Chapter 205 Coarse cloth, a work of practice

After a wave of publicity in the large group, Martin went to the public channel again.

"Who said my things are useless, the boss of Yiranpin has already collected them, and gave me a lot of water and food!" Martin felt like a salted fish turned over.

"What? Yi Ranpin would accept this, is his brain caught by the door?"

"You can't say that, he may be investing, and if he sells it in the future, he will make a lot of money!"

"The future? I don't know if there is a future!"

"It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not. Just a reminder, if you have advanced manufacturing drawings or other things, you can take them to chat with Yiranpin in private. Anyway, chatting will not hurt you!" Martin said.

Xiao Yi watched Martin promote himself in the public channel, and said with a smile: "It seems that the water and sea fish are not free!"

"Everyone, come and have breakfast!" An Ran greeted through the intercom.

"Okay!" Everyone responded one after another, and then rushed to the farmhouse.

When Xiao Yi and Su Wan arrived, everyone else had already arrived.

"Xiao Yi, that robot farm assistant is too powerful, such a small field, it can't be hard for it at all!" Yuan Nong said excitedly, "I even let it cultivate the ordinary field of four or fifty square meters outside. Down!"

Xiao Yi nodded, and replied: "Just use it if it's easy to use! In addition, you use the attached island tablet to join the Xia Kingdom group, and help me pay attention to the information inside. I have already withdrawn from here!"

Everyone was shocked, Yuan Nong asked, "Why did you quit the group?"

Xiao Yi roughly said what Xuanyuan Wuwei said before.

"Ah! I thought Xuanyuan Wuwei was someone, but I didn't expect him to be such a person!" Anyue said.

"Here, everyone cares about themselves first. If he is so enthusiastic about helping others, he always asks for something!" Yuan Nong said, "Maybe he wants to be the leader!"

"Let's leave him alone, most of you join his group chat because you want to find your relatives and friends. It's just not very convenient to communicate on the public channel!" Xiao Yi replied.

The crowd nodded.

In this world without rules, who wants to be controlled by others, and after finding their relatives, they can't develop themselves!

Today's breakfast is milk eggs, pancake rolls and shredded potatoes!
Except for potatoes, which are common foods, all other foods are above grade A.

Jiang Yuntian took a bite of the pancake and said, "Xiao Yi, so far, there has been no case of any marine life attacking an island!"

Xiao Yi frowned, and said, "Could it be that the attacks were all over last night?"

Jiang Yuntian shook his head, who could say for sure.

"Then wait until night to see what happens!" Xiao Yi replied.


After everyone enjoyed a sumptuous breakfast, Xiao Yi followed Yuan Nong to find some straw and threw it into the digester.

"Old Yuan, from now on, all the cows should be fed with S-grade grass!" Xiao Yi said, looking at the straw in his hand.

In order to provide enough food for the cows before, these straws are left to serve as food for the cows.

After all, the previous S-level fields were not big enough to grow pastures, but also other S-level foods.

"Well, I have already used one acre of land in the manor to grow pasture. Not only can I provide food for the cows, but I can also provide food for the chickens and wild boars!" Yuan Nong replied.Xiao Yi nodded.

Although it seems a bit wasteful to feed A-level chickens and ordinary-level wild boars with S-level pasture, Xiao Yi is not short of this kind of pasture!
What's more, if you feed them high-level food, you may have a chance to raise their level. If you can level up like Dabai, then you will make a lot of money!
After bidding farewell to Yuan Nong, Xiao Yi walked towards the wooden workshop.

Now all the materials in the wooden factory building have been moved to the large steel structure factory building, and this place is handed over to Li Yan, and it will be used as a weaving and clothing factory!

Coming to the wooden workshop, Li Yan was watching Lu Pinger use the spinning machine to spin the plant fibers extracted from the bark, as well as the hairs of some small animals that had been hunted before, into yarn or thread.

There is still half-finished cloth on the loom beside it.

"Can we weave already?" Xiao Yi asked in surprise.

Li Yan replied with a smile: "It's all for practice, it's very rough!"

Xiao Yi stepped forward and rubbed the cloth with his hand, it was indeed very rough, even a little painful.

"Practice with these things and become proficient, and then use cotton to make them, the speed will be much faster!" Li Yan continued, "Before cotton was planted, I asked Ping'er to use these things to spin and weave every day. , At least one meter of coarse cloth must be woven."

Only then did Xiao Yi see that some coarse cloth had been placed in the corner of the factory building.

"Well, the cotton should be ready for delivery this afternoon, and it should be ready to use after a little drying," Xiao Yi said.

Li Yan nodded and said, "I've also seen those cottons, they are of high quality, and the clothes they make must be very comfortable to wear!"

Lu Pinger whispered from the side: "Shall we try to cut some clothes out of these coarse cloths, and practice our hands!"

Xiao Yi nodded in agreement, and said, "Well, I think it's okay, but we don't have needles now, what should we do?"

Li Yan said with a smile: "You may not have paid attention to this aspect, but it is on the island stele! No need to make a drawing, a single unit of copper or iron can make a whole set of needles!"

Xiao Yi was stunned for a moment, he really hadn't paid attention to these things.

"Okay, I'll go build a set on the island monument and bring it here!" Xiao Yi said as he left the wooden workshop and returned to the island monument.

Switch to the construction page of the island monument, enter needles in the search bar on this page, and immediately filter out all needle manufacturing.

I found needles for mending, and then made two sets, one set of copper needles and one set of iron needles, which were packed in wooden boxes and brought to the wooden factory building.

There are scissors in the kitchens of the farmyard and the villa, and Li Yan has already brought a pair of scissors.

Scissors will definitely be needed to make clothes in the future.

Li Yan has systematically studied fashion design, so she is very familiar with the process from spinning and weaving to garment making.

In addition, she also opened a clothing factory before, no one is more familiar with the whole process than her!
Li Yan said: "This winter is over, let's start directly from shirts!"

As she spoke, Li Yan made various marks on the coarse cloth while explaining to Lu Pinger.

When Lu Pinger didn't understand, she would ask questions in time.

Under Xiao Yi's surprised gaze, Li Yan cut a piece of coarse cloth, and then sewed it with the spun thread.

In just ten minutes, a long-sleeved shirt was sewn.

"What you need to pay attention to is the process of cutting the cloth, the position of sewing, and the sequence of this set of processes. This is just a demonstration. It is too rough. Don't take this as an example!" Li Yan was a little dissatisfied The finished product in your own hands.

(End of this chapter)

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