Chapter 1756 Start the replacement transaction, Dyna test
After entering the game cabin, they discovered that there was only one space combat game inside.

Those who entered the game cabin discussed in the cabin forum one after another.

"Such a big game cabin, just such a game, it's too simple!"

"Yeah, no matter how you say it, it can be regarded as a high-end virtual reality client."

"One game is enough, have you experienced it? It's not too realistic, can you believe that I actually experienced the feeling of weightlessness in the game cabin?"

"It's too nonsense, we are on a planet now, how could we feel weightless."

"If you don't have experience, you don't have the right to speak. This person upstairs, please express your opinion after experiencing it!"

"Whether you have experience or not, you must have the most basic common sense."

"Common sense? May I ask which of these things we have experienced are common sense?"

"That's right, the island master conjures up so many things, do you think that's common sense?"

"This game cabin was provided by the island owner. It must be extraordinary. We can't use common sense to deduce its function. Let's not talk about it. I'll try it first!"

"If you want to play, you can set the parameters yourself and generate a game!"

"This game cabin still has this function?"

"Learn more about the game cabin, it's more powerful than we thought!"

"Then let's not talk, I have to go play quickly."

"I'm a bit afraid to play such a high-level item. I'm worried what should I do if it breaks?"

"You really think a little too much about this. The island owner's machine is very advanced. If you can play it badly, you are capable."

"Since you said so, then I can rest assured and work hard!"

After handing over the game cabin to Wang Yang, Xiao Yi immediately posted a message on the public channel: "Starting today, the Yiranpin Alliance will fully open the replacement transaction, and multiple escape cabins or low-level spaceships can be replaced with high-level ones." Class spaceship, the upper limit is a large spaceship."

Since Lu Meiyu exposed Xiao Yi's spaceship replacement operation last time, many people have asked about the spaceship replacement.

After seeing this official notice, all survivors were overwhelmed.

"Boss is so awesome, he can still do spaceship replacement business."

"Why do you want so many escape pods and low-level spaceships? Can you dismantle them and rebuild them into higher-level spaceships?"

"If the boss really masters such a technology, then the boss will post it!"

"It feels like this out of ten, alas, I can't even say envious words now."

"Yeah, when the gap is so big that you despair, then there is only awe left, and there is no envy or jealousy at all."

"However, it seems useless to start the replacement transaction at this time?"

"Yes, everyone should have only one escape pod now."

"Those brothers who entered the dinosaur galaxy to explore should gain something."

"But those brothers were all attacked by other civilizations."

"Isn't there another black cloud?"

"That's right, not only did he get a miniature spaceship from the Dinosaur Galaxy, but he also killed three survivors who wanted to intercept him. He has a lot of escape pods, so he should be able to change them."

"@黑云, brother, have you replaced it here?"

When Hei Yun saw someone calling him, he immediately replied: "Of course, the replacement has been completed."

"What type of spaceship did you replace?" Someone asked curiously.

"This involves business secrets and it is not convenient to disclose them at the moment." Heiyun replied, "I want to ask the boss Yi Ranpin for instructions first." Xiao Yi naturally saw their discussion and said directly in the public channel: "This It can be said that everyone’s replacement price may be different and may fluctuate. At the same time, the purchase price of indigenous civilizations is 30% higher than that of survivors.”

"See, the boss is still very polite, hurry up and talk about it!"

"Okay, I replaced all the aircraft with a small spaceship." Heiyun replied truthfully.

"A miniature spaceship, plus four escape pods?"

"Yes, that's right, that's all." Hei Yun replied.

"Lying grass, you've made a lot of money!"

"Yeah, not only did I reduce my burden, but I also got a higher-level spaceship."

"You surpassed ninety percent of the survivors right now!"

"Ninety percent? No matter how you say it, it must be ninety-nine percent!"

"No, I can't wait to enter the dinosaur galaxy."

"Aren't you worried about those unknown fleets?"

"I'm worried, but as long as we follow in the footsteps of Ergou, there will be no problem!"

"Good idea. After this incident, Ergou boss will not easily relax his vigilance on either side of the wormhole."

"I'll just sit and wait for the wormhole planet to come over."

"What I want to know more is how does the boss judge whether the other party is a survivor?"

"It's actually very simple. The escape pods and miniature spaceships obtained by survivors are limited, and they all contain island monuments. With a few words, you can basically judge it!"

"What if the indigenous civilization captures a survivor?"

"Then there is no other way. However, the price is only 30% higher. If it is faked for this 30% and the big boss finds out, with the temperament of the big boss of Yiranpin, it is estimated that it will be banned forever. "

"You guys are really worrying about it, why don't you hurry up and look for resources to see if you can get a map of the ruins, by the way, @易然品, boss, can the damaged spaceship be replaced?"

Xiao Yi replied, "Yes, but additional conditions are required. It depends on the spaceship in your hand."

"Okay, thank you boss for answering, then I'm going to dig more ruins."

"Yes, but there are still too few ruins maps."

"Less? It means that you haven't mined too many meteorites. If you have mined enough meteorites, you will find that there is still a high probability of mining the ruins map."

"Really? My collector has never stopped at all, why haven't I mined any relic maps until now."

"It can only mean that your collector is too low-level, of course, it is also possible that your face is too dark!"

"What you said is a bit arrogant!"

Naturally, the discussion of these people was also seen by the Dana family.

"Patriarch, is this Yi Ranpin really willing to trade a large spaceship for our small spaceship?"

"I feel a little grandstanding. Spaceships of different types have completely different values."

"That's right, a large spaceship is much more difficult to manufacture than a medium-sized spaceship. I really can't figure out why he is willing to change it like this."

Dynas frowned, and after a while, he ordered: "Exchange the escape pods we captured."

"Patriarch, isn't it too wasteful to do this?"

"Yeah, besides, we have moved the island monuments on those escape pods. They have already discussed how to identify us just now."

(End of this chapter)

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