Chapter 1860 Open Medium Engine
"What does this reminder mean, sir?"

"I see. Do you still remember what Mr. W from Hydrotron said before?"

"Our test won't hurt the natives, so isn't it possible that the shock waves coming are only aimed at us?"

"Lying grass, this is too discriminatory!"

"In that case, we really need to solve the troubles in front of us, otherwise, when the two troubles come together, no one can handle it!"

"Is it possible that this supernova explosion is not a test for us?"

"Yes, in this case, the natives will also be affected."

"Brother, do you dare to bet? If you lose the bet, you will be eliminated, that would be fatal!"

"Uh, forget it, hurry up and deal with the enemy in front of you!"

"It's easy to say, the natives have been chasing me for nearly a day, and if I can solve it, I'll finish it long ago."

"Then hurry up and think about it. If you can complain about the natives here, then go ahead."

"Is there any other way, now we can only get more advanced weapons, or more advanced engines, otherwise we will not be able to get rid of the natives following behind."

"So now I can only watch Yi Ranpin."

"Yes, big brother, help me!"

Xiao Yi frowned when he saw the news in the public channel, and then said: "Before I said that I had high-level weapons in my hand, I didn't consider everyone's actual situation. My high-level weapons cannot be installed in the escape pod, and even the miniature universe can't be installed." Neither will the spaceship."

"Lying grass, boss, what kind of weapon are you holding, why do you still require the level of the spaceship?"

"Yes, can you tell me?"

Xiao Yi continued to explain: "It's a medium-sized laser cannon, and it's a bit difficult to install on a small spaceship. It's impossible to install it on a miniature spaceship."

"It turned out to be a medium-sized laser cannon, boss, this is too cruel, wouldn't it be possible to run rampant here with this!"

"Laser cannon, when can I install one on my spaceship!"

"No way, I'm still pinning my hopes on the boss's advanced weapons, it's over!"

"Yeah, what should we do now?"

"What else can I do? Damn it, you can't just surrender!"

"Surrender? Maybe it's a good idea. I offer the island monument and resources with both hands. The other party can't kill me indiscriminately!"

"Maybe you can try it, in case the other party really didn't kill you!"

"The main reason is the language barrier. If I can communicate with the other party, then I am quite confident in persuading the natives not to kill me."

"Who says no, I heard that Yi Ranpin has this ability, no wonder he can subdue an indigenous force."

"If I have this ability, so can I!"

"Thinking too much, it's not easy to convince the natives just because of this ability!"

Seeing everyone's discussion, Xiao Yi frowned and pondered for a moment. Since the weapon is not good enough, he can only consider the speed.

He has a small engine template, and he can get a higher-level engine through fusion.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yi said: "You can collect some raw materials, two sets of medium-sized engines that can be replaced by one, this time you will not be charged processing fees, but let me state in advance that even if the engine is installed in the escape pod, it will not be able to exert its maximum acceleration. , but can develop the top speed of the medium engine."

The small spacecraft engine template obtained by Xiao Yi's sign-in has characteristics that can be adapted to small aircraft and below. By retaining this characteristic during fusion, Xiao Yi can obtain a medium-sized engine with high adaptability.However, the structure of the escape capsule is not as good as that of a spacecraft. If the medium-sized engine is used at full capacity, there may be some adverse consequences. For example, the escape capsule cannot withstand such high-intensity acceleration and is damaged.

But as long as you accelerate slowly, the top speed will always be reached.

Seeing Xiao Yi's news, the survivors who were being chased by the natives immediately became excited.

"Boss, I'll collect it right away, save one for me, I have to replace it with a medium-sized engine!"

"Yeah, although the acceleration can't be too high, but the final speed is higher than the opponent, then you can completely shake off the opponent!"

"That's right, I've already got one set together, boss, wait for me, I'll go get the second set."

Even those survivors who were not chased by the natives became jealous.

"Boss, I am not being chased by the natives here, can I buy a medium-sized spaceship engine?"

"Lying grass, brother upstairs, you are too real, you don't know if you don't say big brother!"

"That's right, the boss said so, he must have a template, as long as we find the raw materials, the boss will only make money but not lose."

"But I feel that I still need to explain. After all, the big brother shot to rescue those who were chased by the natives."

Xiao Yi smiled slightly. He didn't believe that survivors who had lived to this stage would be so real, but he still replied: "It's all right, as long as you find a double copy of the materials, you can switch to a medium-sized engine from me."

"Great, thank you, boss!" Everyone said one after another.

Under the temptation of no processing fees, almost everyone is purchasing raw materials, hoping to replace them with a higher-end engine.

As a result, raw materials have become in short supply.

"Lying grass, do you want to do this, can you let us survivors who are being chased change first!"

"Yeah, you have all purchased the raw materials, and we can't receive anything at all!"

"You are driving me to my death!"

"Brother, you can't say that. The purchase of raw materials itself means that the one with the highest price gets the first comer. Is there any problem with this?"

"That is, if you can't buy it now, it can only be because you don't have enough resources."

"This place itself is a testing ground, and it is very normal to weed out some people with low strength."

"Made, who are you saying is not strong?"

"I'm just saying it casually, everyone, don't be seated on the same number!"

"I've gathered all the materials here, should I chat with you directly, boss?"

Xiao Yi thought for a while, and replied, "I'll give you an ID, you can trade with him!"

With that said, Xiao Yi threw Du Kang's ID up, and then said through the intercom in the cabin: "Du Kang, arrange someone here to deal with the engine."

"Yes!" Du Kang replied, he is still working hard to study which fungi can be fused to make the aureophages more powerful.

Although he had the super fuser that Xiao Yi gave him, it took time to screen the fungi. He needed to find fungi with characteristics that met Xiao Yi's requirements.

After receiving Xiao Yi's order, Du Kang immediately asked his younger brother in front of the island monument to operate.

This little brother has already been authorized by Du Kang, so he can perform some simple operations.

(End of this chapter)

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