Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 1871 Start the transaction, there are too many transactions to eat

Chapter 1871 Start the transaction, there are too many transactions to eat

Because the island tablet was used, the repair was very fast, so Xiao Yi quickly returned the repaired escape pod.

"It has been fully repaired, please end the rental of the tiny spaceship I rented earlier." Xiao Yi sent a message to the other party.

At this time, the other party had already agreed to the transaction, and was extremely grateful to see the intact escape pod and the considerable resources.

"Thank you, boss, I will end the lease now!"

After finishing the deal with this survivor, Xiao Yi immediately made the next deal.

Basically, each transaction is to get three more escape pods and some resources. Although the resources of these survivors are not many, if there are enough survivors who choose to trade, they can add up to more.

Because of the impact of this energy wave, this transaction is more profitable than Xiao Yi's previous idea.

Xiao Yi's original plan was to trade an escape pod and return a microspaceship. Using the temptation of the microspaceship, he would attract everyone to trade their own escape pods. With a quadruple state bonus, he could earn two escape pods.

Now many survivors don't have enough cornerstones and dark gold to repair the escape pod, so when this kind of transaction is launched at this time, some survivors will choose to trade. Once a survivor's transaction is successful and word of mouth spreads, there will be More survivors came to trade.

The first Survivor to complete the transaction immediately started advertising for Xiao Yi for free on the public channel.

"The Yiranpin Alliance has a very good reputation. I just stayed on the leased spaceship for a few seconds, and the boss traded the repaired spaceship back. There were not a lot of materials in it, but the cornerstone and secrets that should be charged were collected. gold!"

"Lying grass, haven't you even transferred your resources? Aren't you afraid that Yi Ranpin will swallow your supplies?"

"First of all, the boss of Yiranpin is not that kind of person at all. Secondly, the big boss doesn't like me. Finally, this is a deal. What happened to the Yiranpin alliance's deal? ?"

"It seems to be the same, I will also try to trade!"

"Haha, I've finished it too, the boss is really fast! If you need it, hurry up, if the boss stops this kind of transaction, you will lose a lot!"

"Yeah, I thought it would take a long time to repair my spaceship, but I didn't expect it to be so fast!"

"I've done it too, you can try it, especially those who don't have enough cornerstone dark gold to repair their own escape pods or spaceships, anyway, they are already so poor, so don't think about it so much!"

"Everyone, don't forget that there are natives behind us. If your escape pods or spaceships are always damaged and you encounter natives, you will die immediately."

Seeing this, all the survivors who haven't repaired their escape pods or spaceships are a little flustered.

On the one hand, there is the risk of the transaction, but the reputation of the Yiranpin Alliance is really good. On the other hand, the natives may come at any time, and if they encounter them, they will die without life, so they know how to choose in a flash.

Xiao Yi's private chat channel was instantly filled with private messages.

After pondering for a while, Xiao Yi spoke again in the public channel: "Since you choose to trade with me, give some trust and don't waste time transferring resources. I won't take any of your resources. If you are worried, then Don't trade anymore, my time is also very tight here!"

"Don't worry, boss, since we choose to trade, we trust you very much!"

"Yes, everyone is waiting in line, no time will be wasted."

"The Yiranpin Alliance has a very good reputation, I trust the boss."

Next, Xiao Yi started to make transactions non-stop, but the transactions still piled up.

Xiao Yi still has no way to find someone to help, even if he finds someone to assist in the transaction, he still needs to go through his own hands to enjoy the quadruple state, which is equally troublesome and even more time-consuming.

So he can only do this in person, but he can choose to operate at the same time, pulling all the spaceships with island monuments over for a temporary lease transaction.

Because there are many large spaceships in Xiao Yi's area, the spaceships brought over for temporary lease are all large spaceships.This frightened the survivors, and they immediately started discussing it in the public channel.

"Fuck me, do you know what kind of spaceship the boss leased from me?"

"Isn't it just a miniature spaceship? Look at your worthless appearance!"

"Hmph, I'm worthless? The boss rented a large spaceship from me!"

"Wucao, what? Are you sure it's a large spaceship?"

"Of course, let me show you, a country bumpkin, [large spaceship]*1."

"It's really a large spaceship, how is this possible?"

"It must be that the big boss thinks that a spaceship is too slow to trade, so I found a few more spaceships with island monuments!"

"How did you know?"

"Because the boss also leased a large spaceship to me!"

"It's the same with me. It seems that the boss has a lot of large spaceships."

"Is this the strength of the boss?"

"You country bumpkins, you are still worried that the boss will swallow up your resources. It is estimated that your resources are not as expensive as a cabin of a large spaceship."

"That's right, the boss is here to help the poor, and you guys are still picking and choosing."

"Made, I won't pick and choose anymore, trade immediately!"

"Trade immediately? I guess it's behind several 10 people!"

"Sorry, it's already broken a million!"

"According to the current speed, the transaction cannot be completed at all!"

Xiao Yi was also a little entangled, so many resources would be wasted if he couldn't finish the transaction, but he had no other good way.

Now one is completed in about ten seconds, and eight transactions are operated at the same time, 1 transactions can be completed in one minute, and 48 transactions in one hour.

Even if you don't eat or drink for the next time, you can only complete 43200 transactions.

How can these transactions be completed faster with millions of queues?

The main problem now is that the traded spaceships have to carry the island monuments back, and spaceships of the same level cannot transfer the island monuments.

If the island monument can be transferred, Jiang Yuntian and the others can all come to help. They only need to transfer the island monument to other spaceships and trade it back directly.

After all, those survivors need their own island monuments.

Of course, there is another problem, that is, the number of island monuments on Xiao Yi's side is limited, and one needs to be rented to the other party first, otherwise the other party's spaceship will be traded, and the other party will not be able to trade back without the island monument!

While Xiao Yi was operating the transaction quickly, he was thinking about how to get so many flying machines as quickly as possible.

After thinking for a long time, Xiao Yi sighed helplessly, there is no way, this is a knot!
(End of this chapter)

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