Chapter 1782 Someone flinched and built a teleportation array
There were two voices in the anti-drug dealer alliance. One insisted on staying here to find a chance for Sun Yao and the indigenous civilization to lose both. The other decided to leave and not get involved in the battle between the large spaceships.

"You can leave if you want, but the results here have nothing to do with you! As long as you don't regret it!"

"Safety first, if you really get them, we can always buy supplies from you?"

"Of course, we are not narrow-minded people."

"That's fine, we'll just wait for the news of your victory."

Several of the escape pods flew to the distance, but after flying for a certain distance, they stopped at the same time.

Obviously, they are also a little unwilling, but they are worried about the risk, so they keep a distance here and wait and see.

The survivors who left took the initiative to withdraw from the group, while those who remained began to discuss in the group how to gain benefits from Sun Yao and the indigenous civilization.

"Through the battle just now, the medicine seller's spaceship is obviously stronger than that of the natives, but I don't know if there are any reinforcements behind the natives."

"I don't think the indigenous civilization has left completely. There should be reinforcements, or they think they can still fight the drug dealer!"

"Do they have any other tricks up their sleeves?"

"The high probability is that they may have been careless before. The drug seller has just harvested a large spaceship, and the operation is definitely not as familiar as those indigenous civilizations."

"That's right, such a large spaceship cannot be operated by one person, and the indigenous civilization also has an advantage in terms of numbers."

"Well, so we just need to wait here for the indigenous civilization to attack again."

"What if the indigenous civilization has a great advantage, and we don't seem to have any benefit?"

"So if you have any powerful weapons, it's time to take them out."

"Yes, as long as we can take down these spaceships, we will make a lot of money."

"Let's make an agreement first. Whoever uses the weapon will get the harvested spaceship. If there is any dispute, let's discuss it. Don't fight directly. We are an alliance, understand?"


Everyone responded one after another, and then they thought in their hearts how to get the most benefit.

Survivors who want to get a share of the pie must have something in their hands, and only they know what it is.

And the indigenous civilization that was repulsed by Sun Yao was discussing with lingering fear.

"Didn't this outsider who sells medicine just acquired this large spaceship?"

"Yeah, why is he so proficient in operating?"

"I suspect that he is not alone at all, otherwise, how could he attack us while driving the spaceship?"

"That's right, and the weapons on the drug seller's spaceship are even more advanced than ours!"

"Are there so many good things in the galaxy opposite the wormhole?"

"Then we must take down this drug seller!"

"When will our reinforcements arrive?"

"About another six hours or so!"

"Okay, then let him jump around for a while, and when our reinforcements arrive, we will take him down in one fell swoop! The opportunities in the galaxy on the opposite side are all ours."

"But the medicine seller's weapon is too powerful!"

"No matter how powerful he is, he only has one spaceship. The number is his shortcoming. When our reinforcements arrive, he will die." This indigenous civilization did learn Sun Yao's coordinates through the information in the public channel.

They thought at the time that these outsiders only had tiny spaceships at most, so they only arranged for two large spaceships to come over.

When they came to where Sun Yao was, they were completely stunned when they saw that Sun Yao also had a large spaceship.

But the next moment was ecstasy. Sun Yao's spacecraft was so advanced, which meant that there must be a lot of good things on the other side of the wormhole.

So they launched the attack without any hesitation.

But Sun Yao taught them how to behave, they retreated hastily and called for reinforcements.

Sun Yao knew through the detection satellite that the two large spaceships did not leave, but stopped in the distance.

"It seems that they still have useless tricks!" Sun Yao frowned slightly, "I hope the island owner can hurry up, otherwise we really can't defend this place."

At this time, Xiao Yi had already walked out of the game cabin, and he was already familiar with the formation of the teleportation core.

Jiang Yuntian has completely given up on learning to describe this formation, at least for now, and he will learn it slowly when he has time.

"Start drawing the formation now?" Jiang Yuntian asked when he saw Xiao Yi walking out.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly, and replied: "Well, it's time to start. By the way, you should send the other formation drawings to Sun Yao first, and he also needs to draw some, the transmission core, and I will solve it. Others need to be drawn. On his own."

"Yes!" Jiang Yuntian replied.

The teleportation core formation of this teleportation array is very complicated, and the other formations are not bad, but there are slightly more strokes than the teleportation array of the first stage.

Xiao Yi and the others all have space attributes, so the survivors in the Yiranpin Alliance have all learned how to build and use the teleportation array.

This is Xiao Yi's request, not to overwhelm him with too many skills.

Xiao Yi took out the raw materials of the teleportation array from the system space, grabbed the carving knife, held his breath, and immediately began to carve on the space stone.

Jiang Yuntian had already sent the other formation drawings of the teleportation formation, and when he turned around, he saw Xiao Yi's flowing movements.

"There are really geniuses in this world, you can't accept it!" Jiang Yuntian said with emotion.

Jiang Yuntian thought he was working very hard, but apart from the fact that his starting point was higher than Xiao Yi's at the beginning, he has been following Xiao Yi's footsteps closely since then.

Now he felt that the gap between himself and Xiao Yi was not getting closer, but getting farther and farther.

Ten minutes later, after Xiao Yi finished drawing the last stroke, the entire Space Stone shone with white light, and then submerged into the Space Stone again.

At this time, the space stone is already filled with stripes of various thicknesses.

"It's done!" Xiao Yi said, looking at the space stone in front of him with satisfaction.

"Sure enough!" Jiang Yuntian said from the side.

Xiao Yi replied with a smile: "As long as you practice Daozang well, you can be so fast!"

Jiang Yuntian nodded slightly, and then asked: "Island Master, can we build a teleportation array now?"

"Well, that's enough. Let's build a base with foundation stones first, and then" Xiao Yi gave instructions according to the requirements on the drawing.

Jiang Yuntian worked on the sidelines, and soon set up the teleportation array, and finished drawing all the magic circles around the base.

"It seems to be quite fast!" Jiang Yuntian looked at the teleportation array that had been successfully built, and muttered.

(End of this chapter)

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