Chapter 2069: One hundred and fifty million, the importance of daily training

"To be honest, I just had a battle with this frigate. Fortunately, a boss just sold my power generation device, otherwise I really can't handle this frigate." Lingji said truthfully.

Xiao Yi said in surprise: "Yes, it seems that your daily training is very effective!"

"Oh, stop talking, the resources at hand are almost gone!" Lingji said helplessly, "That's why I'm going to sell this frigate to you!"

Xiao Yi nodded slightly. It is well known that training requires a lot of resources.

"This is a spaceship with special functions, are you sure you want to sell it to me?" Xiao Yi confirmed again.

"Sure, although I also want to keep it, but my current strength is limited, I can only exchange some resources!" Lingji said helplessly, "Of course, I have to make it clear that taking this frigate may cause trouble. "

Next, Lingji explained his worries in detail, and he did this to maintain a good relationship with Xiao Yi.

"So, you have to think carefully before deciding whether to buy this frigate." Lingji finally said.

Xiao Yi nodded in satisfaction, he likes dealing with honest people the most, it's much better than those survivors who hide and need to figure out the other party's intentions slowly.

"Well, thank you for telling me these things, as long as you are ready to make a move, our Yiranpin Alliance will accept it!" Xiao Yi replied with a smile.

"Alright, then how much is this frigate worth?" Lingji asked hastily.

"Normally upgrading from an escape pod to a large spaceship requires 1.5 million cornerstones and dark gold, but you are a large spaceship with special functions, so it is naturally slightly more expensive, but after all, it is damaged, and it will take nearly 3000 million to repair the damage." Xiao While talking, Yi thought to himself, "Well, I took this frigate for 1.5 million yuan. There should be some equipment on the frigate that can be used after repairing. Then I will add 20 additional medium-sized laser cannons. You What do you think?"

Lingji always thought that an electromagnetic railgun would be enough, so he never replaced it with a laser cannon, but after today's battle, he knew that equipping a laser cannon must be on the agenda.

"The price given by the boss is very fair, so it's decided!" Lingji replied.

A damaged frigate can be exchanged for 1.5 million yuan plus 20 medium-sized laser cannons, which is not bad.

"That's fine, you can initiate a transaction with me directly, and I will say hello to the recharge side." Xiao Yi said.

Without the slightest hesitation, Lingji initiated the transaction immediately.

"[Damaged large space frigate] * 1 trade [medium-sized laser cannon] (SSS level) * 20."

Xiao Yi agreed to the deal.

"The transaction was successful, triggering a quadruple harvest and obtaining materials: damaged large space frigate*4."

After getting the large frigate, Xiao Yi raised his head and immediately said to Feng Menglong, "Recharge 1.5 million to Lingji's account."

"Yes!" Feng Menglong responded subconsciously, then immediately widened his eyes and shouted, "What? 1.5 million?"

And his yelling also attracted everyone's attention.

"What 1.5 million?" Du Kang asked curiously.

Feng Menglong replied: "The island owner asked me to recharge the spirit base with 1.5 million. This is too much. Is it a mistake?" Xiao Yi nodded slightly and said with a smile: "That's right, it's 1.5 million. The other party sold it to He bought me a large frigate. Although it is damaged, it is still worth the price, not to mention that I still have four times the harvest status."

Hearing this, Feng Menglong suddenly realized, just hearing the name of this spaceship, he knew that this is the kind of spaceship with special functions, and the price is naturally more expensive than ordinary spaceships.

Although Xiao Yi bought it back at the original price, he will definitely not lose money!
"Okay, I understand, I'll do it now!" Feng Menglong responded immediately.

Lingji waited there for a while, and found that his account had not been recharged. Just as he was about to chat with Xiao Yi privately to ask what was going on, the prompts on his mobile phone and computer rang: "Your virtual account Successfully recharged 1.5 million yuan."

Looking at the large string of numbers, Lingji muttered: "I thought this Yiranpin was going to swallow my things! The Yiranpin Alliance is really trustworthy!"

At this time, everyone on Xiao Yi's spaceship was already discussing.

"Island Master, how did the spirit foundation get such a high-level ship?" Jiang Yuntian asked suspiciously.

Xiao Yi replied: "They just shot it down!"

"Ah? They can beat such a high-level special ship?" Sun Gudao was a little bit unconvinced.

Xiao Yi glanced at Sun Gudao, and said with a smile: "It's not that we are the only alliance that values ​​combat, they also have daily training!"

"Hey, this spirit foundation is not simple, it must be a lot of work to be willing to do daily training!" Du Kang marveled.

"According to him, that's true, but they have persevered, and now they have seen the results. So far, it seems to be very correct!" Xiao Yi responded.

After daily training, this time not only ensured their safety, but also harvested a large frigate, which brought them huge wealth, which can fully make up for the loss of previous training, and also made a lot of money!
Jiang Yuntian nodded in agreement, and said, "That's right, it's really fast to gain wealth through fighting. He got 1.5 million in this battle, which is a fortune!"

"Why don't we go find trouble with those natives? The spirit foundation can handle it. There is no reason why our soldiers who train every day can't handle it!" Du Kang suggested.

Xiao Yi shook his head slightly, and said: "He happened to meet him. If he took the initiative to find those natives, the cost of finding them would not be small. In addition, if he found a large fleet, he might even be accused by the other party. Eat it, the gain outweighs the loss!"

"That's right, if you encounter a single person, there is absolutely no problem with one-on-one, but if you encounter a fleet, although our soldiers are excellent, they will be killed by random artillery, not to mention that there are more advanced soldiers now. Civilization exists." Jiang Yuntian continued.

"Everyone must remember that we are still not strong enough to underestimate any enemy!" Xiao Yi looked around and said in a deep voice.

"Yes!" Everyone responded in unison with a slight expression on their faces.

At this time, the public channel became lively again, and it turned out that Na Lingji was doing free advertisements for the Yiranpin Alliance.

"I have to say, the small nuclear fusion power generation device of the boss is too powerful. I fired three rounds of electromagnetic railguns in a row, and the battery was almost full in an instant!" Lingji said in the public channel.

"Lying on the grass, is it so powerful?"

"If I remember correctly, the spirit base master's spaceship should be large, and there are eighty weapon slots on a large spaceship."

(End of this chapter)

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