Chapter 1849 Accepting the three-eyed guy and selling information

"Since you came here last time, he doesn't seem to be so evasive, and he doesn't reveal his information easily. I vaguely heard that he seems to have got a small space frigate." The three-eyed boy replied uncertainly.

"Frigate?" Zhu Wu's eyes widened, and he asked curiously, "Is there such a spaceship?"

"I don't know, I just heard that a survivor met Ji Jiying, and Ji Jiying said it himself, but this news is just a unilateral statement by a survivor, and even Ji Jiying didn't come out to respond to this statement, right? Really." The three-eyed boy replied.

Zhu Wu nodded slightly, Xiao Yi got a small battleship from other survivors, and Ji Jiying got a special spaceship here.

Just by hearing the name, one can probably guess the function of this spaceship. It is used to protect other important spaceships.

It's a pity that this kind of spaceship was acquired by Ji Jiying. If it was someone else, Zhu Wu would definitely buy this frigate at a high price.

"What a pity!" Zhu Wu said with emotion, and then asked, "Do other survivors in your galaxy get this special spaceship?"

"I haven't heard of it yet." The three-eyed boy replied.

This answer was not beyond Zhu Wu's expectation. It would be strange if many survivors opened such a high-end item.

"[Beer] (Grade C) *50L transaction no."

"This is a reward for you!" Zhu Wu generously traded the C-grade beer.

Seeing that Zhu Wu actually gave him [-] liters of C-grade beer, Sanyan Boy was stunned for a moment, and then said cautiously: "Boss, you gave too much, and there is still a grade of beer. Besides, I don't have any beer." Gather useful information."

"I'll take it for you. I value your attitude relatively more. From the current point of view, your attitude is basically qualified." Zhu Wu replied with a smile.

"Boss, what do you mean, I'm your official eyeliner now?" Sanyan Boy said happily.

"Well, the inspection period has passed, so you are considered qualified!" Zhu Wu replied, "Remember, you are now the eyeliner of the Yiranpin Alliance in this galaxy! If you have any questions, please report to me in time, and then we will see your performance Already!"

"Yes! Thank you, boss!" Three-eyed Boy replied excitedly.

After finishing the chat with Sanyanzi, Zhu Wu immediately sent a message in the public channel: "Yiranpin Alliance, Comet Merchant is here, welcome everyone to come and buy the products you need."

"Wow, when will Brother Zhu arrive? Hurry up. Is there any electricity? Give me some support, I'll pay a high price!"

"Me too, there is a mad dog behind me, I can't get rid of it!"

"Made, is this native taking medicine? It feels like we won't give up until we catch up!"

"Brother Pig, do you have any beer this time?"

"Upstairs, at this time, you still care about whether there is beer, don't you worry about the natives?"

"It's because this is the time, so I have to enjoy it for a while. I don't know when I will be stumped by the test. Now I can enjoy it for a while!"

"Brother, you can think about it! I can't, I still need weapons, brother pig, do you still have the electromagnetic rail gun system you sold last time?"

Seeing this, Zhu Wu replied with a smile: "We have electric beer and weapons. If you want anything, you can go to the trading floor to take pictures by yourself. If you have something special, you can chat with me privately."

"Brother Pig is really amazing! You brought so many items, are you here with a fleet?"

"So many things can't be loaded in a small spaceship, right?" "It certainly can't be accommodated. According to speculation, the volume of the small spaceship is about 800 million cubic meters. The beer he hung on it is almost that big, and even more Needless to say, there are so many other items.”

"Is the Yiranpin Alliance so strong?"

Seeing that many survivors traded weapons, Zhu Wu couldn't help reminding: "Everyone bought weapons, try not to let the natives snatch them."

"What does Brother Pig mean?"

"Yes, Brother Pig, can you explain a little more clearly?"

Everyone asked curiously.

Zhu Wu saw that everyone's curiosity had been aroused by him, so he said: "I have some information about the indigenous people here, because I am not sure whether it is accurate, so I only charge five units of dark gold. Those who want to know You can chat with me privately, if the number of people chatting with me is less than 20, all transactions will be automatically canceled and the dark money will be returned."

"Brother Pig, you really have fully interpreted the essence of a businessman! You have to sell everything."

"Yeah, it's just a piece of information that's not sure whether it's true or not, so five units of dark gold are needed, isn't it a bit too expensive?"

"Under 20 people cancel the transaction, you are forcing all of us to buy this information, we can choose to refuse."

Zhu Wu replied with a smile: "I respect your choice, so just pretend I didn't say it."

"Come on, Brother Pig, I'm willing to buy it, and I've chatted privately."

"I'm willing too. It's just five units of dark gold, and there are more than that in the daily supply box. Even if the information is wrong, I don't feel bad." The three-eyed boy also began to pick up the rhythm.

"Brother Pig has come to our galaxy several times. Through previous transactions, it can be seen that Brother Pig is very honest and reliable. I am willing to buy it and have already chatted privately."

"Personally, Brother Pig's information is very useful for our survival, and we have chatted privately."

"It's private, no explanation."

Zhu Wu received private messages from many people in an instant, and they all directly traded the dark gold.

In their view, Zhu Wu's family has a great career, and there is no need to cheat these five units of dark gold.

Almost instantly, more than 20 people chose to trade.

Ji Jiying's galaxy is very rich in supplies, so there are more survivors who survived at the beginning.

Zhu Wu thought for a while, and instead of sending this information to those who chose to trade immediately, he waited another 10 minutes.

In just 10 minutes, the number of private chat transactions reached 70!

Seeing the number of transactions, Zhu Wu immediately sent Xiao Yi's previous speculation to these survivors who chose to trade.

"The reason why those aborigines chased us crazily was that when we saw the reminder from the island monument last weekend, the aborigines also received a reminder. We don't know the specific content, but there are a few things that are certain. First, the aborigines will not be attacked by us." Second, the items harvested by the aborigines after defeating us will increase the level. Third, the items that the aborigines plundered through battles will have multiple bonuses. Simply put, they robbed your weapons and put them in their hands It will be upgraded, and there will be more! This is why I remind you not to be robbed by the natives of the weapons you buy!"

(End of this chapter)

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