Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 1801 The genius who portrays the formation, why don't you go around

Chapter 1801 The genius who portrays the formation, why don't you go around

"Of course, I have always been a genius, no matter what I learn!" Zhu Wu said confidently.

Xiao Yi looked at Zhu Wu's skillful technique in the video, and nodded slightly: "That's right, at least in terms of depicting formations, many people don't have as much aura as you."

Zhu Wu's mouth parted with joy, and he hurriedly asked: "Then what else do I need to do now, can I come to your place soon?"

"What are you thinking about?" Xiao Yi rolled his eyes and replied, "The formation you described is just the base formation of the galaxy teleportation formation, and this teleportation formation can only be teleported within the galaxy."

"It turns out that it can't be teleported across galaxies. I thought it could be constructed directly!" Zhu Wu said disappointedly.

"You are too naive. In addition to the base formation, this teleportation formation also needs to be described in the transmission core formation." Xiao Yi continued.

"Any other formations? Then take them out quickly, I'll practice first!" Zhu Wu said immediately.

"I will describe the core formation for you. When the time comes, the teleporter will need to go over and build this teleportation formation." Xiao Yi replied.

Zhu Wu was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Anyway, I'm idle now, why don't you send it to me to see, if I learn it, don't I need a teleporter!"

"That also requires a teleporter, it's not the teleporter who can't control the teleportation array!" Xiao Yi replied.

Zhu Wu was stunned again: "The teleportation array still needs to be manipulated?"

"Of course, why not teleport randomly?" Xiao Yi asked rhetorically.

"In that case, wouldn't it mean that even if I can build a teleportation array, I can't use it?" Zhu Wu frowned and said, "Then what's the use of me learning this?"

"It can save us some time, at least help us to describe the base formation first." Xiao Yi replied, "Didn't you just say that you are idle anyway."

Zhu Wu shook his head helplessly, and asked curiously: "Since I can't use the teleportation array, how can you send the teleporter here?"

"We have a mobile teleportation array, which is placed in an escape pod." Xiao Yi replied.

"Since there is this mobile teleportation array, you can just use that one. Why do you need to build a teleportation array on my spaceship?" Zhu Wu asked suspiciously.

"Since you don't want it, you can cancel it." Xiao Yi said with a smile, "It just so happens that the teleportation array on hand is limited."

"Don't, I want it!" Zhu Wu immediately changed his words, "This is the island owner's kindness, I can't refuse."

Being able to build a teleportation array on his spaceship shows that Xiao Yi attaches great importance to his side, and with a fixed teleportation array, support and communication will become very convenient.

In case of urgent need, and the mobile teleportation array is occupied, it will be troublesome.

"This is the blueprint of the teleportation core, you can learn it slowly!" Xiao Yi also sent the blueprint of the teleportation core to Zhu Wu.

"Okay, watch me take it down in two hours!" Zhu Wu replied with a smile, and then ended the communication.

Zhu Wu walked to the island monument to see if there was any special news.

Most of them were requests for Zhu Wu to display more high-end items.

"I've already put all the items I have on the trading floor. If I haven't bought anything, wait until I come next time!" Zhu Wu replied in the public channel.

There are also some messages in the private chat interface, most of which Zhu Wu ignored, but Jiebi's private chat still needs to be answered.

Before, Zhu Wu was in seclusion because he had to practice carving formations. Jie Ji sent him a private message: "Did you encounter any difficulties?" Only then did Zhu Wu reply: "Thank you for your concern. There is no difficulty. The island owner has arranged it for me. Other jobs.”

Seeing Zhu Wu's reply, Jiebi immediately said: "I really envy you, you can communicate instantly in different galaxies!"

"What's there to be envious of? Even if you have this ability, isn't there no one to contact you?" Zhu Wu replied with a smile.

"Can we not expose the scars?" Jiebi said helplessly.

At present, in these several galaxies, Jiebi has not found its first-stage companion.

A thought suddenly flashed through Zhu Wu's mind, and he asked, "Brother, do you want to play in the galaxy at the island owner's side?"

"Huh?" Jiebi widened his eyes when he saw this message, "Can you take me to other galaxies?"

"Not for the time being, maybe it will be fine if you come next time." Zhu Wu said mysteriously, "Of course, the cost is naturally very high."

Jiebi was even more shocked: "How is this possible?"

Now Zhu Wu is being carried away by a comet, how can he take himself with him?

"Haha, nothing is impossible with our island owner!" Zhu Wu laughed and replied, "Of course, this matter also needs to be decided by our island owner, and it's not something you can do if you want to!"

Jiebi frowned and pondered for a long time, then tentatively asked: "Do you have a teleportation array?"

The current methods of transporting a person from one galaxy to another are extremely limited.

It’s definitely not enough to rely on spaceships to sail. Now everyone’s spaceships have extremely limited speeds, and it takes too long to travel between galaxies.

Wormholes are also unlikely. This kind of teleportation method that randomly appears in the galaxy will not go directly to Xiao Yi's side by such a coincidence.

And the only way of long-distance teleportation is the teleportation array!
Zhu Wu, who was drinking juice, saw Jiebi's message and almost sprayed the juice in his mouth on the island monument.

"Brother, yes, you can guess all of this?" Zhu Wu replied.

"You really have a teleportation array!" Jiebi said in shock.

"I also just found out, how about it, our island owner is awesome!" Zhu Wu said proudly.

"Yi Ranpin is powerful, I have realized it a long time ago!" Jiebi said with emotion, "It's just that I didn't expect him to quickly establish such a big advantage in this second stage."

"Think about it here, I still need to do work arranged by the island owner." Zhu Wu drank the juice in the cup, and then returned to the game cabin again, preparing to practice the core formation of the teleportation formation.

Jiebi looked at the information on the private chat interface and fell into deep thought.

As a game strategy master, Jiebi has his own pride. He always believes that he can create a world in this universe.

Xiao Yi suppressed him in the first stage, he just thought Xiao Yi was lucky.

But now he doesn't think so, Xiao Yi didn't bring any advantages from the first stage, but now he still holds him steady by one head, no, it should be several heads!
This is no longer explained by luck!
"Why don't you join Xiao Yi?" Jiebi suddenly had such an idea, and then he shook his head again, denying such an idea.

"Let's talk about it later, but before that, I can really go to Xiao Yi's side to have a look." Jiebi muttered.

(End of this chapter)

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