Chapter 1733: It was actually hit. Evacuate and six more ships will come.

"All spaceships stay away from the wormhole immediately!" The captain ordered immediately.


All the large spaceships in the sky start to fly to the distance, but without a stabilization system, the acceleration will not be too high!

Just as they were evacuating, another meteorite appeared and flew towards them.

Even though they were speeding away, the meteor hit one of the ships with precision.

This spaceship was worse than the first one hit by a meteorite, half of it was directly smashed off!
"This is God helping us too! God help those who help themselves!"

"That's right, I've never felt that these meteorites are so cute before!"

"But it's hard to say later, the other party should have discovered our intention."

"It's good enough to destroy the opponent's two spaceships. You really want to smash down all the opponent's spaceships!"

Ergou saw that the spaceships in the sky had already evacuated, so he said on the island monument: "Everyone go back first, they are already prepared, and when they pass through the wormhole, everyone should stop discussing things in the public channel , they can see it!"

"Can they see? What does that mean?"

"It's very simple, it means that they also have island monuments!"

"What? They have an island tablet. Why didn't they ever speak when we were discussing it here?"

"That's because they are not survivors, they are just indigenous people. They just want to get to know us quietly in front of the island monument!"

"I didn't expect the natives to be so insidious!"

While discussing, those survivors who came over went through the wormhole to return to the galaxy they were originally in.

In the local fleet, the slightly damaged spaceship was immediately repaired, but the half-shattered spaceship was not repaired.

Ergou squinted at each other's movements, and secretly said: "It seems that their cornerstone and dark gold are not enough!"

In the opposing fleet, the captain frowned tightly as he looked at the reminder of the island monument.

"The cornerstone and dark gold are running low, it seems we can't wait any longer!" the captain said in a deep voice.

"Do we need to launch an attack on those outsiders now?" asked the combat commander on the side.

The captain nodded slightly, and said: "Their escape pods have already returned, and they can do it now. I want to see how he uses two large spaceships to block our attack!"

"Yes!" The commander replied, and immediately called ten spaceships forward.

As for a one-on-one fair fight, the commander didn't even think about it.

I have an advantage in the number of spaceships, why should I fight one-on-one with you?

Seeing ten spaceships coming out from the opposite side, Ergou was a little helpless, he was still wondering if the other side would fight him one-on-one!
Now it seems that the commander on the opposite side has never been kicked by a donkey.

"If you give me ten spaceships, it will definitely make you look good!" Ergou snorted coldly, and then ordered, "Let's withdraw!"

When the other party didn't approach them, Ergou left the dinosaur planet with two spaceships.

"Report, the other party has escaped through the wormhole!" The commander reported to the captain.

"Well, keep the wormhole and don't go there for now, the other party will definitely set up an ambush on the opposite side and wait for us!" The captain said.


After Ergou came back, he immediately contacted Jiang Yuntian: "Instructor, the meteorite plan just now destroyed the opponent's two large spaceships!"

"I've seen their discussion." Jiang Yuntian replied with a smile, "That's right, what's the situation now?"

"The opponent's foundation stone and secret gold should be running out. They have not repaired the spaceship that was severely damaged by the meteorite, so they are ready to take action. They dispatched ten spaceships at once, and I immediately withdrew!" Ergou replied! road.Jiang Yuntian thought for a moment and asked, "How many groups can your soldiers be divided into if they meet their basic combat needs?"

After all, Ergou only has three spaceships, and the number of soldiers it carries is limited.

Ergou thought about it, and said, "It should be able to satisfy nine large spaceships!"

Jiang Yuntian nodded slightly, and said: "I will give you six more spaceships here, and you allocate troops to block them."

"Yes, please rest assured, the instructor!" Ergou said excitedly.

Jiang Yuntian traded six large spaceships to Ergou directly through the island monument.

Ergou didn't dare to waste time, and immediately agreed to the deal, because he needed time to allocate troops.

If the other party rushed out of the wormhole at this time, the six spaceships would be useless, and the spaceships that were not controlled were living targets!

Six spaceships suddenly appeared on Ergou's side, and the surrounding survivors immediately noticed it.

"Lying grass, this is too exaggerated!"

"what happened?"

"If you're near the wormhole planet, then look at Erdog Dao!"

"My God, how come there are so many large spaceships?"

"What happened to the Ergou boss? Can someone tell me? We are not near the wormhole planet."

"Several large spaceships suddenly appeared over there!"

"One, two,..., eight, nine! A total of nine large spaceships!"

"Boss Ergou, do you have so many large spaceships? This probably completely surpasses Boss Yiranpin!"

"Sure enough, a mountain is higher than a mountain!"

"Boss Ergou seems to be distributing troops. The boss has so many younger brothers!"

"This shows that if you want to develop well, you can't do without my little brother!"

"But will this affect the combat effectiveness of each spaceship?"

"I think it should be. Now that I want to drive alone, I don't care about operating weapons. I can only choose one of the two. Large spaceships should require more soldiers to operate!"

"I hope Erdog can take this into consideration!"

"I said you are just worrying about it. What you can think of, the boss will not think of? The reason why the boss is a boss is not only because of good luck, it has something to do with his own thinking and knowledge. Some people have good cards They can all be beaten to pieces!"

Soon, Ergou allocated its forces, and six of the spaceships sailed aside.

The other party should already know that he has three large spaceships, and letting the other six lie in ambush around them may have a miraculous effect.

"Everyone, don't discuss about my spaceship for the time being. If the other party rushes over, you can see your chat over there, and you will be exposed!" Ergou reminded in the public channel.

"Okay, don't worry, Ergou, we won't talk too much!"

"I'm now confident enough to hold off that fleet!"

"I don't know who was worried about the danger and wanted to leave just now?"

"I don't know, it's not me anyway, I want to fight the opponent to the end!"

(End of this chapter)

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