Chapter 2044 News from Sisi, Planet Monken
"Yes." Dili said affirmatively, "I want to know how is Sis doing after I leave?"

Xiao Yi wasn't surprised that Dili would bring up this issue. It was [-]% of the reason why Dili decided to join him so decisively.

If Xiao Yi hadn't mentioned Sisi, Di Li might have thought Xiao Yi was a big liar.

Xiao Yi thought about it for a while, and said, "It shouldn't be too bad, after all, for you, she stole the source of the elves' fountain of light and gave it to you. I don't need to say what kind of punishment she will receive when she goes back. You should be able to guess it too."

Dili nodded slightly and sighed: "It's really hard for her."

"Fortunately, the light elves didn't make things too difficult for her. They just took down her title of elf queen and kept thinking about it." Xiao Yi said in a deep voice.

"You've been facing the wall and thinking about the past?" Di Li looked at Xiao Yi in shock, and asked, "A whole 10 years?"

Xiao Yi nodded slightly, and continued: "You need to know what the Fountain of Light means to the Bright Elves! She stole the Fountain of Light, and she can be spared the death penalty, but the living crime is inevitable!"

"Is she still facing the wall and thinking about it?" Dili asked anxiously.

Xiao Yi shook his head, and replied, "After I helped them revive the Fountain of Light, Sisi regained her freedom."

Dili bowed to Xiao Yi again, and said, "Thank you, Lord Island Master!"

"Why are you being so polite? It's not helping you." Xiao Yi replied with a smile.

"I'm sorry for her, and helping her is helping me!" Di Li said in a deep voice.

Xiao Yi shook his head: "In fact, none of you is sorry for anyone. Since we are together, we support each other and help each other."

Di Li was slightly startled, then nodded in agreement, and continued to ask: "Then how is she doing after she is free?"

"It's not good, because even after so many years, she still entrusts me to find your information, what do you think?" Xiao Yi asked back.

Dili let out a long breath, he already understood what Xiao Yi meant, for Sisi, only by being with Dili can he have a good life, nothing else matters.

"Island Master, do we really have a chance to return to your island in the first stage?" Dili asked.

Xiao Yi looked at the starry sky outside, and said in a deep voice, "I have to go back!"

Dili nodded emphatically, and replied, "I must go back too."

Next, Dili asked some more about the elves, and Xiao Yi knew everything.

Knowing that all the elves had moved to Xiao Yi's island now, Di Li was very surprised. He knew the elves' stubbornness better than anyone else.

But through these news, Dili knew better about Xiao Yi's strength, and was very glad that he was able to join Xiao Yi's command.

In the past, he took refuge in Xiao Yi purely because he wanted to know the news about Sisi, but now he wholeheartedly wanted to take refuge in Xiao Yi.

After answering Dili's question, Xiao Yi said: "Your room has been arranged, take a good rest first, if there is anything else, we can talk slowly later, although we want to go back, we definitely can't go back now."

Dili nodded slightly, then Xiao Yi greeted Zhu Wu and asked him to take Dili to rest.

"I'm not tired on the road, and I can't fall asleep so early, so chat with me here (bragging)!" Zhu Wu said with a smile.

"As you like!" Xiao Yi said with a smile.

Zhu Wu saw that the small bar on the side was full of people, they were all those who had just eaten, and knowing that there were all core members, he nodded.

If you want to integrate into the Yiranpin Alliance, start by integrating into the core team!

After pushing Dili to that side, Zhu Wu turned around and asked, "Island Master, can't we trade today?"

"Wait a little longer, it's not time yet." Xiao Yi shook his head and replied. "It took a long time this time." Zhu Wu said with a smile.

"Skills are triggered probabilistically, and no one can control them." Xiao Yi replied helplessly.

"That's fine, I'll wait for your notice!" After Zhu Wu finished speaking, he left with Di Li.

Dili was confused, but he didn't ask too much. After all, he just came here, and there are many things to understand slowly.

Xiao Yi's quadruple state, Zhu Wu and Jiebi didn't talk about it tacitly. It's up to Xiao Yi to decide whether to tell Dili about this.
At this time, the Fire Phoenix, which was captured by the advanced civilization fleet, ushered in the opponent's team again.

The other party took him out of the glass cover and escorted him to a cabin. This time, the alien creature in that cabin was not wearing protective clothing, and the island monument was also beside him.

Apparently the other party has determined that there are no deadly microorganisms on him, and the island monument is used for communication.

Without wearing the thick protective clothing, their appearance was also exposed in front of the fire phoenix.

These people are short in stature, with sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks and thick and lush hair, like a little monkey that hasn't fully evolved.

"Hello, we are the fleet from Planet Monken to search for treasures, please introduce yourself!" said the other party.

Fire Phoenix nodded slightly, and replied: "Fire Phoenix, Phoenix Planet."

The other party didn't even introduce their name, and Huohuang also introduced very limited.

The little monkeys frowned when they heard Huohuang's words, and then began to communicate in a low voice.

After communicating for a while, they continued to ask: "Where is the Fire Phoenix planet?"

Huohuang frowned slightly, and replied directly: "We were transported here by a special force. Even if I know the location of Planet Phoenix, I don't know how to tell you, let alone I don't know yet."

This sentence is half true and half false, and the other party will definitely not be able to find fault.

As a tester, Huohuang was sent here, and he also fully knows the solar system where the Phoenix planet is located.

"Is the special power from this item?" The other party pointed to the island tablet and asked again.

"I don't know, this island monument is after we are teleported to an island, there will be one, and everyone who is teleported will have one." Fire Phoenix replied.

As long as you don't ask him about his home planet, he can tell you everything else.

Although there is a high probability that there is no one on the home planet, Fire Phoenix still does not want to reveal its location.

Hearing these words, the little monkeys were a little shocked. In their opinion, this island monument is so powerful that it must not be a Chinese cabbage on the side of the road, but they did not expect that Huohuang and the others would have one.

"What is the function of this island monument?" It seems that the other party is quite interested in the island monument.

Huohuang immediately introduced all the functions of the island monument in detail, even including the refreshing of the material box.

The little monkeys became more and more surprised when they heard Huohuang's introduction. They had never seen such a magical item.

"Can this island monument really be accelerated and refreshed?"

"Can it still be traded? No matter where you are in a galaxy, the traded items will arrive instantly?"

"As long as there are manufacturing drawings and raw materials, can it be manufactured in an instant?"

(End of this chapter)

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