Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 208 Building a Group and Yitian, Gathering Respondents

Chapter 208 Building a Group and Yitian, Gathering Respondents

Xiao Yi and Su Wan, who were watching the speeches of survivors from other countries on the public channel, were confused by the sudden speeches of survivors from the Xia Kingdom.

Xiao Yi picked up the walkie-talkie and asked, "Anran, what happened in Xia Guo's group, why did they all go to the public channel?"

An Ran immediately told everyone about Xuanyuan Wuwei's banning and reprimanding.

Xiao Yi was stunned again: "According to Xuanyuan Wuwei's behavior before, it shouldn't be so brainless! Doing so will simply offend all the Xia Kingdom survivors in the group!"

"Who said it wasn't? I really don't know what's going on with him, or the previous behaviors were all just pretending, and now I can't pretend anymore!" An Ran said.

Xiao Yi shook his head speechlessly.

An Ran continued: "Those people in the public channel call on you to create a group, do you want to build it?"

Xiao Yi pondered.

The conversation between Xiao Yi and An Ran was on the public channel of the walkie-talkie, so other people could naturally hear it, and they expressed their opinions one after another.

"I think this is an opportunity!" Yuan Nong's voice came from the walkie-talkie, "It's not troublesome to start a group, and you can accumulate some contacts. Of course, accumulating contacts is not to become someone, but there are With these contacts, the food and clothes we will produce in the future will have a very broad market."

With the current development trend, there will definitely be a surplus of food and clothes on Xiaoyi Island, which requires external sales.

A huge network of people will make sales extremely easy, just like the micro-businesses in the previous world, with more friends, there will always be a few who will buy it!
"I also agree with what Yuan Lao said, and as the island gets bigger and bigger in the future, we will definitely need more manpower, so we need to find some talents in advance!" Anyue agreed.

"Agreed, many people are powerful, things are always done by people, but they really need to be carefully screened!" Jiang Yuntian said in the same way.

If he really had a few more reliable subordinates, Xiao Yi would be able to expand his island with confidence, instead of being restrained like yesterday and not daring to expand wantonly.

It's easy to find subordinates, now that Xiao Yideng called out, there are definitely crowds of responders!
But it's hard to say whether these applicants want to develop together with Xiao Yi, or to make a fortune with his resources!

Of course, there is another way to collect more contract cards, so that no matter why those subordinates come, as long as they can guarantee their loyalty, there will be no problem!

The rest of the ladies said in agreement, "Agreed!"

Xiao Yi nodded slightly, and said, "Okay, I'll build a group."

After thinking for a while, Xiao Yi wrote on the name of the newly created group chat: "Yi Tian!"

Easy means easy, simple, and I hope that the days to come will be easier and simpler.

Yi still has the intention of changing, Xiao Yi hopes to change this world!
"Everyone, I am Yi Ranpin. At everyone's request, I created a group called Yi Tian. All Xia people and international friends who understand Xia's language are welcome to join!"

"If you need to join the group to find someone, please change your ID to the form of looking for XXX!"

"In addition, discussions are free in the group, but verbal abuse is prohibited. If you encounter someone who insults and initiates, immediately kick them out of the group chat and block them!"

Xiao Yi posted this news on the public channel entirely in Xia language.

Foreigners are naturally welcome, but they need to understand the language of Xia Guo!
The survivors who appealed to Xiao Yi Jianqun immediately became excited after seeing the news.

"Great, Yiranpin has finally established a group, I'll go there now!"

"Me too, I have long wanted to join the Yiranpin boss group, and I finally have a chance!"

"Join quickly, I have a hunch that there will definitely be a lot of dry goods in the Yiranpin boss group!"

"Boss Yiranpin always talks about dry goods, okay?"

"What kind of boss, you just want to take advantage of the fire to rob, and even add foreigners, it's simply forgetting your ancestors!"

"Upstairs, are you Xuanyuan Wuwei's bastard?" "Go away, aren't you going to tell the truth?"

"Sure enough, how many resources Xuanyuan Wuwei gave you, let me see if it's worth it!"

"This Yiranpin is really willing to help foreigners, and is unwilling to help our own compatriots. It's disgusting!"

"Has Xuanyuan Wuwei started to summon trolls? Otherwise, you can just go out and fight yourself! Don't be depressed, don't be reserved!"

Xuanyuan Wuwei was about to explode when he saw what those people said in the public channel.

Although he was indeed the one who arranged for those people to attack Xiao Yi in the public channel, he was still furious when others tore up this fig leaf!

"No, we must find someone to ruin this Yi Ranpin group! Xia Guo can only have one group, and that is the group I built!" Xuanyuan Wuwei said with squinted eyes.

Xiao Yi ignored the scolding battle on the public channel, but set the joining conditions to a few text questions, and if he answered all of them correctly, he could join the group chat.

"Hey, look for Wang Tieniu to join the group chat!"

"Drip, the big head joins the group chat!"

"Drip, Survival of the Lonely Path joins the group chat!"

The reminders from the island monument kept ringing, Xiao Yi simply turned off the notifications!

On the other side, in the group chat that Xuanyuan Wuwei managed to pull together, people kept leaving the group.

"Ma De, they are all a group of white-eyed wolves, have you forgotten how I helped them?" Xuanyuan Wuwei kicked the big tree next to him fiercely.

Members who have joined the Yitian group began to promote the group spontaneously.

"Boss Yiranpin has endless water and food, and he has figured out the laws of this world, so hurry up and join in!"

"Join Yitian, change Yitiandi!"

"Do you know the secret of the evolution of the island? Yiranpin boss told us a week ago!"

Others will choose to join in when they see these propagandas. They have water and food, and they can also learn some laws and secrets of this world, so no fools will come!
But not everyone will choose to quit Xuanyuan Wuwei's group.

Wouldn't it be more delicious to enjoy the dividends on both sides?

Even Xuanyuan Wuwei's original subordinates chose to join Yitian secretly!

The shadow of the famous tree of people, although they don't know the power of Yi Ranpin, but Yi Ranpin is almost blown away by people in the same area, so they have to experience it.

Even if he is not so powerful, then he just joined a group chat, and he can leave the group at any time.

If it is true, wouldn't he make a lot of money!
For a while, Xiao Yi's new group quickly poured in a large number of members.

After 10 minutes, the growth rate of group members finally slowed down.

The people in the group have already chatted!
"Haha, in fact, I wanted Yi Ranpin to form a group a long time ago, but I didn't dare to say so."

"Why don't you dare to say it clearly, the boss Yi Ranpin is not that guy Xuanyuan Wuwei, he will silence you every now and then!"

"Speaking of Xuanyuan Wuwei, I'm a little worried that he might arrange some undercover agents in our group!"

(End of this chapter)

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