Chapter 1912 Jiebi's Shock, Island Director Sex

"Yes, this is the unanimous opinion of all of us." Zhu Wu said from the side, "I heard that there are resorts on the island of the first stage of the island owner?"

"Yes!" Du Kang and Jiebi replied in unison.

"Oh, I always thought that I was the best survivor in the first stage!" Zhu Wu said with emotion, "As I get to know more about the first stage of the island owner, I can only say that in front of the island owner, I am Just a beggar."

Du Kang smiled, and then brought Jiebi to the independent living system on that planet.

Seeing the independent survival system, Jiebi was completely shocked: "Is this thing also created by the island owner?"

"Of course, you think the Chaos Galaxy has this technology?" Du Kang asked back.

Jiebi is stepping on the thick ground and breathing the extremely fresh air. Isn't this the same as on the earth?
"Take you to see some good things!" Du Kang took him into an aircraft and flew in one direction.

"God, is this Jurassic Park?" Jiebi shouted, staring at the huge dinosaur below with his eyes wide open.

Du Kang said with a smile: "If I told you that such an independent living system was established for these dinosaurs, would you believe it?"

Jiebi was taken aback again.

For these dinosaurs, come up with an independent survival system?

Please, the survival of us survivors is a problem!

"In order to prevent meteorites from hitting this planet, the island owner has moved all the spacecraft with island monuments into space!" Du Kang continued, "Even if survivors come to this planet, there will be no island monuments, and there will be no island monuments." Come meteorite."

Jiebi nodded slightly, and then asked curiously: "Where did you find these dinosaurs?"

Du Kang replied: "Dinosaur galaxy, now our alliance controls two wormholes, one leads to the dinosaur galaxy, and the other leads to the Mudisen galaxy. The person in charge who guards near the wormhole will come tonight and introduce you at that time. know!"

Jiebi thought for a while and asked, "Why did you capture so many dinosaurs from the dinosaur galaxy? Is it for their meat?"

In his opinion, if it wasn't for the meat of these dinosaurs, there was no need to capture them and create such a large independent living system.

Totally a thankless feeling.

"What are you thinking, we have never eaten dinosaur meat, but I just realized it when you reminded me, maybe that's what the island owner meant!" Du Kang was stunned for a moment, and then replied, "But it was only because The dinosaur planet encountered a meteorite rain. It is hard to say whether it is because we have passed by, or the planet itself will experience the meteorite rain. Anyway, the final result is that the entire planet is destroyed. The biologists of Chaos Star have asked to keep them, thinking that They have very high research value, so the island owner took out this!"

"The owner of the island is really headstrong!" Jiebi said with emotion, "However, the owner of the island is too obedient to the Chaos Stars, so will they make progress?"

"Don't worry, their star master Wang Yang has apologized to the island owner many times because of this matter, and publicly criticized those biologists." Du Kang waved his hand and said, "Now the island owner is already a Fabulous character."

Jiebi was also taken aback, and then nodded in agreement: "I now also think that the island owner is a god. If it is not a god, how could it be possible to produce so many high-level items?"

Du Kang and Zhu Wu nodded in agreement.

After turning around, Du Kang flew out of the independent living system with Jiebi.

"If this planet is in a suitable orbit, it may evolve into a planet suitable for human survival." Du Kang said with emotion, "It's a pity that the orbit is not suitable!"

Jiebi nodded slightly, looked at the busy scene below, and asked, "Are these people collecting supplies?"

"Yes!" Du Kang replied.

While talking, Du Kang and the others flew over those collection points, while Jiebi fell into a daze as he watched the scene in front of him.

"These, so many large spaceships?" It wasn't until Du Kang stopped the spaceship that Jie Ji asked with a trembling voice.

"How about it, isn't it spectacular?" Zhu Wu said with a smile, "I told you before that there are many, many large spaceships here, Mr. Island Master. I didn't lie to you!"

Jiebi couldn't help but swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and asked: "Is this too much? It is estimated that there are more than 1000 ships?"

"More than 1000?" Du Kang shook his head and replied, "There are more than 7000 ships in total."

"God, why does the island owner have so many large spaceships?" Jiebi couldn't close his mouth anymore.

"Let's talk about this matter later when we get back!" Du Kang led them into a spaceship.

At this time, many people in the spaceship were working, and they were actually decorating those cabins, just like the busy construction sites on the earth before.

"What are they doing?" Jackie asked suspiciously.

This time Zhu Wu also looked over suspiciously.

"You probably didn't pay attention to your mailbox!" Du Kang said with a smile, "It's not your fault, it was sent directly when I came back!"

"Is there any big move in our alliance?" Zhu Wu asked.

"Well, the spaceship we are in is going to be transformed into an entertainment spaceship and contracted to individuals." Du Kang briefly introduced.

"No wonder they are so active, so they are working for themselves!" Zhu Wu suddenly realized.

"Well, the island owner has arranged a thousand spaceships like this." Du Kang continued.

"Only the island owner can do this!" Jiebi shook his head and said.

Du Kang spread his hands and replied: "In order to make full use of these spaceships and revitalize the economy in the alliance, this is the only way to go."

These entertainment spaceships are still being renovated, so they left after turning around.

Du Kang took Jiebi back to Xiao Yi's spaceship.

Seeing Jiebi came back, Xiao Yi asked with a smile, "How do you feel?"

"The island owner is really powerful, even if I add up to a hundred of them, I can't catch up with the island owner!" Jiebi shook his head and replied.

Xiao Yi laughed, and said, "I'm just lucky!"

Jiebi only thought that Xiao Yi was saying that he had good luck opening the supply box, but Xiao Yi's good luck meant that he had the sign-in system.

"It is undeniable that luck is also a part of strength!" Jiebi replied in a deep voice.

"That's true, then you can move freely, and we'll get together after other people come over!" Xiao Yi said with a smile.

"Okay!" Jiebi replied, and then asked, "Island Master, can you help me trade my game cabin?"

"You brought the game pod here?" Xiao Yi said in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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