Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 1843 Eating, hidden dangers, fusion of gold-phage bacteria

Chapter 1843 Eating, hidden dangers, fusion of gold-phage bacteria

Tirina nodded, and beckoned the squad leaders to carry all these things in.

Because there were a lot of them, Tirina and the others carried them several times before they carried all the barrels in.

The prisoners of the Dana tribe started discussing again when they saw so many barrels brought out by the captain.

"Let's not talk about what we are eating, but the portion is quite enough."

"As long as I can eat enough, I don't ask for anything else."

"Yeah, I haven't had enough since I came this week. The logistics of our Dyna family are really beyond words."

Because he didn't know what kind of food Xiao Yi had prepared for them, Tirina could only open it to see what kind of food was in these buckets.

"Open it and see what types of rice are there? How many are there? We can distribute them to everyone," Tirina ordered.

"Yes!" The team leaders responded, and then opened all the barrels.

The moment they opened it, all kinds of scents came out all at once.

"This is Mixiang, I haven't eaten rice for a long time."

"I smell it, and there are scrambled eggs with tomatoes!"

"I seem to smell the aroma of fried meat."

Everyone desperately swallowed their saliva.

Planet Dyna is very far away from the wormhole they discovered, and at the speed of their satellite-class warship, it will take more than half a year to reach it.

This distance makes it difficult for logistics to keep up, so they will limit each meal.

Even if they harvested the island monument, the situation was still the same, mainly because their patriarch didn't want to waste the cornerstone and dark gold on food.

Seeing so much delicious food, Tirina swallowed involuntarily, looked at all the food in the bucket, and said: "Today's meal is enough, let's line up for dinner!"

"Yes!" Everyone responded in unison, extremely excited.

"Everyone can't eat too much, we still have work to do in the afternoon!" Tirina reminded again.


Looking at those comrades who were wolfing down their food, Tirena thought to himself, "Surrender seems to be pretty good."

At this time, Xiao Yi was also having lunch, and Su Wan suggested while eating, "I'll also go to the prisoner's side to have a look, and collect some of their languages ​​by the way, otherwise, it would be too troublesome to communicate."

"Alright, be careful!" Xiao Yi replied with a slight nod.

"Being so kind to the prisoners, we are the only one here!" Du Kang said with a smile on the side.

"Yeah, I feel that these prisoners are really happy!" Jiang Yuntian agreed.

Xiao Yi said: "These soldiers of the Dyna clan are all tall and strong, and they are good hands at work."

The three of Jiang Yuntian nodded in agreement. They had all seen those captives, and their arms were thicker than Jiang Yuntian's thighs.

From this, it can be seen that their physical fitness is definitely better than that of humans.

Of course, this is at the same level, now Xiao Yi and the others are all SSS level, these ordinary level soldiers of the Dyna clan are definitely not comparable to them.

"By the way, what's the situation with Huyi now?" Jiang Yuntian asked suddenly.

Xiao Yi replied: "I contacted his side before. Now, just like ours, none of the spaceships have stayed on the planet, and everyone has also encountered the impact of indigenous forces!" "Can Hu Yi resist? Jiang Yuntian asked with a frown.

"It's okay. I've communicated with him. If you can't take it any longer, please contact us in time." Xiao Yi replied.

Jiang Yuntian nodded slightly, and said with some hesitation: "What on earth does this aboriginal island tablet indicate, so that they attack survivors so frantically."

"According to the known information so far, the income of the natives attacking us must be very high, and there may be additional rewards from the rules of the world!" Xiao Yi said in a deep voice.

"Well, that's right, the Dyna family was very honest before. After the island tablet reminded them, they seemed to have changed into a completely different team. They attacked us so frantically that they were even planning to use their satellite-class spaceship!" Jiang Yuntian said.

"Regardless of what their island monument says, the most urgent thing is to get something that can deal with satellite-class warships as soon as possible, otherwise, the Dana family will always be a hidden danger!" Xiao Yi said.

The three of Jiang Yuntian frowned. They already knew that satellite-class warships were powerful, but there seemed to be no other way except to get warships of the same level.

Xiao Yi took a bite of the rice, pondered for a while, and then asked, "Du Kang, you have fused other bacteria and aureophages together, and asked to increase the division speed of aureophages and their tolerance to harsh conditions. !"

Du Kang was slightly taken aback, and then replied: "Okay!"

At present, there is no other good method, but the gold-phagating bacteria obtained from the wormhole planet can be used.

If you can continue to increase the reproduction speed of the gold-phagating bacteria, then it can devour the enemy's ships faster!

Xiao Yi can definitely create gold-eating bacteria bombs here, as long as the other party is not prepared, there is a chance to trick the other party.

Xiao Yi and the others can only hope that the Dyna clan can wait a little longer before harassing them.

"You don't have to worry too much, they won't come to harass us again for a while, after so many defeats, they should be more cautious!" Seeing that everyone's expressions were a little dignified, Xiao Yi comforted everyone.

"That's right, they definitely don't dare to come here easily. They have lost more than ten large spaceships in these few battles." Jiang Yuntian agreed.

Du Kang and Su Wan nodded.

After lunch, Xiao Yi returned to the island monument again, and the public channels were all about buying electricity.

"Whoever has extra power, use it urgently! Wait online!"

"Yeah, I still have an indigenous spaceship hanging behind me, and my electricity has bottomed out."

The electricity on Xiao Yi's spaceship is still very sufficient. He hooked up the electricity to the trading floor, and then said in the group: "I need to go to the trading floor to take pictures. I've already hung it up."

"Thank you, big brother! I have already photographed it, and this has saved my old life!"

"Yeah, if there is no electricity, I guess I will kneel!"

"Boss has so much electricity!"

At this time, Zhu Wu sent a message: "Island owner, please give me the electricity, I haven't left yet, the transaction of this galaxy should be left to me!"

"Well, I'll give you something!" Xiao Yi responded, and then traded the super battery to Zhu Wu.

The super battery is now fully charged.

"This is a good thing!" Zhu Wu looked at the super battery in surprise and said with a smile.

Xiao Yi continued to ask, "When will you leave here?"

"According to the trajectory map, it's probably tonight!" Zhu Wu replied.

(End of this chapter)

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