Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 194 The plan of the mouth strong 1 family, the big adjustment is coming

Chapter 194 The plan of the Zuiqiang clan, a big adjustment is coming
Anyway, the cornerstone was of no use to Qiu Sheng and the others, so it was equivalent to helping Xiao Yi keep it!
Hearing Xiao Yi's words, Qiu Sheng's eyes lit up instantly.

"Good idea, thank you, I have to discuss it with our team!" After speaking, Qiu Sheng immediately ended the chat.

Xiao Yi looked at his fiery character, shook his head, got up and walked out.

An Ran and Su Wan were still waiting outside.

"The rest of the high-level food is not for sale, you guys go and make lunch!" Xiao Yi said with a smile, "After lunch, we have a big adjustment!"

"Okay!" An Ran replied, and then the two came to the kitchen together to prepare lunch.

At this time, Qiu Sheng gathered all the personnel on the other small boats and gathered them on the large sailing boat.

"Everyone, I've successfully hooked up with Yi Ranpin, and we've had a pleasant chat so far!" Qiu Sheng first announced the good news to everyone.

Everyone immediately cheered happily. The biggest advantage of being online with Yi Ranpin is that you don't have to worry about water and food.

And according to the known information so far, they don't even need to worry about vegetables and fruits. They only need to do their own business well and become bigger and stronger, so they don't have to worry about food at all.

After everyone was excited for a while, Qiu Sheng continued: "In order to express our sincerity in cooperating with us, Yi Ranpin pointed us to a bright way to make money."

Everyone was even more surprised, Qiu Feng asked suspiciously: "What is the clear way to make money?"

"Passenger business!" Qiu Sheng replied.

"Passenger transportation business? Survivors don't have much communication right now, and passenger transportation won't be too developed." Qiu Feng said with a frown.

The rest are also talking about it.

"Brother is right. There shouldn't be any turnover of people now. Even if you ask P on the public channel, most of them are just talking about it, and few of them will put it into practice!"

"Yeah, it's probably a thankless task for us to do passenger transportation. How can it be a bright way to make money?"

"Is Yiranpin just kidding us?"

After listening to everyone's discussion, Qiu Sheng pointed to a random person and asked with a smile, "If you found your wife, would you find a way to go to your wife's island and develop together?"

"That's for sure!" the man replied without hesitation.

Qiu Sheng looked at the man with a smile, and everyone immediately understood what Qiu Sheng meant by the passenger transport business.

"It's really clever!" Qiu Feng stood up excitedly.

Qiu Sheng nodded, and said: "Also, Yi Ranpin said that the only one who can sail safely over long distances is our family. This is a monopoly!"

"That's right, monopoly profits are super high!" Qiu Feng agreed, "It seems that Yiranpin really wants to cooperate with us!"

"It should be the effect of our extra 200 cornerstones!" Qiu Sheng said with a smile.

Qiu Feng gave him a thumbs up, and said: "At that time, I objected to you raising the price so much all at once, but now it seems that you are right!"

"If you want to deal with this kind of boss, you must first show your own strength, so that the other party will value you!" Qiu Sheng said with a smile, "Just like an ant wants to form an alliance with you now, will you pay attention to it? Not yet Because you are not at the same level at all."

Everyone nodded.

"Since everyone has no opinion, we need to discuss the pricing of passenger transportation." Qiu Sheng said, "My current opinion is based on the number of kilometers!"

"You are the brains of our team. We just follow what you say!" Qiu Feng said directly, "I will not participate in these things that require brain use." Qiu Sheng said helplessly: "We are a team , other members should also have the right to know.”

Others waved their hands one after another and said, "We are all rough people, we can only be executors, and we cannot provide random opinions."

"Okay, then I will talk about my thoughts first, and everyone can try to express their own opinions, so let's go to the head office!" Qiu Sheng said.

"Okay!" Everyone responded one after another.

"First of all, our pricing is one cornerstone every 50 kilometers, and if it is less than [-] kilometers, it will be counted as [-] kilometers!" Qiu Sheng said, "Everyone talk about it, is this price suitable?"

Everyone was forced to think by Qiu Sheng. Qiu Feng spoke first and said, "Is this a bit high? When we picked up the brothers before, the average distance was about 500 kilometers. Doesn't it mean that every trip requires at least ten cornerstones? "

"That sounds a little high."

"But if it were me, no matter how tall I was, I would choose to ride, because as long as I find my relatives, we must be together!"

"What if the opponent's cornerstone is insufficient?"

Qiu Sheng said with a smile: "One cornerstone for fifty kilometers is not high. You must know that at least two of them pay the fare. There is no problem if one person is not enough. And with so many of us, the labor cost is very high. We can start with a half-price promotion for three days, so everyone should be able to afford it!"

"It's a good idea, and it can also accumulate some good word of mouth!"

Qiu Sheng nodded and said: "That's right, and we have to mark these islands on our own charts, and they may become our customers or employers in the future!"

"Customer? Everyone has island monuments, so there is no need for us to transport and trade like this?" Someone asked with some doubts.

Qiu Sheng replied: "Not all the people here are survivors, there are some who don't have island monuments, or are not in the same channel!"

"Do you mean to do business with the indigenous people or across regions?" Qiu Feng said with a frown.

"Of course!" Qiu Sheng replied.

"But according to the current intelligence, those natives should be very hostile to us. There may be barriers across regions?" Qiu Feng said with a frown.

"I believe that there are no permanent enemies, only permanent interests! And the gap between regions will always be open." Qiu Sheng replied.

The crowd nodded.

"Secondly, although we won't encounter those sea monsters, there are still marine life next to the supply box. These marine life need to be dealt with, so our team needs to divide the work. Currently, it is divided into logistics group, security group, and planning group. .”

"The logistics team, to put it simply, is responsible for the logistics of our entire team, storage and supply of water, food, supplies, etc. My brother Qiu Feng is the team leader."

"The security team is in charge of the marine life next to the supply boxes, as well as responding to the attacks of those hostile forces. It is more dangerous, but it will give priority to the supply of high-grade food. My brother Qiu Feng is also the team leader. I will hand it over after finding suitable personnel."

"The planning group is responsible for planning the use of food and resources, route planning, and planning for future business directions! External publicity is also the job of this group! At present, I will be the team leader!"

Everyone agreed, and Qiu Sheng continued: "Let's talk about the members of the next three groups."

While talking, the time has come to twelve noon.

Xiao Yi and the others have all gathered in the kitchen, preparing to have lunch, and at the same time looking forward to the big adjustment Xiao Yi said.

(End of this chapter)

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