Chapter 1921 We are very honest

Qi Yun does not speak in the public channel, but other survivors are still cueing him.

After all, the ordinary survival life is too boring. Now that there is such a pistachio, everyone naturally wants to be happier for a while.

"Where's the brother named Qi Yun just now? Come out and chat, let me see what outrageous remarks you can say!"

"Yeah, this is so boring, I just finished dinner, let me laugh a little longer to digest!"

"You guys are so badass, but I like it!"

"That's right, I've been floating in the cabin all day, and I don't have any exercise programs at all. It's okay to laugh out loud, Qi Yun, let's make some shocking remarks!"

"Now I really envy those survivors who are relatively close to the planet. They can land on the planet at any time and experience life with gravity."

"Yeah, although there will be meteorite attacks, at least I can enjoy it for a while! I can't even feel my weight now!"

"Stop talking, I've started the engine and am ready to search for planets!"

Xiao Yi looked at the chat of the survivors on the big screen, shook his head slightly, then clapped his hands, and said, "Everyone, sit at the table, and listen to me while you eat."

"Yes!" Everyone responded in unison, and then took their seats.

Wang Yang and the others put the plates aside and sat down at the table.

Xiao Yi smiled and said: "You don't need to be so formal, everyone should eat and drink, just leave an ear for me!"

"That's right, Wang Yang, you have to take the lead in eating, otherwise, they wouldn't dare to eat it!" Du Kang also said with a smile beside him.

Wang Yang froze for a moment, then got up, took some food and returned to the table.

Others followed suit.

Xiao Yi then continued: "Taking advantage of this opportunity to welcome Jiebi, let's discuss the promotion of virtual currency together."

"Promote virtual currency? We should all be using virtual currency now!" Du Kang said suspiciously, "There should be no need to promote it!"

Xiao Yi shook his head, and continued: "We really don't need to promote it internally, everyone will definitely use it, but the promotion I'm talking about is to promote it to other survivors."

"Promote to other survivors?" Jiebi said with a frown. "If this is the case, we must first pass the integrity test, otherwise, no one will use our virtual currency!"

"There should be no problem with this. The integrity of the Yiranpin Alliance is well-known!" Jiang Yuntian said.

"We must also have a server system that is not easily hacked, and a network that can exchange data in time!" Hu Yi said with a frown.

He is only responsible for commercial activities in the Mudisen galaxy, and he doesn't know much about other high-level items owned by the Yiranpin Alliance.

Sun Yao immediately said: "We already have SSS-level galaxy-level servers and base stations, and you can meet these two conditions!"

"In this way, the basic conditions are already met, so how do other survivors obtain virtual currency?" Ergou asked, "Use cornerstones and dark gold? Or other items?"

"There is no limit to this, everything is fine. Initially, only cornerstones and dark gold can be exchanged for virtual currency." Xiao Yi replied.This virtual currency has been successfully used for a long time in the first stage, so the various rules are quite mature.

"In this case, everyone may have concerns, and trade their cornerstone and dark gold to the island owner, and then turn it into a virtual currency. It is estimated that not many people will do this!" Zhu Wu is not optimistic about this model.

"Indeed, but what if the items sold by our Yiranpin Alliance are no longer traded on the island monument?" Jiang Yuntian said with a smile.

"Not trading on the island monument anymore?" Zhu Wu said in shock.

"Yes, I believe that with the items of our Yiranpin Alliance, they will definitely be able to attract them to our online transactions!" Jiang Yuntian said with a smile.

Zhu Wu frowned and thought for a moment, then shook his head again, and said: "Our current online transactions should only be able to transfer virtual currency, and the items still have to go through the island monument! If this is the case, everyone will worry that my virtual currency is spent." , the item is not in hand!"

"That's right, this can only depend on the integrity of our alliance!" Xiao Yi replied helplessly.

"To be honest, everyone probably wouldn't be too willing to believe it!" Zhu Wu replied, spreading his hands.

In this trial space, honesty is the least valuable.

Even if you have always been honest before, if you swallowed a lot of cornerstones and dark gold and just walked away, there is nothing anyone can do to take you.

"We can only use more advanced items to attract them to come and try, as long as they can taste the sweetness, they will definitely believe it!" Xiao Yi said in a deep voice.

"In this case, we must find a very good item on the first day of our promotion!" Hu Yi nodded slightly and said.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly: "We'll discuss this later. The promotion I'm talking about doesn't just refer to our galaxy, the other three galaxies also want to promote it!"

The three galaxies in Xiao Yi's mouth naturally refer to the Mudisen galaxy on Sun Yao's side, the Maitou galaxy on Jiebi's side, and the Domire galaxy where Ji Jiying is located.

"This is a bit difficult!" Jiang Yuntian said with a frown. "As far as I know, we seem to have only one galaxy-level server. Other galaxies don't have galaxy-level servers. How do we save the interaction information?"

Xiao Yi said in a deep voice: "Only use the network to exchange information, and then use the inter-galaxy communicator to transmit the information to my side for storage!"

Everyone froze for a moment, then nodded slightly, it seems that it is also possible!

"It shouldn't be too difficult to promote with our item quality." Zhu Wu said in a deep voice, "But they may worry that I won't be able to reach their galaxy someday!"

"This is indeed a problem. No one can guarantee that Lao Zhu can continue like this forever!" Jiang Yuntian nodded slightly and said.

"Then remind everyone that when exchanging, exchange as much as you want, don't exchange too much, and everyone can rest assured!" Xiao Yi thought for a while and said.

"To be honest, the integrity of our Yiranpin Alliance is really unspeakable. Which merchant would dislike everyone for exchanging too much!" Zhu Wu said with a smile.

"But not everyone believes us!" Xiao Yi sighed.

No matter how good he is to these people, they will have a skeptical attitude!

This is human nature, there is no way!
"Okay, let's not talk about this, let's discuss the things we promoted on the first day!" Xiao Yi said in a deep voice, "My idea is to draw a lottery! A large spaceship!"

(End of this chapter)

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