Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 1867 The price of refuge, the cornerstone dark gold exploded

Chapter 1867 The price of refuge, the cornerstone dark gold exploded
Seeing their request, Jiebi shook his head and replied with a smile: "I don't have this authority! I can join them because we know each other in the first stage, and I will give all my Take out everything you have and give it to the other party."

Jiebi paused for a moment and asked, "Can you hand over all your spaceships to the Yiranpin Alliance? If you can, I can contact the leader of the Yiranpin Alliance to help you connect."

Seeing the news from Jiebi, everyone was stunned.

"This, the risk is too great!"

"Yeah, hand over your escape pod or spaceship to another survivor. If the other survivor regrets something, it will be troublesome!"

"That's right, anyway, I won't hand over my fate to other people!"

"However, Jiebi bosses are different from us. At least they knew each other in the first stage. They know each other well, and the risk is much smaller."

"This requirement is too harsh, I'd better develop slowly and honestly!"

Jiebi looked at their discussion, curled his lips, and muttered: "How can there be a free lunch in the world, where you don't pay at all, just want to reap the benefits?"

When they heard that they had to hand over all their belongings, everyone immediately stopped talking about joining the Yiranpin Alliance.

"Have you noticed that Jiebi boss seems to say that he can contact the Yiranpin Alliance. Now that Brother Zhu has left, how did he contact the Yiranpin Alliance?"

"Yes, Master Jiebi, do you have an instrument that can communicate across galaxies?"

"Contact across galaxies! How is this possible!"

"Is there anything impossible, this may be the instrument Brother Zhu gave him last time!"

"I'm so envious, why can you all find the people you met in the first stage, but why can't I find them!"

"Hey, who's to say it's not? I've already asked Brother Zhu to bring a message, but there's no response."

"If it weren't for the fact that some of our galaxy really contacted our companions, I would have started to wonder if Brother Pig just took money and didn't work!"

"You're done, I'll take a screenshot of what you said, and I'll send it to Brother Pig!"

"Damn, brother, don't trick me like this, I still want to buy more high-end items from Brother Pig."

"Seal Dark Gold, or I will tell you the truth!"

"Lying on the grass, after this energy wave, who has extra cornerstones and dark gold?"

"Made, I don't have enough cornerstones and dark gold. Now I've started to sell my property to get cornerstones and dark gold!"

"My escape pod is paralyzed now, now it's up to me to gather the cornerstone and dark gold for repair!"

"Then if aboriginals come here now, wouldn't they be doomed?"

"That's right, I'm definitely going to die!"

"Forget it, I've completely ruined it, it doesn't matter, the natives will come or not!"

At this time, it was past eleven o'clock in the evening, and Xiao Yi had already returned to his bedroom to rest.

In the cockpit, Su Wan sat in front of the island monument, watching the news in the public channel from time to time, and most of the time she was typing on her computer.

Now that more and more races are appearing and intersecting with the Yiranpin Alliance, the translation work on her side is still very heavy.

Xiao Yi once suggested that someone from the Chaos Star come over to be on duty, but Su Wan said that since she just pays attention occasionally, it's fine for her to come.

And she doesn't want the natives to come into contact with Xiao Yi's island monument. The cockpit of Xiao Yi's satellite-class battleship still does not allow the natives to come in for duty.

Xiao Yi was not polite to Su Wan, anyway, Su Wan could be guaranteed eight hours of rest every day, six hours at night, and two hours of naps.

It will not affect Su Wan's state.

Su Wan's slender fingers kept flying on the keyboard. In the cockpit, apart from the occasional sounds from various instruments, there was only the crackling sound of typing on the keyboard.

"Didi, di, di, di!" The island monument suddenly sounded a rapid prompt, which was the prompt for a new message in the public channel.

Su Wan looked up, and a lot of news was instantly refreshed on the island tablet.

"Lying grass, what's going on, why are there so many cornerstones and dark gold in the supply box!"

"Yeah, mine is the same, a total of [-] cornerstones and dark gold!"

"Hahaha, I knew the rules of the world would not abandon us like this!"

"That's right, one hundred thousand foundation stones and dark gold appear directly on my side."

"It seems to be different, what is this based on?"

"My side is one-third of the number of cornerstones and dark gold needed to repair the escape pod!"

"My side is also a third!"

"The case will be solved in one go, everyone is one-third!"

Seeing this, Su Wan immediately recorded the situation, and said to herself: "In this case, wouldn't we have made a lot of money!"

Although the world's rules only return one-third of the consumption, for Xiao Yi, it's more than one-third at all!
Because Xiao Yi has quadruple status!

Now the collection of the material boxes is handed over to the surrounding patrols. After they find the material boxes, they will directly pull them to Xiao Yi's spaceship and put them together.

Xiao Yi would open all those supply boxes when he was in quadruple state.

Now Xiao Yi doesn't need to rely on the supplies from the supply box every day to maintain his life, so it's not a big problem to eat for two days.

In the public channel, everyone is still discussing excitedly.

"There is no unparalleled road, and I am a little short of myself. With these cornerstones and dark gold, I am saved!"

"That's right, and today's supply box refresh location is really good, even if there is no mechanical arm, I can get it out of the cabin!"

"Made, even if I have these cornerstones and dark gold, it's not enough!"

"That can only mean that you haven't accumulated enough before!"

"Can you stop being so arbitrary, my cornerstone and dark gold are used to upgrade the miniature spaceship."

"Lying on the grass, it turns out that he is a big boss with a spaceship, I am superficial!"

Su Wan watched the news in the public channel for a while, then went back to her computer and started typing.

Nothing special happened next, even the natives who were active during the day disappeared!
After a night of nothing, Xiao Yi woke up at five o'clock on time.

"Drip, trigger the quadruple harvest state, and the state lasts for 24 hours (there are currently 19 hours left)!"

Xiao Yi's eyes brightened slightly, finally waiting for you!

There was a lot of time in the quadruple state, so Xiao Yi took Jiang Yuntian and the others to practice Daozang first.

Two hours later, after finishing his training and finishing his breakfast, Xiao Yi said, "Today, I can leave all the harvest to me!"

Jiang Yuntian and the others immediately understood what Xiao Yi meant, and they all responded, "It's the island owner!"

"Go and do your work first, I'll find you later!" Xiao Yi said.

Jiang Yuntian and Du Kang got up and left, while Su Wan reported: "There was such a special situation last night."

(End of this chapter)

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