Chapter 2038 Nuclear Explosion Dark Thunder Kills Insects

"If there are any survivors who are particularly like hunting bugs and can't find the target, I have a good place to go. Come to the teleportation planet of the dinosaur planet. There are many bugs there!"

"Brother are you kidding me?"

"That's right, with so many bugs, as long as one is provoked, the others will probably come together."

"It's still estimated, it must be so!"

"The person who made this suggestion is either stupid or bad!"

"That's right, I remember that there are things that can eat spaceships on that planet!"

"Why aren't the Zergs on the planet affected?"

"You should ask the rules of the world for this question, I can't answer your question at all!"

"Maybe that kind of invisible thing likes to eat spaceships!"

Seeing this, Xiao Yi thought for a while, and then sent a message to Ergou and Sun Yao each: "Is your planet already full of Zerg army?"

Ergou replied immediately: "The planet leading to the dinosaur galaxy is already full of bugs, but they are all dormant. No Zerg wormholes have been found on the dinosaur planet yet."

After a while, Sun Yao replied: "More than [-]% of the planets in the chaotic galaxy are occupied by bugs, and there are no Zerg wormholes in the Mudisen galaxy."

Xiao Yi nodded slightly, and then sent a message to the two of them: "For the time being, our team should not land on those planets, and don't provoke those bugs."

"Yes!" Ergou and Sun Yao replied.

It's just that on the meteorite, I encountered moths that Jiang Yuntian almost confessed to. There is a huge space on a planet, and there are a lot of bugs, which will only make it more dangerous.

After instructing Sun Yao and the two, Xiao Yi looked at the public channel again.

"If we had weapons of mass destruction, wouldn't we be able to wipe out a lot of bugs at once?"

"Will this explode a lot of equipment?"

"Well, maybe you can, but first you need this kind of weapon."

"It would be nice to have consumable weapons like grenades."

"There seems to be a space nuclear explosion hidden mine in the big brother's online market, which can be regarded as a weapon of mass destruction."

"Really? Why don't I know?"

"It's very simple, you didn't snatch your mobile phone or computer, as long as you have these two things, you can find them with just one search!"

"You're so direct!"

"I'm going to buy one and use it first. I don't think it's cheap. It costs two thousand for one, and it's still a consumable item."

"After all, it's an SSS-level item, and it's normal if it's not cheap."

"How many SSS-level item templates does Yiranpin have?"

"Anyway, there are a lot of them. Don't worry too much. I'll buy them when they're on the shelves. Although I don't have SSS-level templates, I can use SSS-level items. They're all the same!"

"That is, as long as it can be used, it doesn't matter whether there is a template or not. As long as the boss launches the item, he has never stopped selling it."

"Yeah, the boss is too powerful to get so many raw materials."

"If you have three galaxies to provide you with raw materials, you will not worry about the supply of raw materials."

"You can't say that, even if you have comet merchants, you can't buy enough raw materials."

"Yeah, at least a lot of advanced templates."

"That's right. If you take out any of the items from the boss, everyone will rush to grab them. You don't have to worry about not receiving the raw materials." "The key is that the boss has good things in his hands, and everything else is just support."

While everyone was discussing, a survivor had already released the nuclear mine that he had just bought.

On the meteorite in front of him, he could clearly see dormant bugs, densely packed, probably hundreds of them.

After releasing the nuclear mine, the survivor immediately controlled it to fly towards the middle of the bugs.

When the nuclear explosion mine approached the bugs, they all woke up and looked at the nuclear explosion mine's position.

Nuclear explosion mines have a certain degree of concealment, but these bugs discovered it more because of their perception of danger.

The survivor worried that if the distance was too far away, the damage would not be enough, so he continued to control the nuclear explosion mine and flew towards the swarm.

Those insects like grasshoppers immediately jumped up and rushed towards the nuclear mine.

Survivors didn't even think about evading, but continued to control the nuclear explosion and charged down!
"Didi, the nuclear mine is under external attack, please detonate it as soon as possible, otherwise it may be damaged and cannot be detonated."

Hearing the reminder sent back from the nuclear explosion mine, the survivor did not hesitate at all, and immediately chose to detonate it.

The giant grasshopper lying on the nuclear mine was instantly torn apart, and the ones that hadn't jumped up were also torn apart by the shock wave.

Even the meteorite where these grasshoppers were located was blown into several pieces!

Because they were worried that those bugs would rush to their own escape pod, the survivors originally parked the escape pod far away from the meteorite!But the survivor's escape pod was still opened far away by the shock gun.

"Lying grass, is this dark thunder so powerful?" The survivor looked at the scene in front of him in shock and said.

After being stunned for a while, he immediately drove the escape pod forward again. After killing so many bugs this time, something should explode out, otherwise, he would be at a big loss. After all, a nuclear explosion hidden mine costs 2000 yuan Woolen cloth.

"Hey, there really is something!" The survivor saw a scroll next to the broken corpse of a grasshopper.

He manipulated the mechanical arm to retrieve the scroll, put it on the island tablet and looked at it, it was indeed a manufacturing drawing.

"[Manufacturing Diagram of Leg Augmentation Exoskeleton]*1."

"What the hell is this? Let's throw it on the public channel first and let everyone discuss it!"

The Survivor said so, and sent the manufacturing drawing to the public channel.

"Lying on the grass, is this also the manufacturing map of the insects?"

"That's right, I just exploded a meteorite with the boss's nuclear explosion mine and killed all the bugs on it, and this thing exploded."

"Is it so cool? Looks like I'm going to buy a few dark thunder fried fish too!"

"Remind me, boss's nuclear explosion mine is very powerful, you must stay away when it detonates."

"Yeah, my escape pod was almost blown up."

"Did the nuclear explosion mine be used upstairs? What manufacturing diagrams were obtained?"

"There is not even a single hair. It may be that I fried too few insects, only a dozen or so."

"That is to say, it is still possible to lose money by using nuclear explosions and hidden mines to blow up bugs."

"Of course there is a possibility of loss. The bug dropping the scroll is a probabilistic event. It depends entirely on the face. It's just that the more you kill, the more likely it will fall."

"There are risks in everything you do. Don't think about making a profit without losing money. There is no such business!"

"Shouldn't we discuss the manufacturing plan more? How did it become a business?"

(End of this chapter)

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