Chapter 1982 Interview, agreed to lead
Qiu Sheng quickly found out where the light chaser posted this comment and the client he was using.

"Island owner, the place where this comment was sent is basically the same as the place where those pictures were posted before, and it was posted using a mobile phone!" Qiu Sheng reported to Xiao Yihui.

"Then it should still be the Light Chaser. What does this comment he posted mean?" Su Wan said with a slight frown.

"It should be asking for help." Jiang Yuntian said.

"Call us for help, but what does the seduction mean?" Du Kang asked suspiciously.

Xiao Yi thought for a while and said, "This light chaser must have been cut out of some words from the Xia Guoyu app developed by Su Wan. It's normal for the words to not convey the meaning. It seems that we still have to communicate with him face to face. .”

Without hesitation, Xiao Yi directly used his mobile phone to request a video call.

The light chaser who was nestled in his sleeping bag was stunned when he saw someone was about to make a video call with him, and then immediately realized that his message must have been seen by people from the Yiranpin Alliance.

But what's the point of videoing him now?Everyone doesn't understand the language, so it's better to use the blunt Xia Guoyu that I just learned to communicate slowly and efficiently.

Besides, in his current situation, it is not convenient to video at all.

Thinking of this, the light chaser immediately rejected the video call.

Xiao Yi looked at the rejected notification, and said helplessly: "It seems that he is inconvenient now, find someone who can draw pictures, convey our meaning, and have an interview with him!"

"Yes!" Qiu Sheng replied.

With people like Chaos Star, Xiao Yi has all kinds of talents here. If there is anything that needs to be ordered, someone will do it for you soon.

This was also one of the reasons why Xiao Yi accepted so many people from Chaos Star, and he didn't know when he would be able to use them.

The picture was drawn soon, and he replied directly to the light chaser in the comment area.

Seeing a reply to his comment, the light chaser immediately opened it, and it turned out to be a series of pictures.

After seeing the picture, the light chaser frowned: "They want to talk to me face to face, don't they think of the language barrier?"

After frowning and thinking for a while, the light chaser thought that Yi Ranpin should not fail to consider this issue, and he was going to take the risk of making a video call with Yi Ranpin.

Thinking of this, the light chaser hid the phone, then got out of the sleeping bag, clutched his stomach, and pointed to the bathroom beside him.

The cockroaches also knew he was referring to the bathroom, and their antennae moved, but nothing else.

Only then did the light chaser float to the bathroom, and then shut himself in. In order to be more real, he deliberately leaked some out.

Soon a bad smell permeated the air.

The light chaser only heard a rustling sound outside, and the cockroaches guarding outside were far away.

"It turns out that these bugs are also afraid of smell!" The light chaser muttered, and then initiated a video request with his mobile phone.

Xiao Yi immediately connected the video call, and a strange face appeared on his phone.

The forehead and cheekbones are protruding, the eyes are the size of eggs, and the nose is somewhat flat.

Xiao Yi was just slightly taken aback, and then said, "Hi, I'm Yi Ranpin, what do you mean by your comment?"

Hearing Xiao Yi's words, the light chaser's eyes widened in shock, and the eyes that were originally the size of eggs turned into duck eggs.

"I'm stunned, you don't have much time!" Xiao Yi reminded again.

Only then did the light chaser react and said hurriedly: "Hello, boss, I want to ask you for help. Now those bugs are asking us to search for other survivors. Our idea is to bring them to you and let you Help eliminate them." Xiao Yi nodded slightly and replied: "Okay, come over."

"Thank you, boss, thank you, boss!" the light chaser said hastily.

"I'll send my location to your phone later, and you can fly over according to the location I sent you!" Xiao Yi replied.

He didn't even ask about the number of roaches.

From Xiao Yi's point of view, those cockroaches are so big, there must not be much room in the light chaser's escape pod.

Seeing Xiao Yi's confidence, the light chaser was slightly taken aback, and then explained the basic situation he knew about cockroaches.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly, and said, "Well, I have written all these down, you follow the positions I gave you, come here!"

Soon a location coordinate was sent to the light chaser's phone, and the light chaser checked it hastily. There was a distance, but not very far. If he flew at full speed, he might be able to reach Xiao Yi's vicinity tomorrow morning.

"Boss, we don't seem to be very far away from your place, do you need time to prepare?" the light chaser asked.

"No, just bring them over here!" Xiao Yi waved his hand and replied.

"Okay." Seeing that Xiao Yi was so confident, the light chaser stopped talking.

After finishing the call, the light chaser said with emotion: "I didn't expect the boss to have such heaven-defying skills."

Then he came out of the bathroom, looked at the big cockroach far away from the bathroom, curled his lips, and went back into the sleeping bag again.

"Island Master, do you really want them to lure those cockroaches?" Jiang Yuntian frowned.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly: "This should be the enemy arranged by the world's rules. If you can understand them as soon as possible, you won't be in a hurry when you encounter them in the future!"

Jiang Yuntian nodded.

"The coordinates I gave to the light chaser are [-] kilometers away from us. Just take a few large spaceships and wait." Xiao Yi continued, "As for the methods of those big cockroaches, you just heard Here we go!"

"I heard that, don't worry, as long as they dare to come, we will let them come and go!" Jiang Yuntian replied.

"Okay, let's arrange the team over here first!" Xiao Yi replied.

"Yes!" Jiang Yuntian immediately issued an order with his mobile phone.

The light chaser pretended to sleep for a while, then got up, came to another survivor's spaceship, and began to communicate with the island tablet.

At this time, the cockroach king was also lying on the side, and the light chaser said respectfully: "My lord, there is a very powerful survivor near us. He has a lot of supplies and even a large spaceship. Shall we go find him?"

When the cockroach king heard what the light chaser said, his tentacles trembled rapidly.

"Of course, let's go find this survivor!" The Cockroach King replied excitedly.

"But we can't beat each other at all." The light chaser said with some fear.

"You guys alone can't beat us, but we are different, you just go there!" King Cockroach was extremely confident.

"Okay then!" The light chaser replied pretending to be embarrassed, then winked at another survivor, and continued, "I just know the approximate location of the other survivor, so follow me first!"

(End of this chapter)

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