Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 1714 New raw materials acquired, successfully defeated

Chapter 1714 New raw materials acquired, successfully defeated
What surprised Xiao Yi was very simple. The current weapons and combat experience of the survivors were not as good as those of the indigenous civilization.

What's more, the opponent is still a civilization with a small spaceship.

Xiao Yi was able to defeat the indigenous civilizations because he had cheats, but Ji Jiying probably didn't have them.

At this time, it really takes strength to use one's own strength to defeat the civilization with small spaceships!
Zhu Wu replied: "The information is all obtained from public channels, and the authenticity is unknown."

"There's nothing wrong with it, and we can't underestimate other people's fate." Xiao Yi replied, "We can collect more information about him."

"Okay, that Ji Jiying also took in two little survivors." Zhu Wu continued, "And those two little brothers brought their contract cards to the door."

"Sure enough, I still recruited younger brothers. It's really hard to survive alone!" Xiao Yi said with emotion.

"Island owner, I have also found an informant here, who is on trial. If he performs well, I need to give him some benefits," Zhu Wu said.

"You can decide these small things yourself. You don't need to save what you need!" Xiao Yi interrupted him directly, and said.

"Okay, I know what to do!" Zhu Wu responded.

"By the way, there are still some raw materials that you need to collect!" Xiao Yi sent over the raw materials of the photonic computer, "Don't take too much, let's collect 25 sets first!"

This is because Zhu Wu's spaceship is limited, and at the same time, Xiao Yi doesn't need too many photonic computers at the moment.

"Okay, island owner, what are these raw materials?" Zhu Wu was still curious.

"Computer, all right, let's do this first!" After speaking, Xiao Yi hung up the communication.

Zhu Wu was stunned for a moment, then muttered in confusion: "Computer? There should be a lot of Chaos Stars, why do you want to make them yourself? Is it more advanced?"

Zhu Wu shook his head slightly, and stopped thinking about this question, but said with emotion: "Yesterday, I was not told to purchase these raw materials, which means that the probability of this computer template was harvested today, and the probability of the master's harvesting the template is too high. Bar!"

Thinking this way, Zhu Wu probably weighed the raw material value of the photonic computer, and then priced it as a laser pistol.

"Survivors, now collect 25 sets of other raw materials. One set of raw materials can be exchanged for a laser pistol. There are only 25 copies. First come, first served!" Zhu Wu yelled in the public channel.

"What's the situation? Why are there additional listings?"

"Yeah, what are these 25 raw materials made of? Did brother Zhu get some templates?"

"Isn't it true that he also issued templates in our galaxy?"

"If it's not a template, why are there so many sets?"

"What does the template have to do with us? Can it be given to us for free?"

"That's right, the smart guy has bought a laser pistol!"

"Lying grass, why are you so fast? I haven't collected all the raw materials here, so why are they sold out?"

"It's all your fault why you are discussing this in the public channel. I only care about watching the show."

Naturally, Ji Jiying also saw Zhu Wu's yelling message, and besides asking the younger brother to collect raw materials as soon as possible to exchange for the laser pistol, he was also thinking about this issue.

He thinks that the probability of getting a template from the supply box is too small, and besides, Zhu Wu is not Xiao Yi, and he probably doesn't have any templates in his hand.

Therefore, there is a high probability that Xiao Yi requested the newly acquired raw materials.

It's just that Zhu Wu forgot at first, or this is his marketing method!

In any case, Ji Jiying would never have thought that Xiao Yi had just told Zhu Wu to buy it.

There is no way for survivors to communicate between galaxies, not even with island monuments!

At this time, a survivor chatted with Zhu Wu privately: "Brother Zhu, I'm already close to the indigenous people. Is the electricity ready for your side?"

"Of course, be careful to avoid attacks from all sides." Zhu Wu immediately replied, "Try to sneak attacks as much as possible!" "Okay, then I'll start!" the other party responded.

"This is too powerful! Brother Zhu, give me a shot of electricity first!" After only a short while, he said excitedly to Convenience.

The opponent is just an escape pod, and the power of one shot is 50% of the power, which requires [-] dark gold.

The other party traded [-] dark gold, and Zhu Wu immediately traded back the electricity.

"It's too simple, it's done, let's have another battery for backup!" The other party said and traded another [-] dark gold.

Zhu Wu was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the first survivor would take over the spaceship of the indigenous civilization so quickly.

While trading, Zhu Wu asked, "Brother, what level of spaceship did you kill? So quickly?"

"It's just a miniature spaceship, but for me, it's already very good! Thank you, Brother Pig!"

"You're welcome, don't forget to advertise for me!" Zhu Wu replied with a smile.

Just a tiny spaceship, really easy to fix.

At this time, the survivor has already advertised on the public channel.

"Hahaha, I only used two cannons to get this, [broken miniature spaceship]*1."

"Lying grass, really, did you really snatch this from the natives?"

"Otherwise? Didn't I just say that I'm going to fight?"

"Why do I feel like an advertisement?"

"Yeah, this cooperation is really good! Tell me, how much advertising fee Brother Zhu gave you, I want to make money too."

"Believe it or not, I just advise you one thing, remember Brother Zhu's words, otherwise you will suffer."

"It's really staged, the publicity is too obvious."

Ji Jiying looked at the news on the public channel and fell into deep thought. If it was a sneak attack, the power of the electromagnetic rail gun could indeed easily defeat the miniature spaceship.

At this time, a younger brother sent a message: "Master, are we going to test the power of this electromagnetic rail gun?"

Ji Jiying thought for a while, and replied: "I will go to test, you continue to collect raw materials first."


"It seems that if you want to know whether what the man said is true, you still have to try it yourself!" Ji Jiying muttered, looking into the depths of space through the double-layer special glass that was just installed.

Some people don't believe it, but some people believe it, and those who believe it have already started chatting with Zhu Wu in private.

"Brother Pig, I also want to buy electricity here, and I am going to rob the natives!"

"Brother Pig, do you still have electricity? Is it enough for my ten shares?"

Seeing their private chat, Zhu Wu replied with a smile: "Don't worry, it's enough, just initiate a transaction if necessary."

"Okay, thank you Brother Pig!"

"By the way, before setting off, you must train yourself to control the spaceship!" Zhu Wu reminded.


(End of this chapter)

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