Chapter 1726 Evacuation, joint plan

"Then what should we do? Unite and fight back that fleet?"

"Are you talking in your sleep? What do we use to fight? Just an escape pod, or a miniature spaceship?"

"Isn't there still a big brother Ergou? He has a large spaceship!"

"Although the boss has a large spaceship, he is at a disadvantage in terms of numbers, not to mention that the opponent's technology in piloting large spaceships must be better than ours!"

"That's right. It's only been a while since we've been in contact with spaceships. Even if we got the spaceship from the first day of the second stage, it's only 37 days. How can it be compared with those civilizations that have steadily developed into space technology? ?”

"However, we have an island stele, so this advantage is still relatively large!"

"Not necessarily. The indigenous civilization here may have harvested the island monument, but they didn't say anything, hiding in front of the island monument and peeking at the screen!"

"It seems to be the same, don't they know everything we talked about?"

"Fuck, let's run away quickly, they must know our situation, so they came here."

Seeing everyone's discussion, Ergou became excited instead. He really hoped that the other party would call quickly.

But after the other party discovered the detection satellite, they stopped in place, not knowing what they were hesitating about.

After a discussion among the survivors of the Dinosaur Galaxy, most of them chose to leave the Dinosaur Galaxy through the wormhole.

They returned to their original galaxy and immediately began to discuss.

"Big news, a fleet of large spaceships has appeared on the side of the dinosaur galaxy!"

"Really? Isn't that invincible? I guess even Erdog can't withstand the attack of such a fleet?"

"Boss Ergou only has three large spaceships near Dinosaur Planet. With such a huge difference in strength, there is no way to fight!"

"Then you are all coming back?"

"There are still some people, and the big brother Ergou has not come back. Maybe the big brother Ergou wants to test the strength of that fleet, and everyone else is just joining in the fun."

"The boss is the boss, facing such a fleet, he is still so calm!"

"Yeah, those survivors who join in the fun are purely self-defeating. When they really fight, they don't even have a chance to escape."

"Forget it, let's not talk about them. It's a bit of a loss for me to go to the Dinosaur Galaxy this time. I didn't get anything, and I consumed a lot of fuel!"

"Me too, why not collect some resources directly on the dinosaur planet! What a loss!"

"No, we shouldn't be retreating, otherwise we will lead that fleet to our galaxy!"

"It seems to be the same. If we all withdraw, they can easily follow!"

"I suggest that all survivors near the wormhole planet not leave for the time being, and aim all weapons at that wormhole. If other civilizations appear, set fire immediately!"

"Good idea, I agree, it's all about development anyway, so it's fine to stay here!"

"I also agree, the weapons are ready, if you find the enemy, please say hello!"

"Yeah, I'll take a break first, and I'll be on duty at night!"

Under the pressure of the invasion of alien civilizations, the survivors near the wormhole planet rarely unite.

Seeing this, Xiao Yi immediately came to the communicator and asked, "Ergou, is there any movement from the other party?"

"Not yet, it's still where it is!" Ergou replied in a deep voice. "The other party is very cautious. You should also be cautious and don't rush forward rashly!" Xiao Yi warned again.

"Master Island Master, don't worry, although I want to fight with them, but I'm not arrogant enough to fight ten against one." Ergou replied.

"Well, be careful!" Xiao Yi finally said, and ended the chat.

When he looked at the public channel of the island monument again, someone proposed an idea: "The unknown creature on the wormhole planet corrodes the spaceship so badly, can we use it to pit that fleet once?"

"That's a good idea, but why would the other party listen to us and land on the surface of the wormhole planet?"

"The easiest way is that everyone doesn't have to focus on the other party so anxiously. After the other party comes over, they must find a place to stay. The best place is next to the wormhole. Refer to the method of Hydrology Planet!"

"It seems to be the case, so should we set fire?"

"Personally, we think that we must unify our thinking. If we can't work together to focus fire, it will be difficult for our escape pods to threaten those large spaceships!"

"Yes, I suggest focusing on the first wave of fire. It would be best if we can catch them off guard. If they charge forward with the firepower, then we will collectively retreat tactically!"

"Yes, we also have three large spaceships here, and there are many other spaceship escape pods. At least there are so many people, they shouldn't dare to chase them rashly!"

"Normal thinking should be to build a base on the side of the wormhole and fight steadily, so that he falls into our trap."

"What if the other party is abnormal?"

"If you want to think about it this way, then don't prepare anything, just lie down!"

"I agree with the plan mentioned above. Focus on the first wave of fire, and then retreat as a matter of course, let them land on the wormhole planet, and our goal will be achieved!"

"Agree +1!"

"However, this plan should require the cooperation of the second dog boss. Without him, we can really retreat after the first wave of fire!"

"That's right, our group of escape pods really has no deterrent effect, maybe they will eat us all in one go!"

Seeing this, Xiao Yi used the communicator to say to Ergou: "They are discussing about fighting against that fleet. Please respond here. I think their plan can be tried!"

"Okay!" Ergou responded, "It just so happens that they have already begun to approach us!"

"Safety first!" Xiao Yi said.


After finishing the chat, Ergou looked at the slowly approaching fleet and immediately ordered: "The No. [-] spaceship lies in ambush at their possible landing point, and waits for my order!"


Ergou let the No. [-] spaceship pass through the wormhole, returned to Xiao Yi, and said in the public channel: "I also agree with your plan. After the first wave of concentrated fire attacks, you can retreat a little bit. I'll stay ahead of that fleet."

"Boss Ergou has spoken, that's great, our plan is close to success with the big boss here!"

"Yeah, I didn't expect that there are two benevolent bosses in our galaxy. We are so lucky!"

"That's right, but why didn't the master Yiranpin respond?"

"What reaction do you want? The boss of flammable products must be far away from the wormhole planet, otherwise he would have come here sooner!"

(End of this chapter)

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