Chapter 2046 Identity transformation, we are treated as BOSS
The fire phoenix's post was very lively, and some survivors moved all the relevant content of his post to the public channel of the island monument.

"No way, Fire Phoenix is ​​too straightforward!"

"This is a terrible thing, and I will confess it straightforwardly."

"That's right, who would give up their lives for other races?"

More than [-]% of this galaxy is not the same race, they are all from different planets, they don't know each other at all, it is impossible to sacrifice themselves for the benefit of the entire survivors.

"Now that advanced civilizations already know the function of the island monument, we estimate that it is even more dangerous now. They will definitely continue to search for the island monument."

"No need to estimate, it must be more dangerous. No matter how advanced a civilization is, it is impossible to produce a finished product in an instant."

"Yes, the manufacturing ability of the island monument is too strong, any civilization will want this kind of manufacturing ability."

"I don't think so. According to what you said, the island monument is so powerful, and we can still have one each. Isn't that a bit illogical?"

Generally speaking, the more powerful something is, the smaller the number will be.

"Also, have you ever thought about who made this island monument? I believe it was also made by a civilization. If there is a civilization that can make this island monument, it means that not every civilization wants this island. monument."

"The civilization that can create the island monument must be a god!"

"I'm a staunch atheist, and my world view has collapsed when you say that."

"The gods I'm talking about refer to those who can do things that ordinary people can't do. Such people can be called gods."

"Why do you say these gods want to test us? So many survivors have been sacrificed, it doesn't seem to care at all."

"Yes, what exactly will the selected survivors do?"

"Ghost knows what to do!"

"Could it be to resist the undead invasion?"

"This is possible, but not necessarily. So far in the second stage, I have only seen Zerg, and have not encountered undead."

"Maybe it could be Zerg!"

"Why do you think so much, let's think about how to deal with the Zerg and higher civilizations now!"

"That is, let's settle the current matter first. If we can't get through the current predicament, the future will not be good."

Xiao Yi glanced at the discussion in the public channel, and stopped paying attention. This kind of discussion was meaningless.

At this time, Xiao Yi suddenly received a private message on the site: "Boss Yi Ranpin, I actually have a piece of news from my side. If you give me 20, I can tell you."

It was from Fire Phoenix.

"20? Is your news so valuable?" Xiao Yi frowned slightly.

Although 20 virtual currency is not much to Xiao Yi, he doesn't want to be taken advantage of!
Huohuang continued: "I'm not sure, but the 20 is the buyout fee. I will tell you any news I get here!"

Xiao Yi thought for a while, and said, "That's fine, I'll transfer 20 to your account right away."

Soon, Huohuang saw on his mobile phone that his account had increased by 20.

Huohuang immediately sent a private message to Xiao Yi: "They did take me to a cabin before and communicated with them using the island monument. They introduced themselves as the fleet from the planet Menken to search for treasures." "Planet Menken? Searching for treasure?" Xiao Yi repeated these two words in shock.

Huohuang continued to privately message: "Boss, I feel that they should have been reminded by the rules of the world, so they came here."

Since it is a search for treasure, it should be searched everywhere, rather than coming in one direction very purposefully.

The fleets of these advanced civilizations came here very purposefully, otherwise, they would not basically ignore the escape pods they encountered on the road.

"Okay, I see. If you have more information in the future, please private message me in time!" Xiao Yi responded.

"Yes, thank you sir!"

After finishing the private message on the site, Xiao Yi pondered, and now things have gradually become clear.

The advanced civilizations that appeared in the chaotic galaxy regarded him as a treasure. Because the Fire Phoenix was captured, there was no more news, so we could only speculate, but now it is basically certain that this is the case.

"Did I become the final boss of the treasure?" Xiao Yi muttered.

Jiang Yuntian, who was sitting opposite Xiao Yi, heard Xiao Yi's muttering, immediately raised his head, and asked, "What boss?"

"Look at this!" Xiao Yi took a screenshot of the private message chat between himself and Huohuang Station, and sent it to Jiang Yuntian.

After Jiang Yuntian saw this screenshot, he immediately said, "No way, we used to dig for treasures, but now someone else is digging for us?"

"It's very possible. I didn't pay attention to how many high-level civilization fleets came to our galaxy before, but now I count them, there are eight in total, and the location is exactly the same as the treasure map dug in the first stage." Xiao Yi said with emotion.

"This also explains why we can't hide. When we move, they will move with us. They are here for our good things!" Jiang Yuntian said.

"Those survivors encountered on the road are equivalent to those little monsters encountered during the treasure digging process. As long as they fight, they will gain something." Xiao Yi continued.

"Island owner, what are you talking about, so high?" At this moment Du Kang came over and asked.

"According to the information just obtained, we are likely to be regarded as treasure bosses." Jiang Yuntian explained briefly.

Du Kang was stunned for a moment, and said: "If the Fire Phoenix didn't lie to us, it is really very possible!"

Xiao Yi nodded slightly, and said with a smile: "Since the rules of the world allow us to be the final boss, we must take action so that these civilizations cannot easily take us down."

"That's right!" Jiang Yuntian was also full of fighting spirit, "Island Master, I request to take the initiative to fight!"

"You have a good idea, honestly give me three days of rest, and if you are not honest, the rest time will be doubled!" Xiao Yi said angrily.

"Come on, island owner, the atmosphere is already here, how can you let me continue to rest!" Jiang Yuntian was still fighting hard.

"You must rest, this is an order." Xiao Yi said mercilessly.

"Oh, okay!" Jiang Yuntian replied helplessly, he was planning to take this opportunity to stop resting, but now it seems that there is no way.

Jiang Yuntian sat back in his seat like an eggplant beaten by frost, and Xiao Yi looked at the public channel again.

"I suggest that everyone should hunt and kill bugs. I have just collected the raw materials for a Zerg equipment and made it. It is very strong!"

(End of this chapter)

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