Chapter 1862 Restoration requires a huge amount of resources

To really upgrade slowly from the miniature spaceship using the upgrade card, the number of cornerstones and dark gold that needs to be consumed is 6.3 million.

And this time the shock wave directly killed 2 million, which was too much consumption.

Of course, it wasn't that Xiao Yi couldn't afford the 2 million, he was just a little shocked.

"Every spaceship should be repaired immediately, no matter how much dark gold and foundation stones are needed." Xiao Yi gave the order immediately, "All departments immediately count the casualties and losses!"

"Yes!" the crowd responded.

Xiao Yi deliberately contacted Wang Yang and asked, "Is the independent living system damaged?"

"It was damaged, but it was repaired immediately. Fortunately, a lot of resources have been harvested recently, otherwise it would be troublesome to repair." Wang Yang replied.

"As long as it can be repaired!" Xiao Yi nodded slightly and let out a long sigh of relief.

Soon, Xiao Yi received reports from various spaceships. According to the data they reported, it was obvious that the rules of the world were fair.

The damage is completely determined according to the type of the spaceship. The larger the type, the greater the damage, and the more cornerstones and dark gold are needed for repair.

And it is an indiscriminate attack, no matter where you hide, you will be hurt by this energy wave.

Although there were no casualties, various instruments and equipment in the spacecraft, as well as crops in the fields, were damaged to varying degrees.

It was already past eight o'clock in the evening, and everyone was repairing and rebuilding the damaged position in the spaceship.

Some can be repaired directly using island monuments, but others can only be done manually.

Xiao Yi was holding a burrito at this time, and while eating, he browsed the news in the public channel.

"Lying on the grass, this shock wave is so fierce, it feels comparable to the previous gravitational wave!"

"Made, I wasn't fixed enough, I almost flew out, it's too damn dangerous!"

"It's not a problem. My escape pod is seriously damaged. It needs [-] cornerstones and dark gold to repair. The materials I bought just now have almost consumed the cornerstones and dark gold!"

"You are a hammer. Repairing my miniature spaceship requires 300 million dark gold and cornerstones. You don't have so many resources if you kill me!"

"Damn, I feel better instantly after such a comparison! So what do you do now? 300 million is not a small number!"

"What else can I do, wear a space suit to operate the island monument, seal a few intact cabins for rest, alas, it's so difficult!"

"It's not bad for you. My escape pods are all connected. There is no operation to close the cabin, so it can only be repaired."

"You don't have much, one hundred thousand cornerstones and dark gold, you will be able to collect them soon."

"Why do you need so many cornerstones and dark gold for repair? Why do I only need [-] cornerstones and dark gold?"

"Lying grass, isn't it, are the rules of the world against me?"

Xiao Yi said in a timely manner: "It's not that the rules of the world are targeting you, but because the size of each aircraft is different, the degree of damage is different, and the repair consumption is also different, which is roughly proportional!"

Seeing Xiao Yi's message, everyone was startled, and then discussed again.

"So that's the case, the brother who only needed [-] cornerstones and dark gold just now, your escape pod shouldn't be too big, right?"

"It's really not big. I've been saving cornerstones and dark gold to upgrade, so I didn't expand the escape pod too much."

"What about the other person?"

"Don't say it, I regret it to death. I did expand the escape cabin to a space of nearly 30 cubic meters. If I had known this, I would not have expanded it so much!"

"Yeah, if I knew it earlier, I wouldn't expand it. Just eight cubic meters at the beginning. If I stick to it until now, I guess a few cornerstones and dark gold will be able to handle it!"

"The rules of the world are really a printer. If I had told you, I wouldn't have expanded such a large space." "You can't say that. In fact, if you think about it carefully, the rules of this world are still very close to reality!"

"That's right, the larger the volume, the larger the area impacted by the energy wave, and the more it will be destroyed. There is nothing wrong with the logic!"

"This is for us to balance the size and safety of the aircraft. We must not only develop, but also consider safety issues."

"It's like the first stage!"

"Of course, we are all tested by the same wave, and the internal logic must be the same!"

"Let's not talk about it, this energy wave is too hurtful, I have to collect resources quickly, otherwise, as soon as a disabled spaceship like me is discovered by the natives, it will immediately gg!"

"Hey, have you guys noticed that the uranium that the boss bought seems to have increased!"

"Have you collected it yet?"

"Of course, after the shock wave is over, I started collecting, and now I have collected 0.5 units!"

"Really? Where did you collect it, did you collect it in the void?"

"Yes, it can be collected along the direction of the shock wave!"

"Really? I'll try too!"

After a while, the man happily said in the public channel: "It really is!"

"Yeah, I also collected it here, and it is indeed there. Now the boss is going to reduce the price!"

"Since there are so many raw materials, the price drop is inevitable!"

Seeing this, Xiao Yi smiled and said, "In order to let everyone recover faster, the price here will remain the same, and the purchase of raw materials with cornerstone and dark gold will only be open for one day."

Generally speaking, the cornerstone and dark gold that Xiao Yi harvested would not be traded with others.

If after the transaction was made, he turned around and returned to Xiao Yi's hands, he wouldn't enjoy the quadruple state.

But this time, everyone urgently needs cornerstones and dark gold to repair their spaceships. Most people will use these cornerstones and dark gold to repair their spaceships.

As long as they use it up, they don't have to worry about it flowing back into their hands again, affecting their quadruple status benefits.

Of course, there may still be a little cornerstone and dark gold that will flow back, and it won't have much impact.

Seeing the news released by Xiao Yi, everyone immediately became excited.

"Great, boss, see how many cornerstones and dark gold these resources in my hand can be exchanged for, I can pack them all for you!"

"Yeah, my side is also in short supply of cornerstones and dark gold!"

"I have already collected the raw materials that the boss needs. I hope to exchange more cornerstones and dark gold. My escape pod needs to be repaired urgently!"

Xiao Yi saw that everyone's demand was very strong, so he replied: "Don't worry, everyone, you can contact these IDs, and they can decide the specifics."

Xiao Yi sent Du Kang's ID to the public channel.

"Great, thank you, boss!" Everyone said one after another.

At this time, a survivor suddenly asked: "Boss Yiranpin, I need a lot of cornerstones and dark gold here, can you take them out here?"

Xiao Yi was slightly taken aback, and said with a smile: "You are the survivor who needs 300 million cornerstones and dark gold, don't worry, as long as you have the resources, I can take them out!"

(End of this chapter)

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