Chapter 1696 Anti-addiction, the world opposite the wormhole

"Okay, give me 10 minutes!" Yang Yan immediately summoned the researchers in his department and started a discussion.

Soon, Yang Yan discussed the results and handed them over to Wang Yang.

After Wang Yang browsed it for a while, after being translated by the translation team and Su Wan, he handed it over to Xiao Yi.

After seeing the parameters they needed, Xiao Yi nodded with satisfaction. At least these required parameters are based on the data that can be seen or easily measured in the current situation.

After all, Zhu Wu didn't have any advanced equipment at all, so it was completely impossible to get some more detailed parameters.

Xiao Yi immediately contacted Zhu Wu, but it took a while before he was connected.

"You're not addicted to games, are you?" Xiao Yi said with a smile, "If that's the case, should I set up a game anti-addiction system?"

"Don't, there was such an inhumane system on our home planet, I don't want to go to space and prevent addiction." Zhu Wu immediately replied.

Xiao Yi didn't continue this topic, but said: "The required parameters have been determined here, you can prepare here!"

"Okay!" Zhu Wu responded, and then Xiao Yi told Zhu Wu the required parameters one by one.

Zhu Wu recorded everything.

"Do I need to know so many parameters?" Zhu Wu looked at the large list of parameters and asked helplessly.

"The more parameters there are, the closer the simulation is to reality!" Xiao Yi replied.

"Alright then!" Zhu Wu had no choice but to accept the reality, "It will probably take some time to collect all these parameters."

"You've already been flying with the comet for a month, and you don't care about flying for a few more days." Xiao Yi said, "There's no rush!"

"That's true, then I'll start collecting parameters." Zhu Wu replied, and then left in front of the island monument.

After finishing the call with Zhu Wu, Xiao Yi asked about Ergou's progress, and after learning that everything was going well, Xiao Yi got up to go to rest.

Although Su Wan hasn't come here yet, she doesn't care about the vacant period. After she comes, she will naturally read the previous chat records.

Just when most of the survivors were about to rest, Miao Jie who passed through the wormhole looked at everything in front of him in shock.

There are actually many big trees in the sky here. If it wasn't for his relatively small escape cabin, he might have gotten stuck in the middle of a few big trees when he came out of the wormhole.

The trunk diameter of these big trees is more than three meters, and the height is at least [-] meters, with luxuriant branches and leaves.

Miao Jie cautiously flew up through the gaps in the branches,
The vegetation on the ground is too lush, and it is completely impossible to see if there is any hidden danger in it.

Click click!

There was a sound of a branch breaking, and Miao Jie immediately became nervous, looking vigilantly at the direction from which the sound came.

Crash, the leaves trembled, and a huge head appeared in front of Miao Jie's eyes.

"Lying grass, what is this!" Miao Jie exclaimed in shock.

The creature also seemed to have seen Miao Jie's escape pod, but it was very curious and did not attack Miao Jie's escape pod immediately.

Seeing that the other party was not moving, Miao Jie immediately steered the spaceship back to the side.

Seeing the escape pod fly away, the unknown creature immediately chased after it.

As soon as it moved, the entire forest became lively, and dense creatures flew up from the forest.

Looking at the massive black creatures, Miao Jie's scalp went numb. He didn't even have time to carefully observe the appearance of those creatures, so he immediately started the engine and took off with all his strength.The creatures that were following around the escape cabin screamed in an instant.

Small spacecraft engines run at full blast, generating heat hot enough to put most living things out of their reach.

A winged creature crashed into the windshield of Miao Jie's escape pod.

Blood directly covered the entire windshield.

At this time, Miao Jie finally saw the face of this creature clearly!

It has a long beak, with serrated teeth on both sides of the beak, and both wings are membranous wings without feathers. It is about the size of an adult, with a wingspan of nearly two meters.

"What is this?" Miao Jie said in shock, but his men didn't stop, and he pulled the escape pod up into the sky.

The creature that hit his windshield had already slid down, and the blood stains were washed away by the sprinkler.

At this time, Miao Jie saw that the planet was almost covered with green plants, and there were various creatures on the grassland not far away, and their unified characteristic was that they were all very large.

"Unexpectedly, separated by a wormhole, one side is lifeless and the other side is full of vitality!" Miao Jie sighed again.

He looked at the fuel in his escape pod, and it was running out, so he had to find a place to land first.

After a little thought, Miao Jie set his goal on the high mountain.

There is no need to consider the plains and jungles. He has already experienced the diversity of species in these two places just now.

As long as the mountain is high enough, the environment on the top of the mountain is harsh enough, and the possibility of living things there is much lower.

Thinking so, Miao Jie drove the escape pod to the distant mountains.

The speed of the escape pod was very fast. A few seconds later, Miao Jie's escape pod landed on the top of a snow mountain.

Although the outside world is also very cold, compared with the coldness in space, it is nothing.

"There are so many green plants here, maybe it will be suitable for us survivors, but I don't know if there will be microorganisms that threaten our lives." Miao Jie thought so, "Forget it, let's take a rest first, and then we can talk."

He put on the space suit in the cabin, fixed himself in the seat, and fell asleep.

This is a habit developed in various abnormal situations before, so that you can react immediately, deal with abnormalities, and at the same time, protect yourself to the greatest extent.

Just as Miao Jie was about to fall asleep, a loud noise woke her up again, and then the escape pod began to shake.

"What?" Miao Jie hurriedly opened his eyes to observe the surrounding situation.

At this moment, his escape pod started to tilt to one side.

Miao Jie finally found the culprit. It was a gigantic orangutan covered in white, who was preparing to overturn his escape pod from one side.

Although Miao Jie's escape pod is not big, it must have a dozen tons. The fact that the other party can really tilt it is enough to show that it is powerful.

There was snow on the top of the mountain itself, and under the tilt of the white gorilla, the escape pod began to slide down.

Miao Jie started the engine without hesitation, and flew sideways.

The engine and the heat generated by the combustion of the fuel made the orangutan let out a scream, and jumped back. After a few vertical jumps, it disappeared!

Although the white orangutan disappeared, Miao Jie didn't dare to stay in this position any longer. If some giant orangutans like that came over again, it would be troublesome!

(End of this chapter)

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