Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 1708 The escape pod was discovered again, and it became lively

Chapter 1708 The escape pod was discovered again, and it became lively

"After dinner, I'll ask." Xiao Yi replied, "Wang Yang's game cabin is still a little short, probably enough."

When the game cabins were allocated, Jiang Yuntian got the most game cabins. At that time, there were strong enemies outside, so it was necessary to give priority to improving combat effectiveness.

Even now, Xiao Yi still didn't dare to reduce the number of game cabins on Jiang Yuntian's side.

If you don't have the strength to defend yourself, it's useless to develop well.

"Are the raw materials of the game cabin so rare?" Jiang Yuntian asked suspiciously.

It is conservatively estimated that there are 400 million survivors in their galaxy, and so many survivors can only get raw materials for less than a thousand game cabins.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly: "Yeah, I really didn't expect the raw materials of this game cabin to be so scarce."

"Has Zhu Wu not left this galaxy yet?" Du Kang asked suddenly.

Xiao Yi shook his head, and replied: "Not yet, your words seem to wish him to leave."

"Don't you want him to go to Ji Jiying's place to get more raw materials?" Du Kang replied with a smile.

"Leaving soon, didn't you prepare a lot of food with him today." Xiao Yi said.

"Yeah, I thought he would leave soon. If I had known he hadn't left for so long, I would have prepared slowly!" Du Kang replied with curled lips.

"The previous galaxies have not stabilized, and it is only now that they have stabilized. The exact time is really uncertain, so it's better to prepare early." Xiao Yi replied with a smile.

"Hey, I'm just complaining." Du Kang replied with a smile.

After dinner, Xiao Yi went back to the inter-galaxy communicator and asked Wang Yang about the parameter input of the game cabin.

"It's not finished yet, there are too many parameters to input." Wang Yang replied helplessly.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly: "Yes, I see."

"Island owner, can you give us a few more game pods?" Wang Yang took this opportunity to ask.

"Okay, but I don't have any extra game pods on hand now, and I'll leave some more for you when the next batch of raw materials arrives," Xiao Yi replied.

"Yes, thank you, Island Master!" Wang Yang replied.

"You're welcome. After all, building a world close to the real world in virtual games is very beneficial to us, and I will fully support it." Xiao Yi waved his hand in response.

At this time, Ergou sent a message: "Island owner, those survivors who went out to find the escape pod have gained something."

"You found it so quickly?" Xiao Yi asked in surprise.

"Yes, I just said it in the group." Ergou replied, "I don't know the exact location."

"It seems that there is another craze for exploring unknown galaxies!" Xiao Yi said with emotion.

"Island owner, should we deploy some detection satellites to increase the detection of the surrounding starry sky!" Ergou asked in a deep voice.

Xiao Yi shook his head: "No, safety first!"


If the detection satellites are deployed to look for escape cabins that may exist around, it will inevitably reduce the number of detection satellites used for warning.

"Continue to pay attention to their gains here, and be careful!" Xiao Yi finally urged.

"Yes!" Ergou replied, and then ended the chat. He looked at the public channel of the island monument again.

"Brother, have you seen how many materials are in the island monument?"

"Don't worry, I just caught it with the mechanical arm, I'll go over and have a look later!"

"I really envy you, I feel like I have nothing in this direction!"

"Same here. There won't be one just in your direction! Then we all came in vain." "Definitely not. If there is the first one, there will be the second one!"

Seeing this, Ergou knew that there must be more than one second here!
In addition to what Miao Jie and himself discovered, this is already the third one, and there may be more in the future.

This idea has not yet settled down, and someone discovered the escape pod on the public channel.

"Lying grass, there seems to be one on my side!"

"What does it mean? If you have it, you have it, if you don't, you don't have it. Don't you have bad eyes?"

"No, the distance is a bit far, I'm not sure, I'll know soon! Lying on the grass, it's true!"

"No, are you all so lucky?"

"You say so, I want to go out and explore after seeing it."

"Then come on, space welcomes you!"

"What's the situation? This is too rich, no, I have to go back to replenish, this time I want to buy enough supplies!"

"What is too rich? Brother, don't talk halfway!"

"The escape pod I got has millions of cornerstones, and the dark gold is a little less, just over [-] yuan."

"This harvest is invincible! No, I want to go out too. As long as I find an escape pod, it's worth digging here for half a day!"

"Yes! But, with so many resources in this galaxy, why is it dying?"

"It's quite strange, but maybe this galaxy has encountered a more difficult test. If our galaxy hadn't been helped by Yiranpin, a large number of them would have been eliminated."

"That's right, the first meteorite rain in my memory seems to be the boss who reminded us on the public channel, otherwise the meteorite rain would have eliminated half of the survivors."

"Yeah, the boss was banned because of this."

"Don't talk about it, I've already arrived at the wormhole, I'll talk slowly after the supplies are ready."

Some of the survivors who were honestly collecting resources on the dinosaur planet are going to fly into space.

As the number of survivors coming through the wormhole for supplies increased, some people always talked about this matter.

"The galaxy on the other side of the wormhole should also be a testing ground. Just now, two survivors found the escape pods and harvested millions of cornerstones!"

"It's so awesome, it's much faster than opening a supply box, no, I'm going to have a look too, does anyone have a location?"

"Don't worry, according to the positions sent out a few times before, it is basically certain that this wormhole planet is also revolving around the star in front of you, so you can approach it according to the approximate trajectory of the other party's motion."

"That makes sense, I hope I'm right on its orbit, so I can sit back and wait!"

"What are you waiting for, what are you discussing?" Some survivors who didn't pay attention to the chat just now asked hastily.

"The galaxy where the dinosaur planet is located is also a testing ground. Many survivors have discovered the escape pod and obtained a lot of supplies!"

"Yeah, I heard that there are millions of cornerstones and dark gold in an escape pod."

"Well, which one is several million, obviously tens of millions?"

"Isn't it several hundred million?"

"Fuck, is this true?"

"As long as you have a brain, you won't ask this sentence!"

"That is, think about how many cornerstones and dark gold you have harvested until now!"

(End of this chapter)

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