Chapter 1961 I don't mind you being scalpers
Zhao Baishui looked at Zhu Wu and asked suspiciously, "How did you make him famous?"

"Look at mine!" Zhu Wu walked to the island monument and began editing information on the public channel.

"The brother who boycotted me just now, do you want me to send you your recharge and transaction records in our virtual currency system for everyone to see?" Zhu Wu sent this message.

Everyone froze for a moment, and then discussed again.

"Can I still play like this? I recharged myself, but said I wouldn't let other people recharge, I bought good things from Brother Zhu, but told us that we can live without Brother Zhu's things?"

"Fucking grass, there is such a disgusting person, I suggest that Brother Zhu ban him permanently!"

"How many of these boycotters did that?"

"Maybe it's all of them. Everyone should know that the supplies brought by Brother Zhu are limited, so if fewer people go to buy them, then they may buy more."

"What's the use of buying more of these things? They only have one escape pod at most. If they are exhausted, they have a miniature spaceship. Even if they can buy more than one, he can only use one!"

"Brother, your layout is too small!"

"Yeah, if he gets it and resells it, you can tell me how big the profit is. It just so happens that he also called on everyone not to recharge. He just needs to list it on the trading floor on the island monument."

"You mean to be a scalper!"

"Otherwise, they won't be able to have children after buying it!"

"Fuck me, these people have too many eyes!"

"There are not many minds here! It's just that some are good at playing, some are too lazy to play, and some don't bother to play!"

"Where is the one who was dragged out by Brother Pig to whip the corpse? Don't pretend to be dead, come out and talk."

"Yeah, didn't you have a lot of fun just now? Why are you wilting now?"

"I guess I'm admitting my mistake to Brother Pig, I don't have the face to speak on the public channel."

They guessed right, the survivor did admit his mistake to Zhu Wu in a private chat, and gave him [-] yuan in compensation.

Zhu Wu directly accepted the [-] yuan, but did not reply to the other party.

Seeing that Zhu Wu had accepted his compensation, the other party presumably would not pursue it, so he thanked him and stopped bothering Zhu Wu any more.

The public channel did not let him go so simply, and continued to denounce him.

"It's really not showing up, I suggest that Brother Zhu block him in all directions!"

"That's a good idea. Those who led the resistance just now, and those who are still recharging with Brother Zhu, can all be blacklisted!"

"Yes, let them not dare to be double-faced like this in the future!"

Seeing this, Zhu Wu smiled and said, "Young people will always make mistakes. As long as they admit their mistakes and pay for their mistakes, there is no need to be blacklisted."

"Brother Zhu is so generous, just to be so generous to Brother Zhu, I decided to recharge, recharge more!"

"Yeah, I wonder how much they need to pay for their mistakes?"

"Brother Zhu lost a lot by doing this, so it must be millions?"

"No one can afford so much money!" "It's not that exaggerated. Just give them a symbolic [-] yuan. This is because they are first-time offenders. The price will not be this in the future!" Zhu Wu said again.

Zhu Wu paused, and then continued: "Actually, I don't care that you buy more of my items and then sell them again. As long as you can sell them, that's your own ability, and I don't care."

"Ah? Brother Pig, are you sure?"

"Of course, you can do whatever you want! But you can't try every means to stop my customers like those people." Zhu Wu replied affirmatively.

"Hey, if I knew it earlier, I wouldn't have to work so hard to come up with ideas, just recharge and buy it."

"Lying grass, if you dare to come out, you are not afraid of being drowned by everyone's saliva?"

"Before, I was short-sighted and made a mistake. If you give me a chance, I will never do similar things again in the future!"

"I don't even bother to continue scolding him. I'm just curious about Brother Pig doing this. Is he really not afraid of someone hoarding the goods?"

"Since Brother Pig is doing this, there must be someone behind him. If you want to be a scalper, be prepared to lose money!"

"That's right, you really thought Brother Pig would indulge you like this!"

Seeing their chatting, Zhu Wu rolled his eyes helplessly, and replied: "You really think too much, you know, I can only stay with you two days a week, which may not be enough, so those with financial resources Shouldn’t you be happy that survivors buy more supplies and then distribute them to you?”

Seeing the message from Zhu Wu, everyone was slightly taken aback, and then continued to discuss.

"That's right, Brother Pig is right. There are only two days in this week. If we don't get enough cornerstones and dark gold during these two days, we will miss the opportunity to buy."

"If someone can buy Brother Zhu's supplies in advance, we can buy them at any time when we have enough money. However, I am worried that the middleman will increase the price severely."

"Actually, there is no need to worry too much about this. It is definitely not a problem for middlemen to make a little money. If the price increase is too high, we will definitely not buy it. Everyone is not being taken advantage of, and four days is not very long to be honest. We can wait!"

"The only question now is whether those big players dare to recharge a large amount of cornerstone and dark gold into the virtual system of Brother Zhu and his alliance."

"Yes, this must be done by our galaxy boss, such as Ji Jiying?"

Ji Zhentian, who was looking at the island monument at this time, looked up and asked, "Brother, are we going to be this distributor?"

"I feel that the risk is a bit high!" Ji Jiying said, "If the other party takes away our cornerstone and dark gold, then we will lose a lot!"

Ji Batian thought for a while, and replied: "No, we will do it, but in order to prevent Yi Ranpin from being tripped by our identities, we still use another island tablet to operate."

"Dad, is it really okay to do this?" Ji Jiying said with a frown.

"No problem. In fact, we just added one more step to the recharge process. The final result is that we exchanged the cornerstone and dark gold in our hands for materials, and then we can use these materials to exchange them for cornerstones and dark gold!" Ji Batian replied, "Also, the reputation of the Yiranpin Alliance is still good!"

Although they were competitors, Ji Batian still admired Xiao Yi very much. In such a trying world, he could still abide by his faith.

Ji Jiying nodded slightly, and said, "That's fine, just watch and do it!"

Although he didn't want to borrow goods from the Yiranpin Alliance to make money, he also knew that this was a good opportunity.

After finishing speaking, Ji Jiying floated back to her room, out of sight and out of mind.

(End of this chapter)

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