Chapter 1751 Everyone enters the survival system, crisis

Du Kang scolded with a smile: "You fucking fart as soon as you open your mouth! Tell me, what's the matter!"

"The island owner said that I have made great achievements in collecting materials, so give me a reward, that is, you chat with me for a day!" Zhu Wu replied with a smile.

"Get out, it's definitely not the reward. You're lying to a ghost. I'll give you three seconds. If you don't tell me, I'll hang up right away!" Du Kang replied angrily.

"Don't, did you learn from the island owner, it's very impolite to hang up the phone every now and then!" Zhu Wu said hastily.

"It depends on who you are polite to." Du Kang replied, "However, I recorded what you said, and I will send it to the island owner later. You said he was impolite."

"Brother Kang, don't be like this, can we still play happily?" Zhu Wu immediately confessed.

"Stop talking nonsense, three seconds have passed, I'm going to hang up!" Du Kang made a gesture to hang up the call.

"No, I said, it was the island owner who asked me to find you, and asked you to give me some more drinks as a reward." Zhu Wu replied.

"It takes two farts to finish a one-sentence thing." Du Kang said, "I'm hanging up, I'll send it to you later."

After speaking, Du Kang immediately hung up the phone.

Zhu Wu chuckled, and then floated towards the game cabin.

In the large-scale independent living system, everyone has basically divided the various areas, and Wang Yang has repeatedly emphasized what Xiao Yi told him.

"Do you remember everything?" Wang Yang looked at the crowd and asked in a deep voice.

"Remember, please rest assured, Star Master, we will definitely protect this little family!"

"Yeah, we used to destroy the environment on Chaos Star unscrupulously, and finally paid a huge price to deal with it. We have already learned the lesson once, and we will not make the same mistake again."

"It's not easy for us to have a small family. Whoever dares to destroy the environment here, I'm in a hurry with him!"

Wang Yang nodded, and said: "Form the requirements I just made into rules, so that everyone can enter this survival system to live after learning it."

"Yes!" Everyone responded in unison, the voice was high-pitched, almost spreading throughout the entire independent living system.

Everyone immediately returned to the spaceship to complete their tasks.

The animals of those dinosaur planets were first sent into the survival system.

"These big animals have finally been given away."

"Yeah, I feel that the spaceship has a smell in the past two days."

"What you said is too exaggerated. He has only been here for less than a day."

"Although it's less than a day, they still need to eat and drink!"

"Now our space can be relaxed again."

"Aren't you wondering where they were sent?"

"My mother is still struggling to survive, who has the time to pay attention to this issue."

"Big news, those animals were sent to the device that the island owner just conjured up outside."

"What? That device is used to house those animals? It's too wasteful."

"Who says it's not? Now that we have such a small living space, nestled in spaceships, we actually got such a big device for those animals."

Although everyone on Chaos Star had opinions, no one dared to go to Xiao Yi to raise objections.

While everyone was discussing, the notification broadcast in the spaceship rang.

"Gentlemen and ladies, the island master has created an independent survival system for us. Everyone should have seen it, which is the huge device outside. In that device, we can live like we are on Chaos Star."

Everyone was stunned when they heard this, and then they started a heated discussion.

"Does this notification mean that we can breathe freely in there without wearing any equipment?"

"Of course, no wonder you can put those animals in there!"

"Great, such a big space should be able to accommodate many people." "But, does it take up too much space to arrange the animals from the Dinosaur Planet in this device?"

"Perhaps those biological experts still dislike us for taking up space."

"Okay, stop arguing, I can't even hear you, the notice is talking about the rules for entering that device, we can't enter that survival system if we haven't learned these rules well."


Everyone immediately quieted down and listened carefully to the announcement.

"Entering the independent survival system requires complying with the following regulations: [-]. The natural environment must not be damaged, and farming requires approval; [-]."

After listening to the regulations mentioned in the notice, everyone was stunned for a while, and then discussed again.

"Is this a rule? It's not a requirement at all."

"What I want to know more is who can get in."

"That's right, there are quite a few of us on these spaceships, do we need a number lottery?"

"Everyone, please rest assured that the independent living system created by the island owner this time is enough for all of us to enter into life." The voice came again from the radio.

"Enough for everyone to enter into life? How big is this device?"

"It doesn't matter how old he is, as long as he can let me in and live in it, I'm going crazy if I stay in the spaceship all day."

"Yeah, instead of worrying about this, it's better to learn more about the rules and try to get into that device as soon as possible."

For a while, everyone was racing against time to learn the regulations mentioned in the broadcast.

Of course, the rules are very simple, and everyone quickly remembered them in their hearts.

Wang Yang organized an assessment, and those who passed the assessment could enter the device to live.

Soon the first batch of people passed the assessment, and they were qualified to enter the survival system.

By the time they entered the large independent living system, there were already engineering teams building simple houses inside.

The construction of these houses is a kind of strong plate, which can be directly combined to become a house.

Naturally, these plates were manufactured on the island monument of the spaceship and transported in.

Those Chaos Star people who came in greedily breathed the air here.

"How long has it been since I smelled the fragrance of flowers and plants!"

"Yeah, I feel refreshed all over."

"This is really a paradise. I really don't know how it was made."

"Yeah, what material is this protective cover, so transparent?"

"Transparency, we can still achieve this level, but have you noticed that there is no support at all in such a large space!"

"Yeah, the protective cover didn't collapse?"

As we all know, no matter how hard an object is, if it is too long, it will break easily.

"Now it is completely impossible to speculate on the items of the island owner with common sense!"

"Don't talk about it, I have to choose a room quickly, take a rest, and go out to work in a while!"

"I'll go shopping first, it happens to be on vacation recently!"

Looking at the images fed back from the survival system, Xiao Yi thought to himself, "Should I go in for a stroll?"

"Report, found a meteorite flying towards the independent living system rapidly!"

(End of this chapter)

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