Chapter 1772 Jiebi information, shocking, related to Heizi

"You see, you are too polite, we just chatted a few words, how come money is involved!" Zhu Wu said with a smile, "However, it is really necessary to pay for information, otherwise, who would want to share their own information?" information."

"Yeah, I used to make a living by selling strategies." Jiebi expressed his understanding.

"Amazing!" Zhu Wu replied, "Let's talk about what just happened in our galaxy first!"

Jiebi immediately became serious. Hearing what Zhu Wu said, something terrible must have happened in Yi Ranpin's galaxy just now.

"Does Xingxingspot know?" Zhu Wu asked.

"Are you referring to the dark spots on the stars?" Jiebi was slightly taken aback, then asked curiously.

Zhu Wu said in surprise: "It's not easy, you actually know this, are you sure you are a strategy master, not astronomy master?"

"I'm just curious about this universe, so I learned about it online!" Jiebi replied with a smile.

"Since you know, it's easy, because the sunspots erupted and the communicator was completely paralyzed." Zhu Wu replied helplessly.

"This is normal. As long as the communicator relies on electromagnetic waves, it will definitely be affected when starspots erupt violently." Jiebi nodded and said.

Zhu Wu rolled his eyes and asked, "Since you have learned about this on the Internet, do you know what other effects this sunspot eruption will have?"

Jiebi nodded and began to introduce.

"In addition to the impact on the magnetic field you mentioned, it will also affect the climate. When there are many sunspots, the climate is dry and the agricultural harvest is good. When there are few sunspots, the climate is humid and heavy rains cause disasters."

"The number of sunspots is also related to earthquakes. When there are more sunspots, there will be more earthquakes!"

"The growth of trees is also related to sunspots. When there are many sunspots, they grow faster!"

"The most amazing thing is that during the peak sunspot activity, people are also prone to diseases!"

Hearing all that Dao Jiebi said, Zhu Wu was stunned, and felt that what he said seemed to be a fantasy!

"Um, is what you said true?" Zhu Wu couldn't help asking.

Jiebi shook his head and replied: "It's not fidelity, because I saw it from the Internet, and according to the content on the Internet, I can also see that most of them are regular summaries, and I haven't found the mutual influence between the two. direct evidence."

Zhu Wu nodded slightly, and then said: "Do you think this sunspot is the same as the island tablet? With the island tablet, our crops grow very fast!"

Hearing Zhu Wu's words, Jiebi was stunned for a moment, and then said: "I really didn't think of this! However, the island monument is too amazing. God knows if it has any connection with Heizi."

"And during the peak sunspot activity period, is it really easy for people to get sick?" Zhu Wu frowned and said, "If this is the case, I will remind our island owner!"

"This regular summary is also speculated by scientists after research." Jiebi replied, "Taking our home planet Earth as an example, the cycle of sunspots is 11 years. It happened 800 times, all during periods of peak sunspot activity."

Zhu Wu looked at the message from Jiebi in surprise.

Jiebi paused, and then continued to say on the island tablet: "In addition to the conclusion of this law, scientists have found through research that during the peak period of sunspots, the sun will generate a large number of high-energy particle flows and X-rays, causing magnetic storms on the earth. , destroy the atmosphere, make the climate abnormal, and lead to the proliferation of microorganisms."

"At the same time, it will also cause strong ionization of the substances in the organism. Under the action of the two, it is easier to cause the cell mutation of the influenza virus. The mutated influenza virus is even more difficult to control."

Seeing this, Zhu Wu immediately sorted out all the messages sent by Jiebi, and forwarded them to Xiao Yi through the inter-galaxy communicator.

"Not only viruses, but also disease-treating bacteria are more toxic during active sunspot periods than at other times!" "Of course, the low period of sunspots can also cause influenza outbreaks. After research, scientists concluded that active sunspots The peak period is likely to cause the virus to mutate, while the trough period is conducive to the virus multiplying in large numbers!"

Zhu Wu said with emotion: "Brother, you have a good memory!"

"It's not bad, but I just checked it online before I was brought here for the trial!" Jiebi shook his head and replied, "And after the physique has been upgraded to SSS level, the memory has also improved, so I haven't forgotten it all the time."

"Niu, let me communicate with the island owner first, wait a minute!" Zhu Wu forwarded all the things Jiebi said last to Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi was stunned after reading the information.

"It's really because of the activities of sunspots that they all caught a cold!" Xiao Yi exclaimed.

Jiang Yuntian was also extremely shocked at the side: "Do the sunspot activities have such a big impact on the earth?"

"Perhaps, we still know too little about the world of Earth!" Xiao Yi said with emotion.

Jiang Yuntian frowned and thought for a moment, then suddenly said: "You said our earth is also a testing ground?"

"Huh?" Xiao Yi looked at Jiang Yuntian suspiciously.

"Periodically boosting viruses and bacteria, isn't this screening humans?" Jiang Yuntian said.

Xiao Yi was slightly stunned, then shook his head with a wry smile, and said, "Maybe, it feels like we are all pawns we can't help."

At this time, Zhu Wu requested a video call, and Xiao Yi connected immediately.

"Island Master, have you read the message I sent you?" Zhu Wu asked as soon as he came up.

"Look, it's shocking!" Xiao Yi replied, "Although Jiebi and I are both from Earth, I really haven't learned about these things."

Zhu Wu tentatively asked, "Could this Jiebi be deceiving us?"

"Probably not. There's no need for him to lie to us. In the first stage, I also had a relationship with him. His conduct is fair and he can be trusted." Xiao Yi replied.

Zhu Wu nodded, and then continued to ask: "He told me so much information, shall we express it?"

"Well, give him an electromagnetic rail gun system, you should have brought a lot of these things!" Xiao Yi replied.

"Yes!" Zhu Wu replied.

"By the way, give him some beer and liquor too, you can decide the quantity yourself!" Xiao Yi continued.

"Yes! Then I'll go offline first!" Zhu Wu said and ended the call.

Xiao Yi thought for a while, and ordered: "Brother Jiang, sort out the information on Jiebi and send it to Wang Yang, so that he can pay attention to Jiebi's mention of earthquakes and other situations!"


After Zhu Wu ended the call, he immediately initiated a transaction for Jiebi in the private chat channel.

"[Electromagnetic Railgun System] (SSS-level) *1, [Liquor] (S-level) *500g, [Beer] (S-level) *2kg Transaction None."

(End of this chapter)

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