Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 1794 The natives are approaching, so many spaceships, withdraw

Chapter 1794 The natives are approaching, so many spaceships, withdraw
"Island owner, you don't know, I feel so empty and lonely on the comet by myself!" Zhu Wu started the rambling mode again.

"Stop!" Xiao Yi decisively interrupted him, "If you don't want to be alone, then study hard."

"Okay!" Zhu Wu responded cheerfully this time.

Xiao Yi finally reminded: "I have sent you all the relevant parameters, you can input them into the game cabin by yourself, and practice in the game cabin."


After Xiao Yi finished speaking, he hung up the phone, and Zhu Wu muttered, "The island owner is always so forthright!"

Then he immediately input all the parameters sent by Xiao Yi into the game cabin, ready to start practicing characterization.

"Where's Brother Pig? We were chatting hotly just now, why did they suddenly disappear?"

"Yeah, @会跳舞的猪, Brother Pig, how about you, can you tell us about other galaxies?"

"Brother Pig is probably busy, so he doesn't have time to chat with us."

"How is it possible, Brother Pig is just a businessman flying with the comet, and he won't be too busy at all."

"That is, you only need to put the items on the shelves, and the rest is to collect the money. Will it be busy to collect the money? Obviously not!"

"When Brother Zhu comes to our galaxy, he probably doesn't know many familiar people. Why does he suddenly stop talking on the public channel?"

"It's a bit weird."

Zhu Wu heard someone @ him on the island monument, so he came back and sent a message: "I do have something to do next, and if I need to buy something, I can go to the trading floor to take pictures by myself. If you have any questions, I will chat privately, but I Not necessarily an answer, that’s all!”

After speaking, Zhu Wu got into the game cabin and ignored everyone's news in the public channel.

Jiebi naturally also saw Zhu Wu's news, and thought to himself: "What is there to be busy in this galaxy?"

Looking at the message sent by Zhu Wu, it is obvious that he has just encountered some things, so he is busy, and following Comet should not encounter too many troubles, unless Yi Ranpin ordered something.

Jie Bi pondered for a moment, then shook his head. He could understand that there was too little information, and it was impossible to guess why Zhu Wu was busy.

After Zhu Wu entered the game cabin, he immediately began to describe the formation.

He has never been exposed to the description of this teleportation formation, so it is very difficult to operate.

"Failed again, I didn't even draw one-tenth of it!" Zhu Wu was a little frustrated when he saw that he had drawn the wrong formation again.

But he quickly adjusted his mentality. He believed that as long as he kept training, he would be successful one day.

In this way, Zhu Wu kept failing, trying again, failing again, trying again!

At this time, Jiang Yuntian once again received news of the actions of the indigenous fleet.

"Instructor, the enemy is moving!"

Jiang Yuntian immediately ordered: "All ships are ready!"

The indigenous fleet on the opposite side of the wormhole began to slowly approach the wormhole.

"Everyone must be careful, the soldiers on the other side's weapons are extremely experienced."


"In order to ensure a fatal blow, enter within [-] kilometers before launching a salvo!"


As the distance continued to get closer, the survivors around became excited, and they even wanted to rush up!
"They are close enough. Should we get closer?" "Yes, if we can't get close to them in time, we won't be able to launch a sneak attack in time, and they will have a chance to breathe."

"Go, come closer!"

The survivors also began to slowly approach the wormhole.

"Sixty kilometers, all weapons ready!" The native commander ordered immediately.

The moment he gave the order, three large spaceships and four small battleships suddenly rushed out of the wormhole in front of him.

Together with the one that had been guarding the entrance of the wormhole before, there were four large spaceships in total.

"How could this happen!" The native commander was dumbfounded, but in the next moment, he immediately shouted, "Retreat immediately!"

Although they had two more large spaceships, according to the previous performance of Jiang Yuntian's spaceships, the advantages of these two spaceships could not make up for their disadvantages in combat experience and technology.

And the other party waited until this time to show their fangs, indicating that the other party wanted to eat them all in one bite. Since there was such a plan, the other party must have been extremely well prepared.

There might even be a trap set, just wait for them to jump off!
So the native commander decisively chose to evacuate.

"Since everyone is here, don't leave!" Jiang Yuntian sneered, "Chase!"

"Yes!" Jiang Yuntian's spaceship and battleship immediately started to chase each other.

The spaceships on Jiang Yuntian's side are all equipped with stabilization systems, so they can give full play to the engines of large spaceships and accelerate unscrupulously.

But the natives didn't have such a system, and they didn't dare to increase the acceleration to the maximum without wearing the space suits in the cabin.

These natives are of ordinary physique, and their tolerance to acceleration is even more limited, so their speed is relatively much slower.

In addition, they turned around and fled, while Jiang Yuntian pursued in a straight line, and the distance between the two instantly shortened.

Survivors who were thinking about picking up cheap ones turned around and ran away without any hesitation!
"Made, what's the situation with this drug seller? How come there are so many spaceships!"

"Yeah, why does he have so many helpers?"

"Could it be that he found his first-stage companion in the opposite galaxy?"

"It's very possible, otherwise, where would he find so many people to help him!"

"But isn't there only one companion in a galaxy? You can see that there are eight spaceships. How could he find so many companions?"

"Maybe they contracted some natives!"

"This large spaceship is definitely not something that one or two natives can control. How many contract cards do you need?"

"Let's not talk about it, this drug seller has already flown up to a branch and turned into a phoenix, we should stop messing with him, and rely on him to sell things honestly, let's develop slowly."

"Yeah, I hope they can't see us. Wocao, this medicine seller is preparing to fight on two fronts!"

While speaking, two small warships flew away from Jiang Yuntian's fleet and flew straight towards the survivors.

"Made, let's disperse and run away. If you can escape to death, ask for blessings!"

The anti-drug dealer alliance collapsed in an instant!
At this time, Jiang Yuntian had already led his team to catch up with the indigenous team, and started fighting without any nonsense!
In the eyes of Jiang Yuntian and the others, the indigenous team is just a rookie in combat.

Although the opponent had two more large spaceships, they were completely suppressed by Jiang Yuntian, and it was only a matter of time before the opponent lost!

"Instructor, this large spaceship is really difficult to handle. Our combat skills completely crush them and we can't solve them instantly!"

(End of this chapter)

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