Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 1891 Where did the nuclear explosion mine go, the self-explosive robot

Chapter 1891 Where did the nuclear explosion mine go, the self-explosive robot

Twenty minutes later, Jiang Yuntian discovered that the stolen nuclear mine had stopped.

"Island owner, the stolen nuclear mine has stopped!" Jiang Yuntian immediately reported to Xiao Yihui.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly, pondered for a while, and then asked: "Did the hidden nuclear mine not indicate that it was invaded and dismantled?"

As an SSS-level space nuclear explosion mine, it has an automatic alarm system. No matter where it is pulled, as long as it is not pulled out of this galaxy, and the other party does not have enough advanced equipment to block the signal, Xiao Yi will Can clearly know the situation of space mines.

"No!" Jiang Yuntian shook his head and replied.

"In that case, let's wait and see. If the other party is prompted to invade or disassemble, then detonate it in time!" Xiao Yi thought for a while and said in a deep voice.

"Yes!" Jiang Yuntian replied, but he asked again, "What if the other party doesn't invade or dismantle it?"

"Not invading and dismantling? That would be even better! If they don't do this, it means they just want to take it back and use it, which is equivalent to us planting a landmine beside them!" Xiao Yi replied with a smile, "How nice !"

Jiang Yuntian nodded slightly.

Xiao Yi continued: "But I believe they won't be able to bear it!"

Since the Dana family went to steal it, it means that they covet their own nuclear explosion mine production technology, and it is impossible not to invade and dismantle it, and study it!

"I will arrange a special person to watch this hidden nuclear mine!" Jiang Yuntian said, "Can we move all the hidden nuclear mines around the base of the Dana family so that they cannot come out?"

Xiao Yi shook his head and said: "Our detection satellites will be destroyed by the opponent's patrol team within [-] kilometers of the opponent. We don't know what's going on inside them. Go in, but the nuclear explosion mine does not have a camera device. We don’t know the specific environment there. Just like now, we don’t even know whether the nuclear explosion mine is parked on a planet or on a planet. in a spaceship, or floating in space."

Jiang Yuntian nodded slightly, and replied, "That's true."

Su Wan suddenly said at this time: "Island Master, someone got the template!"

Xiao Yi was stunned for a moment, and asked, "Who?"

"The Monkey King who traded to your aircraft carrier before!" Su Wan replied, "He is promoting his stuff on the public channel."

Xiao Yi immediately looked at the public channel of his island monument.

"Lying on the grass, Brother Monkey, you are a good luck for the protagonist!"

"Yeah, it's really enviable to be able to find a template!"

"I will pay you a high price for this [miniature space self-destruct robot template] (C-level)*1, let's make a price!"

"Upstairs, no one with a little brain would sell this thing!"

"What if he is out of his mind? Otherwise, why would he sell the aircraft carrier to Yi Ranpin, and it has been repaired, it looks so domineering!"

Chang Tianhou was helpless when he saw that everyone brought up this matter again, and he really regretted it in his heart.

But the situation at that time was very urgent. If he hadn't shot the aircraft carrier, he might have already explained it.

Changtian Monkey shook his head, and continued to say in the group: "You don't need to chat privately anymore, I've already used this template myself, everyone is welcome to buy self-destruct robots, with this, you don't have to worry about the flying machines that are chasing after you! "

"Yeah, Brother Monkey, hurry up and put it on the shelf. There is an aircraft behind me. It's been a long time, and I can't get rid of it!"

"Waiting for it to be put on the shelves, I hope it won't be too expensive!" "It's already on the shelves, it's not expensive at all, you can buy one with [-] base stones and [-] dark gold!"

"Five hundred? It seems to be acceptable, I hope it will be useful!"

Seeing these comments, Xiao Yi was hesitating whether to buy one to have a look, but Tianhou sent a private message.

"Yi Ranpin, I'm Sky Monkey, I sent this message mainly to ask, can I buy the aircraft carrier again?"

Xiao Yi was slightly taken aback, then shook his head, and said, "I'm sorry, we spent a lot of effort to repair it, and we don't plan to sell it to the outside world for now!"

"I'll pay the cornerstone and the dark gold! How about a hundred million?" Sky-Changing Monkey didn't give up.

"We really won't sell the aircraft carrier for the time being, it's not a matter of price." Xiao Yi replied without the slightest hesitation.

Seeing Xiao Yi's reply, Changtian Monkey was a little angry. Xiao Yi only bought it for 1500 million, and he already bid [-] million, yet he still didn't sell it?

As for Xiao Yi once said that it would cost one billion to repair, Sky-Changing Monkey definitely didn't believe it.

Sky-Changing Monkey really wanted to blackmail Xiao Yi, since Xiao Yi didn't sell it, he wouldn't sell the self-destructing robot to him either.

But thinking of the high-end items that Xiao Yi kept bringing out, Sky-Changing Monkey could only bear it. After all, Xiao Yi's items were too high-end, he had to buy them.

Seeing that the Tiantian Monkey had stopped talking, Xiao Yi pondered for a while, and then said: "Although I can't sell you an aircraft carrier, I can sell you a large spaceship at my own discretion. To be honest, even if you buy the aircraft carrier, you can buy it yourself. People are not easy to control, in fact, I don’t recommend buying large spaceships.”

Seeing this private message, Zhan Tianhou immediately replied: "How are you going to sell that large spaceship?"

"I'll fill up the weapon for you, [-] million." Xiao Yi replied.

"One hundred million is too expensive! Fifty million is the most!" Sky-Changing Monkey began to bargain.

"Then think about it for yourself. If you want to buy it, then it's [-] million. If you think it's too expensive, then forget it." Xiao Yi didn't bother to bargain with him.

One hundred million is already very cheap. One must know that a total of 1.5 million cornerstones and dark gold are needed to slowly upgrade from the escape pod.

Want to take away a large spaceship with only 5000 million, want to fart?

Xiao Yi didn't even bother to explain this to him, and let him think about it for himself. Those who can get out of the first stage will definitely be able to figure it out.

Seeing Xiao Yi rejecting him so resolutely, Changtian Monkey was stunned for a moment, and cursed secretly: "The monopoly dog ​​is stubborn!"

Although he scolded happily, he also wanted to be a monopoly dog ​​in his heart!
Looking at the transactions on his trading floor, the space self-destruct robot is very popular, and the [-] that was just listed has already been bought out.

He immediately continued to purchase raw materials and continue to manufacture. The cost of this self-destruct robot is about [-] cornerstones and dark gold. Every time he sells one, he will make a net profit of [-] cornerstones and dark gold.

In other words, the 1 self-destructing robots brought him a net income of 400 million just now.

"Monopolizing the business, it's so delicious!" The Sky-Switching Monkey thought beautifully.

According to this income, he only needs to sell another 24 self-destruct robots to make up [-] million.

Thinking of this, Changtianhou became excited. There were more than 24 people who chose to trade with Yiranpin before!
(End of this chapter)

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