about him privately on the island monument.

Xiao Yi walked over, opened the private channel, and saw the private message from Ling Ji.

"It's only a first-level civilization?" Xiao Yi muttered in surprise, "Is there only so many satellite-level ships in a first-level civilization?"

Jiang Yuntian walked over from the side and asked, "What happened?"

"Lingji sent a private message, saying that the sapphire planet is only a first-level civilization." Xiao Yi introduced concisely.

Jiang Yuntian was stunned for a moment, and then said: "So, there is a high probability that the indigenous fleets in other directions are all Level [-] civilizations?"

"Well, so to speak, we have struggled for so long, and we haven't even reached the first level of civilization." Xiao Yi shook his head and smiled helplessly.

"Yeah, but we are already fast enough. Thinking about our home planet, after developing for so long, hasn't it reached the first level of civilization?" Jiang Yuntian said with a smile.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly, and continued: "Maybe this sapphire planet is just a relatively weak planet in the first-level civilization!"

"No wonder there is no gravity system on the frigate of Planet Sapphire." Jiang Yuntian continued, "If it is a weak planet in the first-level civilization, this can explain it."

Seeing Xiao Yi and Jiang Yuntian discussing something in front of the island monument, Du Kang immediately approached and asked, "Island owner, what are you discussing?"

Xiao Yi saw that the others were also very curious, so he clapped his hands and said loudly: "I just received the message from Lingji, he told me."

After briefly explaining the message sent by Ling Ji, everyone was surprised.

"No, I feel that we are already very powerful, why haven't we reached the first level of civilization?"

"We should be regarded as reaching the first-level civilization, otherwise, the world rules will not arrange for a first-level civilization to be our opponent."

"It will take a long time for these first-level civilizations to come over. This period of time is reserved for us to develop. This shows that the world rules believe that we have not yet had the strength to fight against them head-on, so we should be almost there."

"That seems to make sense."

Xiao Yi clapped his hands again, and after attracting everyone's attention, he said, "As long as you know the news, you don't need to worry too much. Developing your own strength is the right thing to do."

"Well, the island owner is right, let's develop ourselves well, and I'll go find a transfer station." Sun Yao replied.

Pills can improve the efficiency of cultivation, so Sun Yao can find more herbs to improve everyone's strength.

"Don't be in a hurry, let's talk about it after we have a full stomach!" Xiao Yi replied.

Sun Yao replied with a smile: "I'm already full, what's more, we don't need to go back now, just control it remotely on the phone!"

Xiao Yi was slightly stunned, and then said: "Alright then, try to spread the word first, and see if there are any survivors who are interested in cooperating with us."

"Yes!" Sun Yao immediately sent a video connection to the spacecraft guarding near the wormhole.

"Master Sun, what's your order?" The other person connected immediately and asked respectfully.

Sun Yao thought for a moment and said: "Wait a moment for you to pass on a notice. The notice is as follows: Yiranpin Alliance needs to find some partners close to the planet. Becoming a partner of our alliance can give priority to purchasing the gravity system. Details of the cooperation As follows,. If interested, please contact me via private message.”


The operator immediately took this notice, passed through the wormhole, and came to the Mudisen galaxy.

Post this notice on the island monument.

The survivors in the Mutisen Galaxy instantly became excited. "Wucao, is this Yiranpin Alliance so powerful? It has even developed a gravity system?"

"Great, with the gravity system, you don't have to think about landing on the planet, and you can live well in space."

"Yeah, with gravity, many things in the first stage can be used, and you can also plant them in your own escape pod. With the acceleration of the island monument, there is no shortage of food at all!"

"There is no need to hesitate, hurry up, I am willing to become a partner."

At this time, some survivors expressed different voices: "It is recommended that everyone cooperate carefully!"

"Why?" Everyone asked.

"It's very simple. Take a closer look at the requirements in the cooperation rules. If you become their collaborator, you need to reveal your coordinates. The Yiranpin Alliance is so powerful that it will definitely eat you up!"

"It seems to be the same. You can live for a while without being exposed. This exposure is dangerous."

"However, I think the reputation of the Yiranpin Alliance is still very good. They shouldn't attack us, right?"

"Reputation? You won't be so naive, are you talking about reputation in this trial field, do you feel that you didn't die fast enough?"

"Yeah, it's all about being careful."

"But the gravity system is too tempting, I can't watch the gravity system just float by before my eyes!"

"Whatever you want, I'll say it all, you can do it for yourself."

All the survivors hesitated, but there was always one who was not afraid of death and chatted privately with the Yiranpin Alliance.

"Can you guarantee that you won't attack us after you come here?" A survivor asked nonsense in private chat.

The Chaos Star soldier standing in front of the island monument immediately replied: "Our Yiranpin Alliance will follow our word and will not deceive any survivors. As long as you don't take the initiative to attack us, we will not attack you!"

Of course, the survivor was only looking for a psychological comfort, and he would not fully believe the soldier's reply.

"Okay, then I'll try!" said the survivor.

The information quickly spread to Sun Yao, and Xiao Yi naturally saw it too.

"As long as there is the first one, the situation can be opened!" Xiao Yi said with a smile, "The first partner can buy the gravity system at half price, the second one is [-]% off, the third one is [-]% off, and so on, until there is no one Discount."

Sun Yao nodded slightly, and replied: "Yes, I will give the order."

This information came to the Mudisen galaxy through transmission.

"In order to reward the top five survivors who cooperate with our alliance, the alliance decided to sell it to the top five survivors at a discount."

Seeing this, the survivors became restless again.

"Fuck me, No.1 is half price, no, I want to grab No.1!"

"Yeah, half price can save a lot of money!"

"I'm speechless. Whoever made the move so quickly, someone on my side of the planet has already chosen to cooperate. When I chatted privately with the Yiranpin Alliance, the other party told me that there is already a partner."

"Yeah, although I grabbed the cooperation quota, I'm only No.4!"

(End of this chapter)

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