Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 197 Passenger Transport, Grade B Potatoes, Grade S Peach

Chapter 197 Passenger Transport, Grade B Potatoes, Grade S Peach
"The strong-mouthed family? When was this force established? Why have you never heard of it?"

"This is not very normal, and not every force wants to make it known to everyone like Di Lin!"

"A cornerstone of 50 kilometers is so expensive! I am 2800 kilometers away from my mother, so wouldn't it cost 56 cornerstones? Even if I count all my islands, there are not so many cornerstones?"

"Upstairs, you should be a scumbag, right? Do the questions without reading the questions?"

"That's right, people have said that the grand opening offer is half price. You only need 28 cornerstones, but you need to add the mileage for them to pick you up!"

"You are only so far away. My sister and I are more than 4000 kilometers away. Made, the half price is 40 yuan!"

"No matter how much it is, I will choose to use it, but @口强求生, how do you ensure the safety of long-distance sailing? I remember, it seems that I heard that the sea is not flat!"

"Yes, if safety cannot be guaranteed, there is no point in discussing any more!"

"I knew that everyone would have this concern. We have this, [Sea Monster Statue Head] (S-Class)*1." Zui Qiangqiusheng immediately said on the public channel.

After everyone saw this S-rank item, they immediately became excited.

"Lying grass, this is an artifact! How did the boss get it?"

"With this, there is indeed a foundation for long-distance sailing!"

"Boss, come pick me up, no matter how many cornerstones I have, I'm going to join my dad!"

"Boss, I want to take a boat too!"

Zuiqiang Wangsheng immediately spoke again: "Everyone, first of all, tell me your location and your destination location. We also plan the route. Remember, if there is a need, chat privately, don't say it in the public channel!"

"Boss, I have chatted privately, please check!"

"Me too, hurry up and see!"

For a while, Zuiqiang's private channel was full of private chats.

The mouth was too strong to survive, and he immediately said in the public channel: "Sorry, there are too many people chatting privately, everyone, please bring the cornerstone and the area of ​​​​the island to chat privately!"

After finishing speaking, he set the private channel so that only those who privately chat with the cornerstone and island area screenshots will be included, and all others will be blocked!

Xiao Yi saw the pricing of Qiu Sheng's passenger transportation, and secretly said: "This guy is really ruthless, but now this kind of passenger transportation is just in demand, there should be many people choosing to take the boat!"

At this moment, Wangcai ran in from the outside and yelled at Xiao Yi twice.

Xiao Yi replied: "Okay, I'll go there now!"

It turned out that Wangcai had pulled all the material boxes caught by the automatic fishing net into the warehouse.

When I came to the warehouse, there were a total of 46 material boxes, all of which were opened.

"Obtained materials: cornerstone*4, copper*3,."

"Obtained materials: potatoes (B grade)*2, plastic*2,."

"Obtain supplies: cornerstone*1, glass*3,."

"Go out and get double harvest, get materials: cornerstone*104, potatoes (B grade)*4, copper"

There is one more person on the island today, so there are more supply boxes than before. The cornerstones are 52 yuan, and the probability of getting them is not bad.

Those two B-grade potatoes were a surprise, and it happened that the B-grade land in the manor didn't know what to plant!

Xiao Yi immediately took the four potatoes and walked towards the manor.

Yuan Nong and Anyue are plowing the ground and planting seeds. Although the outside environment temperature is not suitable for sowing, the manor has a constant temperature system and can be cultivated at any time of the year.

Seeing Xiao Yi coming, Yuan Nong greeted him and said, "Cotton has been planted in the greenhouse of the farmyard. After it matures, I will get the seeds and expand the planting!"

"Well, I've said it all, you can decide for yourself. I'm here to give you this!" Xiao Yi handed over the potatoes in his hand, "B-level potatoes." Yuan Nong immediately said happily: "Just right. I’m still worried about the vacant Grade B land!”

He took the potato from Xiao Yi's hand and walked towards the B-level land.

Xiao Yi left the manor and walked back to his bedroom.

It was discovered that there was a private chat message on the island monument.

"Boss, someone took out this thing, help me see how many cornerstones it is worth? [Peach Pit] (Class S)*1." Qiu Sheng asked.

Seeing this thing, Xiao Yi immediately replied: "It's of great value to me, but it may not be of much value to others!"

Seeing Xiao Yi's message, Qiu Sheng immediately understood, and immediately traded this thing over.

"[Peach Peach Pit] (S-rank) * 1 transaction None."

"You're right. It's a waste to put them here. When you grow peaches, just sell them to us at a discount. Isn't this request too much?" Qiu Sheng said.

Xiao Yi replied: "It's not too much. When the plant grows and it bears fruit, I'll send you two for free!"

"Then I'll record it in my notebook, you can't deny it!" Qiu Sheng said with a smile.

"Okay, absolutely no denial!" Xiao Yi replied, and agreed to the deal.

"The transaction was successful, triggering double harvest and obtaining materials: [Peach Peach Core] (S level)*2."

Looking at the peach pits of those two peaches, Xiao Yi knew that some survivor must have opened the peaches and left them after eating them.

Maybe he wanted to find S-grade soil and then try to plant it himself.

But now he wants to reunite with his relatives, and the cornerstone is not enough, so he can only take out this thing cruelly.

In fact, Xiao Yi's guess was very accurate. This person's foundation stone was indeed not enough, so he took out this peach pit.

Coincidentally, this person's destination was on the route that Qiu Sheng had planned. Although it was more than 3000 kilometers away, this was a smooth sailing, and he would go anyway.

So Qiu Sheng asked him to take out all the 15 yuan cornerstones on the island, and then add this peach pit.

After getting the peach core, Xiao Yi immediately handed it over to Yuan Nong, asking Yuan Nong to plant it as soon as possible. Seeing this, Yuan Nong was naturally overjoyed again.

Soon after night fell, Jiang Yuntian walked in from the outside and said, "The cooperation between Dabai and Wangcai is getting better and better. I didn't let me do anything today!"

Dabai and Wangcai on the side looked begging for praise, Xiao Yi said with a smile: "Good job, today I will reward you with some SS-grade purified water."

Dabai and Wangcai's eyes lit up when they heard the SS grade pure water.

You must know that the water purifier was just upgraded yesterday, and the two of them have not had a chance to drink SS-grade pure water.

Xiao Yi poured two glasses of pure water and put them in front of Dabai and Wangcai. Dabai couldn't wait to pour all the water into his mouth!
Wangcai could only lick and drink.

Dabai, who had already finished drinking, looked at Wangcai's cup, rolled his eyes slightly, and then moved closer to it.

Wangcai immediately put the cup aside!
Dabai had no intention of giving up at all, so he got up again, and Wangcai was taken away again, but this time he accidentally spilled it on the ground!

Dabai immediately licked the ground.

"Wang Wang Wang!"

Wangcai protested a few times, but also started to lick it.

Dabai moved very quickly, and he licked most of the spilled water.

At this time, Dabai suddenly trembled, and the whole bear began to turn red!
(End of this chapter)

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