Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 1967 Mobile phone panic buying publicity, big spaceship discovered

Chapter 1967 Mobile phone panic buying publicity, big spaceship discovered
"If the grades of the boss's computer and mobile phone are the same, theoretically, the mobile phone should be cheaper."

"Theoretically? Everything here will not work according to the theory."

"Don't worry, everyone, I believe the boss will explain soon."

At this time, the marketing department of the Yiranpin Alliance also released a mobile client launch notice on the public channel of Island Monument.

At the end of the notice, a sentence was added: "The Yiranpin Alliance will start snatching the first batch of [-] mobile phones on time at [-]:[-] p.m.."

"Look, I said that the boss will send out a notice in time."

"The grab starts at eight o'clock? How to grab it? Just apply on the island monument?"

"It should be, let's see who has the fastest hands! Edit the information about grabbing the phone now, and send it directly when the time comes."

"I was wondering if the island monument would be stuck?"

"You think too much. For such a powerful item as the island monument, I suspect that even if all the data from the universe is squeezed in, it will not make it stuck."

"It's not so exaggerated! This universe is still very big."

"I mean at least our survivors won't let it get stuck if we grab the phone."

After Xiao Yi saw everyone's discussion, he immediately called Feng Menglong.

"Menglong, have you decided on the way to snatch the phone?" After answering the phone, Xiao Yi asked directly.

Feng Menglong replied: "It's confirmed. Those who have computers can line up on the computer and the island monument at the same time. Those who don't have computers can only rely on the island monument."

"Well, not bad!" Xiao Yi nodded slightly, "This can be regarded as an advantage for buying a computer."

"That's how we think about it." Feng Menglong replied, "It's not only an advantage, but it's not a violation of the overall balance."

"Well, then let's inform." Xiao Yi said.

"Yes!" Feng Menglong replied.

After hanging up the phone, Feng Menglong immediately arranged for someone to issue a notice.

"Hi everyone, survivors! Now, I would like to explain to you the rules for snapping up mobile phones today. Everyone will send orders to the two island monuments of our alliance marketing department through the island tablet. We will determine the top [-] places according to the sending time. .”

"Of course, survivors who have purchased a computer can also queue up in the computer at the same time. We will select the one with the earliest time as the one you grab."

"Is this a back door for those who have computers?"

"Isn't this a normal thing? People spend money to get some privileges. If you want to be like them, then just spend money to buy a computer."

"Now I am even more envious of those brothers who bought computers."

"Actually, don't be envious. Please pay attention to the rush-purchase rules of the Yiranpin Alliance. Even if there are computers, there are only multiple channels for rush-purchase. It is not a big advantage. If they don't have extra manpower, this advantage is completely useless. Use After the island monument snapped up, do you think there is a chance to grab it again in other ways?"

"Hey, it seems to be the same. Then there is nothing to envy. It's better to prepare well and concentrate on using the island monument to grab it."

"There are still seven or eight hours until night, and you are preparing so early, are you going to take a bath and change clothes for a sacrificial ceremony?"

"Almost, I hope this will bring good luck to my side."

"You cow, I'd better collect some more supplies, don't wait until you grab the quota, it will be embarrassing if you don't have money to buy them."

"It shouldn't be like this! Will this phone be expensive?"

Feng Menglong ordered: "Publish the price of the mobile phone on our network." "Yes!"

As soon as Feng Menglong announced the price, those survivors with computers saw it immediately.

"The price of the mobile phone has come out, it is the same as the computer, five hundred yuan!"

"Five hundred yuan, is it so expensive? It seems that we really need to work hard to mine resources!"

"Five hundred yuan should be fine, but it's a bit surprising that it looks like a computer."

"Who said it's the same as a computer? Didn't the boss say that the last time the computer was [-] yuan was just to promote virtual currency, the daily price is not so low!"

"I have a computer from the Yiranpin Alliance in my hand. Because of the language problem, it is not very easy to use, but if you only look at the fluency of the computer, this computer is very strong."

"I agree, I have already started to learn the language of the Big Brother Alliance, and maybe I can use this computer to write some programs to sell!"

"You guys are so good, I almost want to buy one!"

"Now I want to buy it but I can't buy it. I don't know if the boss is really short of resources."

"Certainly not. The boss just wants to take down those survivors who speak sarcastically. Those of us who don't speak are considered manslaughter."

"Yeah, I hope the boss can let go of the sale of the computer as soon as possible, and always buy one, maybe it will be of great use in the future!"

Xiao Yi saw this, thought for a while, and said, "Everyone, don't be impatient. This time, brother Zhu will bring a lot of raw materials when he comes back from other galaxies. Computer sales should start soon."

"The boss has spoken, and I finally see hope."

"It seems that we thought too much this time. The boss really has no raw materials."

"Perhaps the boss never thought that we would be so enthusiastic, and bought their computers all at once."

"Big brother has a comet merchant like Brother Pig as his younger brother. It is really much more comfortable. He is only in one galaxy but can get material support from the other two galaxies."

"Yeah, brother Zhu must have been back and forth several times, how much wealth will this bring to the boss!"

"How much wealth? Anyway, you can't imagine it!"

"Yes, the boss has sufficient supplies, and with the unique conditions of Brother Zhu, it is simply a perfect partner."

"Lying on the grass, don't be perfect, I seem to see a huge spaceship coming."

"Then run away quickly, it must be a spaceship of advanced civilization."

"It seems that the spaceships I encountered before are all appetizers. Is the main meal finally served?"

"This spaceship is too big. Although I have never seen a large spaceship, this spaceship must be bigger than a large spaceship!"

"Damn, you haven't seen a large one before you dare to say that?"

"It can always be roughly deduced! This spaceship is definitely not large. It would be great if I have a mobile phone now, so that I can take pictures in time for you to see."

"Uh, I have a small question. Why don't you run away when you encounter such a big spaceship, and you are still admiring it in place, so you are not afraid of the other party attacking you?"

"Of course I'm afraid, but what's the use of escaping? As long as the other party wants to eliminate me, an escape pod like mine will definitely not be able to escape, so I just dodge to the side so as not to delay the other party's voyage. As for the rest, it depends on their preparations." How to deal with me."

(End of this chapter)

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