Chapter 184 Cursed girl, cut off her beard
Xiao Yi's idea is very simple, that is to find a small island and take the island monument as his own, then trade the yacht back, and trade it back when it is fully charged!

Now I can only hope that there will be other survivors' islands along the route Li Yan will take back!

I don't know if it was God's favor, but not long after, Li Yan sent a message.

"I found an island, should I go directly?" Li Yan asked.

"Bring Tang Dao, put on the one-piece suit, and go directly, remember not to be soft-hearted!" Xiao Yi warned.

"Okay!" Li Yan replied, and then ordered Xiao You to rush towards that island!
At this moment, on an island of only five square meters, a girl tremblingly cast out the fishing net in her hand.

The fishing net was crooked and caught a supply box on the sea.

The girl's eyes lit up!

"Finally, I finally got the supply box!" She sat down on the shore, and then tried her best to pull back the supply box caught in the net.

"It's best to open some food." The girl prayed in her heart.

She hadn't eaten for a day, and the reason why she was shivering when she cast the fishing net was not because of the cold, but because she was already hungry and had low blood sugar.

I don't know if I have encountered some kind of curse. Almost no water and food have been opened from the material boxes I caught before, and other materials are also pitifully scarce.

And all the pitifully few supplies were used in exchange for food.

So her island is impoverished, and almost no supplies can be seen.

The girl opened the supply box full of longing, and when she saw the contents, her face was full of disappointment, even despair!
In the material box, there is only one card, one blueprint, and even the basic materials are gone!

"That world doesn't like me, so is this world going to give up on me?" The girl thought desperately.

Struggling to get up, the girl got into the tent, moved to the island monument, and posted the two things in her hand on the public channel.

"[Contract Card]*1, [Localator Manufacturing Diagram]*1 in exchange for food, private chat."

"I'm going, has someone issued a contract card again?"

"What kind of luck is this, I remember that the contract card was changed to food with a level last time!"

"That's right, it seems that Yiranpin took it."

"I'm so envious of this survivor!"

"There is also the locator manufacturing map, which is definitely a high-end product. If I find my relatives, I will try my best to make a locator, so that there will be a chance to meet up!"

"Meeting? Are you thinking of farting! Even if you find a place, how do you get there? Do you have a boat?"

"Even if there is a boat, have you ever asked the sea creatures if they would agree?"

"That's something to consider later, at least you need to know the distance from each other before you can make further plans."

Xiao Yi and Di Lintianxia both saw the girl's message and sent her a message at the same time.

"I'll trade you 300 milliliters of Grade C purified water for that contract card and locator manufacturing map!" Di Lin Tianxia wrote.

"Ordinary food and water, you can come up with the quantity yourself, as long as it's not outrageous, I have no problem!" Xiao Yi said domineeringly, "Of course, if you want graded food, you can also discuss it."

The girl was stunned when she saw the two big guys sending her a message.

Are the two things you prescribed very good things?The last time the contract card appeared in the public channel, the girl was outside and didn't see it, so she didn't know that the contract card attracted two big guys to fight for it!

Although graded water and food are good for human health, girls now need a lot of water and food.

She immediately decided to trade with Yiranpin boss!

"Don't move!" The cold blade stuck to the girl's neck.

The girl was about to trade and stopped.

Seeing that the other party did not respond, Di Lintian immediately sent a message and said, "I can add some more food and water!"

Xiao Yi also frowned and waited for the other party's response, and said to himself, "Could it be that he was cut off? Is there anyone with better conditions than me?"

When the girl heard that it was a woman, she immediately begged: "Sister, please forgive me, I haven't eaten for a day, please let me complete this transaction, as long as I have a full meal, even if you kill me, I will have no complaints." !"

It was Li Yan who came and saw that the girl was trembling and her face turned pale, which was indeed a symptom of hypoglycemia.

"No!" Li Yan said decisively, and then tied her up with a fishing net beside her.

The girl who was already hypoglycemic had no strength to resist at all, so Li Yan tied her up smoothly and threw her aside.

Then she walked to the island monument and saw her private channel, and there was an interface where she was sending messages to Yi Ranpin.

After reading the information, Li Yan knew that Xiao Yi wanted to buy the contract card and the manufacturing map of the locator.

So, she was going to directly operate the island monument and hand over those two things to Xiao Yi.

But Li Yan immediately discovered the problem, she couldn't control the island monument.

Li Yan frowned, returned to the yacht, and asked Xiao Yi, "Xiao Yi, I have already controlled the people on that island, but why can't I control her island monument?"

"Under control?" Xiao Yi frowned and said, "Let's kill him directly, so as not to cause accidents!"

The living will always have accidents, the dead are the ones who can best control it!
Li Yan hesitated, and said, "It's a girl, she probably hasn't eaten for a while, her blood sugar is low, and she struggles to stand up."

"What do you mean?" Xiao Yi asked.

Li Yan replied: "I need people to help me with spinning and weaving, and I can't do it alone, so if possible, I want to absorb her in! Of course, if you have problems on your side, Then I will kill her!"

Xiao Yi frowned and said, "But outsiders are always a factor of uncertainty! It would be great if I could get that contract card just now!"

"So you're worried about this!" Li Yan said with a smile, "The contract card is with me! I got it from that girl when I subdued it just now."

Li Yan shared the information on the girl's island tablet, and Xiao Yi immediately understood what was going on.

"It's such a coincidence, I thought someone cut it off!" Xiao Yi said with a smile, "In this case, I agree, but the contract card must be used!"

"I understand!" Li Yan replied, "You haven't answered my question just now!"

Xiao Yi nodded and explained: "If you want to take the island tablet for your own use, you need to meet one condition, that is, the owner of the original island tablet is not on the island, or is dead!"

Li Yan was a little surprised that there were such restrictions.

After pondering for a while, Li Yan stepped onto the yacht and lifted the girl out of the tent.

(End of this chapter)

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