Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 1938 There are a lot of people missing, the stable system is awesome

Chapter 1938 There are a lot of people missing, the stable system is awesome

"Hey, I'm telling you to mess around, it's over now, the boss really took the laptop off the shelf, I haven't bought it yet!"

"You don't want to think about it after the fact. The boss has been on the shelves for so long, and the price is not expensive. If you haven't bought it all the time, you just don't want to buy it!"

"Yes, it's just that you made up your mind when you saw that the boss was off the shelf, but it was too late, so no one else is to blame."

"I'm very curious about how the big brother's network is set up. Now no less than 30 people have purchased computers, and no one has reported network problems, which means that the big brother's network must be very stable and easy to use. This must be What kind of device can make the entire galaxy have a network."

"Yeah, if you don't tell me, I haven't felt it yet. The Internet speed is very smooth!"

"The boss is the boss, that's amazing!"

"Wouldn't it be more profitable if the boss charged the Internet fee?"

"Lying grass, you are helping the boss generate income!"

"Don't charge internet fees, I don't have much money left."

Xiao Yi naturally also saw their discussion, so he said, "Don't worry, there will be no charges for the public network. If someone needs to set up other special networks in the future, there will be a charge!"

"Can other special networks be formed?" Someone asked curiously.

"Of course!" Xiao Yi replied, "Let's not talk about that for now, the spaceship replacement operation is also started today, if there is a need for replacement, just initiate a transaction with me."

"I thought the business of replacing the spaceship with the boss was cancelled!"

"Yeah, I found several escape pods from the Dinosaur Galaxy, I'm afraid I'll drop them!"

"Stop talking, I'm going to replace it now."

"I'm really curious, how did you find so many escape pods in the dinosaur galaxy, why didn't I come across any?"

"The direction is wrong, it's better to change the direction!"

"It's hard to say, maybe he can touch it a little further forward?"

"Maybe it's a billion points! It depends on how he chooses."

"What a headache! But, do you feel that there are fewer survivors coming to the Dinosaur Galaxy?"

"Speaking of which, everyone knows that Yiranpin will sell some high-end items today, and they should all come here, but it feels that the number of people who entered the Dinosaur Galaxy is much smaller than before, otherwise it would not be so obvious."

Seeing this, Xiao Yi chatted privately with Ergou and asked, "Is the number really small?"

"Return to the island owner, according to our statistics, there are 931 escape pods that entered the dinosaur galaxy from the wormhole, and there are 3 miniature spaceships." Ergou immediately replied, "But this time only 404 escape pods returned to the chaotic galaxy. , 3 tiny spaceships."

"So much less?" Xiao Yi was a little surprised.

But after thinking about it, it is understandable. Just like what the person said just now, if it is not so much missing, the feeling will not be so obvious.

Ergou nodded slightly and said, "I'm also investigating why they didn't come back, but they flew out in all directions, so it's more difficult to investigate."

"Well, I understand, they probably encountered a native!" Xiao Yi speculated.

Although space is very dangerous, the escape pods of these survivors all bought engines, weapons, etc. from Xiao Yi, so the loss would not be that big.

Even if they encounter a test, it is not possible that more than 500 people have not sent back a message, which shows that they have a high probability of encountering an indigenous civilization, or a relatively advanced indigenous civilization.

"Could it be the natives we beat off before?" Ergou said with a frown.

"It's hard to say. After all, the island monument also said that we will encounter a higher-level civilization." Xiao Yi shook his head. "Did we meet him so soon?" Ergou asked in surprise.

"Who knows for sure!" Xiao Yi said, "Everyone should be vigilant in the future, and I believe that the rules of the world won't make us wait too long."

"Yes!" Ergou replied in a deep voice.

Discussions continue in the public channel.

"Did you say that those survivors all hiccupped?"

"Why are you so indebted, you just didn't come back to the Chaos galaxy, so you sentenced someone to death?"

"The boss sells high-end items today, will they miss it?"

"That's right, it's already afternoon, no matter how far you run, it's time to come back now!"

"In case people feel that they don't have enough cornerstones and dark gold, are they going to search for more supplies before returning?"

"Well, if you want to find a reason, you can find a reason no matter what."

"However, it's still a little weird that so many people didn't come back together. Maybe they really encountered some trouble!"

"Who knows, but everyone should pay more attention to how much virtual currency you can exchange!"

"I have already purchased and installed the stabilization system. I tried it just now. I don't feel any acceleration or deceleration at all. I guess I don't need a space suit in the cabin anymore!"

"Is it so exaggerated?"

"Of course, whoever uses it will know."

"Then I really need to quickly collect resources. It is difficult for me to raise enough money to purchase a stable system with only cornerstones and dark gold."

"Yeah, just now the energy wave almost ruined my escape pod, and the cornerstone and dark gold I had accumulated with great difficulty were exhausted in an instant. If it weren't for the rules of the world to restore some blood to me, I would become a pauper now! "

"The stable system is too expensive. My goal is to draw a lottery. I hope luck will stand by my side this time!"

"Brother, buy it no matter how expensive it is, otherwise you will have no chance to escape if you meet a high-level civilized native."

"As long as I can draw that tiny spaceship, everything will be solved!"

"The probability of this is too low. Why don't you collect more resources now and accumulate enough money to buy a stable system."

"I have a feeling that I will definitely win this lottery."

"Everyone who recharges will feel this way, but it's useless. There is only one winner."

"Everyone, don't be obsessed with the lottery, it's better to work hard!"

"Fuck me, don't think about drawing a lottery, I saw a miniature spaceship here, I can't do it, I have to run away!" The survivor who had just installed the stabilization system suddenly saw the miniature spaceship, without saying a word, Immediately activate your own escape pod and escape quickly.

This time, he unscrupulously drove the acceleration to the maximum, and disappeared from the enemy's eyes very quickly!
The soldiers on the native spaceship were stunned: "How dare this escape pod use such a large acceleration? Don't the outsiders inside be afraid of death?"

This kind of acceleration, even wearing space suits inside the cabin, the bodies of these outsiders would definitely not be able to bear it.

"Go and look for other targets!" The captain ordered after pondering for a while.


(End of this chapter)

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