Chapter 2004 Large object transfer card, transfer planet
Jiang Yuntian and the others still shook their heads, but today Jiang Yuntian didn't seem to be as urgent as yesterday.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly, and said, "That's all for today, everyone go have breakfast!"

"Yes!" the crowd responded.

Everyone got up and walked to the restaurant, Xiao Yi came to Jiang Yuntian's side, and said with a smile: "Aren't you in a hurry today?"

"Well, it was good to relax in that independent living system yesterday." Jiang Yuntian also replied with a smile.

"That's right, letting nature take its course is the way!" Xiao Yi responded.

Jiang Yuntian nodded, and then continued: "Island Master, but the independent survival system is still very dangerous to put there, if the next time the Zerg wormhole is randomly placed next to the independent survival system, it will be troublesome!"

Xiao Yi nodded slightly, and said, "There really isn't any good way now, let's take one step at a time!"

Jiang Yuntian also nodded helplessly.

The two walked to the restaurant together, and Xiao Yi signed in today on the way.

"Successful sign-in, reward: large object transfer card*1."

Seeing this reward, Xiao Yi was stunned for a moment, and then said to himself: "It seems that the system knows what I need very well!"

Jiang Yuntian who was on the side saw Xiao Yi stop, and asked, "Island Master, what's wrong?"

"It's okay, I think I have a way to deal with that independent living system!" Xiao Yi replied with a smile.

Jiang Yuntian immediately reacted: "Today is not a weapon, but a prop that can transfer the independent survival system?"

"Yes!" Xiao Yi replied with a smile.

"Great, then we don't have to worry about the safety of the independent living system!" Jiang Yuntian replied with a smile.

"eat first!"

Just as Xiao Yi and Jiang Yuntian were sitting at the dining table, a soldier rushed in and said, "Report to the island owner, instructor, we found another Zerg wormhole!"

Xiao Yi and Jiang Yuntian didn't bother to eat breakfast, and rushed to the cockpit immediately.

"Has the nuclear bomb been arranged?" Xiao Yi asked as he walked.

"The nuclear bomb is ready, just waiting for the island owner's order!" The soldier replied in a deep voice.

"Okay, release the nuclear bomb immediately!" Xiao Yi ordered.


At this time, the spaceship that had already flown over the Zerg wormhole immediately dropped the nuclear bomb.

With a mushroom cloud, the wormhole was destroyed.

"How far is the wormhole from the independent living system this time?" Seeing that the wormhole had been destroyed by the nuclear bomb, Xiao Yi asked in a deep voice.

"Fifty kilometers!" The soldier replied.

"Sure enough, it's closer than last time!" Jiang Yuntian said in a deep voice, "Island Master, do you want to transfer the independent survival system now?"

Xiao Yi nodded slightly.

According to this rule, the location where the next wormhole appears is likely to be closer. Even if they can find the wormhole immediately, they are too close to the independent survival system to use nuclear bombs.

The nuclear bomb is too powerful and will affect the independent survival system.

So this independent living system must be transferred.

Xiao Yi took out the large object transfer card from the system space.

The island monument immediately prompted: "It was detected that you got [Large Object Transfer Card]*1, do you want to use it?"

"Use!" Xiao Yi replied. "Please select the items that need to be transferred and determine the destination."

Xiao Yi just wanted to choose the independent living system, but he had a flash of inspiration and immediately changed the transferred object.

"You will transfer a planet to the space of an independent planet, are you sure!"

Seeing the reminder of the island monument, Xiao Yi became excited. He was right, he could really transfer the planet in front of him!

"Sure!" Xiao Yi said excitedly.

There is only one planet in his independent planet space, and now he has transferred another one into it, so there are two planets, and the living space is directly doubled!
With Xiao Yi's confirmation, the planet in front of everyone's eyes disappeared immediately.

Everyone on Chaos Star was completely dumbfounded.

"What's the situation, why did this planet suddenly disappear?"

"Yeah, there were some bugs on it just now, why did they disappear all of a sudden?"

"We won't encounter a wandering black hole again, will we?"

"No, if we encountered a black hole, it would be impossible for us to chat here, and we would have been sucked in!"

"Then what's going on?"

Jiang Yuntian was also stunned when he saw this scene, and then reacted instantly, looking up at Xiao Yi in disbelief: "Island Master, you won't transfer that planet away, will you?"

Xiao Yi nodded slightly, and then said: "Arrange some teams here, follow me into the independent space, there are still some beetles on the planet that haven't been dealt with!"

Jiang Yuntian's eyes widened, and he immediately responded, he was going to lead the team there himself.

Xiao Yi once again opened the wormhole into the independent space.

Jiang Yuntian entered the independent space with ten large spaceships.

At this time, there are two planets in the independent space circling around each other.

"Island Master, isn't your independent space too powerful? You can actually transfer a planet in and form a stable binary star system?" Jiang Yuntian said in shock.

Xiao Yi was also a little surprised. He was also worried about what problems would happen if the two planets were squeezed into this space. Now it seemed that he was thinking too much!

"You should say that the transfer card is powerful!" Xiao Yi replied with a smile.

"Yes, the transfer card is powerful, and this independent space is also very powerful!" Jiang Yuntian nodded and continued.

"Let's go, clean up those longhorns first!" Xiao Yi ordered.

"Yes!" Jiang Yuntian replied, and then directed the spaceships to fly towards one of the planets.

They have cleaned up before, and they all have professional experience, so they clean up very quickly.

"Island Master, we have transferred this planet to this independent space, so the Zerg wormhole should not appear?" Jiang Yuntian asked.

Xiao Yi shook his head, and replied: "That's not certain, so we need to station some teams here to deal with possible Zerg wormholes at any time!"

"Yes, I'll arrange it now!" Jiang Yuntian replied.

"Everyone outside should be a little panicked, I'll go back and appease them!" Xiao Yi said.

"Okay, leave it to me!" Jiang Yuntian replied, "By the way, can we catch a few live longhorns here to study?"

"Well, yes, you can figure it out!" Xiao Yi nodded, and then left the independent space in a miniature spaceship.

After Xiao Yi came out, he received a lot of messages on his mobile phone. Du Kang and the others, Wang Yang and the others were all asking what happened to the planet that suddenly disappeared.

Xiao Yi directly sent a message in the internal group: "Don't panic, everyone, I got a card for transferring objects today, so I transferred that planet to our independent planet space and left, now in our independent planet space There are two planets."

(End of this chapter)

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