Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 1935 Wang Xin also knows the independent planetary space

Chapter 1935 Wang Xin also knows the independent planetary space

Qin Feng was stunned again, then smiled wryly and shook his head: "I also want to read more ancient Chinese dictionaries, but I don't have the chance, I can't go back!"

Sun Gudao and the others were also taken aback, shaking their heads helplessly, and everyone became depressed.

"What's the matter?" Xiao Yi walked over with a smile and said, "Are you all homesick?"

"Island Master, do you think we can return to Earth?" Du Kang asked.

Xiao Yi shook his head, and replied, "I don't know, but even if we can go back, things are different!"

"Oh, yes! Now we are not sure whether the passage of time here is the same as that on Earth!" Feng Menglong said with emotion.

After entering the second stage, all survivors know that the time of the first stage is different on different planets, but they entered the second stage at the same time, which shows that everyone's time flow must be different.

Seeing everyone's depression, Xiao Yi said in a deep voice, "Don't be sad, everyone. Although we may not be able to go back, we can rebuild another earth!"

Everyone was stunned, rebuilding a new earth?
"Island Master, do you mean to choose a planet in this galaxy for transformation?" Du Kang asked curiously.

"I'm afraid this won't work. This place is too dangerous. Any test that hits us may ruin our efforts." Feng Menglong shook his head and said.

Everyone nodded.

Xiao Yi smiled and said, "Then what if I have a relatively safe independent space?"

"A relatively safe independent space?" Everyone was shocked.

"How could there be such a space." Feng Menglong shook his head and said, "The rules of the world do not allow such a space to exist!"

At this time, Wang Xin suddenly thought of something, and immediately said: "Perhaps there really is such an independent space!"

Everyone looked at Wang Xin one after another, and even Xiao Yi looked at her in surprise.

Wang Xin immediately explained: "In the galaxy before me, some survivors seem to have obtained fragments of a planet. According to the survivor, all four can form an independent planetary space."

"Fuck, there is such a thing?" Qiu Sheng asked in surprise.

"Well, but before I came here, the Survivor only had one fragment, and the other three are nowhere in sight." Wang Xin continued.

Hearing this, Xiao Yi was also a little surprised, wondering if the fragments in the Survivor's hand were the same as those purchased by Jiebi.

If it is a set, there should be more galaxies merging in the future!

If not one set, how many sets of world rules have been released in total?
Feng Menglong looked at Xiao Yi, and asked tentatively, "Island Master, you won't get this thing!"

Xiao Yi nodded slightly, and replied: "That's right, I just got this thing, and it has been synthesized into an independent planetary space!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked again.

"Island Master, did I buy that fragment?" Jiebi had been listening to their chat, and couldn't help asking when he heard this.

"Yes!" Xiao Yi replied.

"Is there really such an independent space? Where is it? Can you show us?" Jiang Yuntian also became curious.

"Of course, at least wait until you finish your meal!" Xiao Yi pointed to the food beside him and said.

"You can eat at any time, let's take a look first!" Jiang Yuntian said eagerly.

Xiao Yi said helplessly: "Okay, but you may be disappointed!"

"If it's really an independent space, we won't be disappointed no matter how dilapidated it is!" Feng Menglong said.

Everyone nodded.

"That's fine, let's go and have a look and come back!" Xiao Yi responded, and then took everyone on the miniature spaceship and headed for the planet.

"Isn't that independent space on this planet?" Du Kang asked curiously.Xiao Yi shook his head and explained: "To be precise, I have access to this independent planetary space, and I can open and close it at any time!"

Everyone was stunned again.

"That's awesome, aren't you the equivalent of a master of the world?" Du Kang called out.

Xiao Yi shook his head, and replied: "It's not that exaggerated, I can only say that we can transform according to our own wishes, but we may not be successful, and we can't be regarded as masters!"

"At least it can be regarded as a safe shelter!" Jiang Yuntian said.

"You can say that." Xiao Yi nodded slightly.

"In this case, wouldn't it be an oversized storage ring?" Jiebi's thinking was different from everyone else's.

Everyone was startled, Xiao Yi replied with a smile: "It really means something like that!"

While talking, the spaceship has come to the wormhole that Xiao Yi can control.

"Why is there a wormhole here?" Du Kang just asked, and then reacted, "Island Master, isn't this the wormhole that enters the independent space?"

Xiao Yi nodded slightly.

"That is to say, the island master, you can control the switch of this wormhole?" Jiebi then asked.

"Yes!" Xiao Yi responded.

Everyone was shocked.

"Let's go, let's go in!" Xiao Yi said with a smile.

At this time, there were many spaceships queuing up near the wormhole to enter. Wang Yang learned that Xiao Yi brought everyone over, and sent a video specially.

"Island Master, I am planning to arrange a hundred large spaceships to settle on that planet for on-site survival verification." Wang Yanghui reported.

"Well, continue here, I'm just bringing them over to have a look, and I'll leave in a while!" Xiao Yi replied.

"Yes!" Wang Yang replied.

After entering this independent space, everyone was stunned.

"It's too dark!"

"If it weren't for the external lights of those large spacecraft, we probably wouldn't be able to see anything!"

"The gravity here seems to be similar to that of the earth?"

"Well, this planet is slightly larger than the earth." Xiao Yi introduced, "There are no stars here, so it is pitch black."

After Xiao Yi introduced it, everyone had a general understanding of this place.

"Then have you tried to fly into the sky, how high can you fly?" Jiang Yuntian asked curiously.

Xiao Yi was stunned for a moment, and said, "Not yet, let's try it! Lift off!"

"Yes!" The driver replied, and then began to slowly climb up. Because he was not sure about the situation above, he didn't dare to rush up rashly.

About 10 minutes later, the driver found that he could not continue to climb. He irradiated it with the searchlight outside the cabin and found no obstacles, but he just couldn't go up!

"Report, the current altitude is [-] meters and cannot continue to climb!" The driver reported.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly, looked at the situation outside the spaceship, and said, "We seem to be wrapped in a membrane?"

"Well, this independent space is really interesting!" Jiang Yuntian nodded and said.

(End of this chapter)

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