Chapter 1854 Handled transactions, designated transfer card
"Remember, it's the 800 million cornerstones and dark gold you just traded for, don't mix up the [-] I gave you before!" Zhu Wu suddenly warned again.

Hearing this request, Sanyan Boy was stunned for a moment, and muttered in his heart: "Is this cornerstone and dark gold different? Is the one you gave me a fake?"

Although he was muttering in his heart, Sanyan Boy still traded all the 800 million cornerstones and dark gold he had just harvested to Zhu Wu according to Zhu Wu's request.

"[Cornerstone] * 800 million, [Dark Gold] * 800 million. No transaction."

Zhu Wu instantly agreed to the deal.

Looking at the cornerstone and dark gold inventory displayed on his island tablet, which returned to 10 again, the three-eyed boy shook his head helplessly.

But in the next moment, Zhu Wu initiated another transaction.

"[Cornerstone] * 800 million, [Dark Gold] * 800 million. No transaction."

Seeing this transaction, the three-eyed boy was dumbfounded: "My lord, what do you mean?"

"Of course what you harvest through your own efforts belongs to you, keep it for yourself!" Zhu Wu replied.

"This, this, this is too much, 50 is enough for me!" Sanyan Boy said hastily.

"I've already mentioned the hints on the island tablet. This week is going to be a sad one. You should save these for later use. Besides, do you think the Yiranpin Alliance lacks your cornerstone and dark gold?" Zhu Wu asked back.

Just now Zhu Wu casually gave him 20 cornerstones and dark gold, naturally there is no shortage.

"Thank you, sir!" Three-eyed Boy excitedly agreed to the deal, and his cornerstone and dark gold stocks instantly reached 810 million.

Seeing this number that had never been reached before, Sanyan Boy was in a daze.

"My lord told me to trade all of them just now, he must be testing me!" Three-eyed Boy secretly said.

In fact, Zhu Wu had already exchanged the cornerstone and dark gold that Three-Eyed Boy traded for those that Xiao Yi gave him.

Although Zhu Wu didn't know what would happen to Xiao Yi after he took over, he could be sure that this was very important, and that's why Three-Eyed Boy traded all those cornerstones and dark gold.

Of course, there was a test element in this, but fortunately, the three-eyed boy successfully passed the test.

Ji Jiying, who is also in this galaxy, also bought the information about the Three-Eyed Boy. After reading the information, he secretly said: "Sure enough, you can't underestimate any survivor! It's not easy to solve the enemy so smoothly and sum up the experience! "

After pondering for a while, Ji Jiying ordered: "Pay close attention to the surrounding situation, and be careful of unfamiliar aircraft approaching!"

The six-armed creatures floating in front of the various windows of the spaceship nodded yes. Of course, their language was not Xia Guoyu, but the communication between the two parties was not a problem at all.

Ji Jiying mined a language barrier elimination card and used it directly between him and these six-armed creatures.

"Report to the young master, we have collected a special item!" At this moment, a six-armed subordinate suddenly came over and said.

"Bring it here!" Ji Jiying said in a deep voice.

The subordinate handed over a card. Ji Jiying looked at the card in his hand and his eyes lightened up. This kind of card must be a relatively rare thing.

He walked to the island monument and dragged the card onto the island monument.

"[Designated transfer card]*1."

"[Designated transfer card]: Designate a survivor, transfer it to your spaceship, regardless of distance, one-time consumable!"

Seeing the reminder of the island monument, Ji Jiying's eyes widened, followed by endless surprises.

With this, he can transfer his father here, and he is finally not alone!
Of course, he could also transfer Xiao Yi over, but it was too risky to do so. He still knew Xiao Yi's strength, so he might not be able to beat him.

During the first stage of the decisive battle with the undead, he had seen Xiao Yi's fighting power.Although Ji Jiying has been practicing the Ji family's mental skills and has made rapid progress, he always feels that Xiao Yi is too weird.

In addition, the most important thing in the trial here is to survive. Transferring an enemy is worse than transferring a close relative who doesn't have to worry about being stabbed in the back.

Thinking of this, Ji Jiying no longer hesitated, and immediately used this designated transfer card on the island tablet.

"Do you want to use [designated transfer card]*1?"

"Use it!" Ji Jiying replied in a deep voice.

"Please enter the other party's ID."

"Ji Batian."

"Connecting, waiting for the other party to agree"

Seeing this prompt, Ji Jiying was stunned for a moment. It turns out that the designated transfer also requires the consent of the other party to transfer, so it can only be said that she was thinking too much just now.

Even if it was used on Xiao Yi, he would not agree to being transferred!
At this time, in another galaxy, Ji Batian was being chased by a miniature spaceship. His miniature spaceship had already been hit in two places, and he was about to be caught up!

Suddenly, a prompt appeared on his island monument: "Ji Jiying plans to transfer you to his aircraft, do you agree?"

"Ying'er!" Ji Batian was overjoyed, and immediately replied, "I agree!"

"Transferring, 10, 9, 8"

After the countdown ended, Ji Batian's body disappeared, and the subsequent attack accurately hit the unmanned miniature spaceship!

Ji Batian felt his eyes blur for a moment, and when he became clear again, he saw his son Ji Jiying.

"Dad!" Ji Jiying immediately floated forward and hugged Ji Batian tightly.

Ji Batian also hugged Ji Jiying tightly: "I thought I couldn't see you anymore! What's going on, how can you transfer me here directly?"

"That's right, I just collected a designated transfer card!" Ji Jiying explained.

Ji Batian nodded, and replied: "Fortunately, you collected this thing, otherwise I really wouldn't be able to see you!"

Ji Batian roughly described what happened to him just now.

After hearing his father's narration, Ji Jiying said with lingering fear: "Fortunately! Fortunately!"

"However, it's a pity that I just upgraded the miniature spaceship." Ji Batian said regretfully.

"Dad, as long as we get together, there will be many opportunities to harvest more spaceships in the future. It's just a tiny spaceship. It's not a pity!" Ji Jiying said grandly.

Ji Batian glared at him, and said, "It's just a miniature spaceship? Return it? You're still an escape pod, right? Have you upgraded it?"

"Dad, you underestimate your son too much. The spaceship you are in is a small spaceship, and I also have a small frigate." Ji Jiying said proudly.

"What, you have upgraded to a small spaceship?" Ji Batian said in shock, "How did you do it?"

"It's a long story for a child without a mother!" Ji Jiying replied with a smile.

"Don't talk about it, tell me quickly!" Ji Batian asked hastily.

"It's the way it is."

(End of this chapter)

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