Chapter 1694 Moral kidnapping, partnership siege, escape
"It is because of the tiny spaceship that my cornerstone and dark gold have been exhausted."

"That seems to be the case. No matter how I harvest the spaceship, it will probably consume all the cornerstones and dark gold in my hands!"

"So, who of you can lend me a little, and continue to repair my spaceship for 50 now!"

"50? This number is too big, there is nothing I can do!"

"I guess only Miao Jie can help you."

"Why? Does he have a lot of cornerstones and dark gold?"

"I didn't know how many there were before, but it must be enough now. Just look at the public channel and you'll know!"

They hurriedly switched to the public channel and saw the information that Miao Jie was selling this information.

"Miao Jie, you are a bit unkind. How could you sell the information we discovered together?"

"Yeah, at least you have to discuss it with us!"

"Since it has been sold, let's divide the cornerstone and dark gold!"

Miao Jie looked at the remarks of his team member, sneered, and replied: "I was the first to get out of the cabin, risking my life to figure out how to solve our current predicament, and when I came back, I told you unselfishly, in exchange for you in return?"

"Brother, you can't say that. We are a group, so naturally we have to help each other."

"That's right, you can't be too independent."

"There are so many cornerstones and dark gold, you can't eat them all by yourself!"

"Hmph, you should give up on this idea, I won't show it, whatever you say!" Miao Jie replied coldly, and started the engine at the same time.

"I'm afraid you'll die! Let's go together and take him down!" one of them called out.

The rest of the survivors rushed forward without any hesitation.

And Miao Jie, who started the engine early, flew away from this place immediately.

"Ma De, this Miao Jie must have wanted to escape a long time ago!"

"This is the first time I feel that the boss should not sell small spaceship engines to the public!"

"Yeah, everyone's limit speed is the same, it's too difficult to catch up!"

"It's okay, let's attack together, the agility of the escape pod is limited, as long as he dodges, we have a chance to catch up to him!"

"It makes sense. In order to ensure the continuity of the attack, the six of us took turns to attack and take him down as soon as possible!"

"That's right!"

The six discussed briefly, quickly decided on the order, and started shooting at Miao Jie!
They all had electromagnetic rail guns in their hands, aiming at the direction where Miao Jie was leaving, they fired a shell.

Miao Jie naturally knew their intentions and immediately dodged aside.

Although he reacted quickly enough, the escape pod was indeed not flexible enough, and he was still hit by the shell.

Miao Jie in the escape pod heard a loud noise, the entire escape pod shook, and the island monument's notification sounded immediately.

"The left side of the escape pod is seriously damaged, please repair it immediately!"

Miao Jie immediately chose to repair it, and at the same time secretly rejoiced that he had sold the information before, otherwise he really didn't have the foundation stone and dark gold to repair his escape pod now.

It had just been repaired, and the survivors following behind fired again, another electromagnetic railgun shell.

Hit the less flexible escape pod again.

Miao Jie looked at the pursuers behind her and frowned tightly.

If this continues, the 600 million cornerstones and dark gold he just harvested will not last long.

The opponents were also small engines. Although they could not catch up for the time being, Miao Jie could not completely throw them away.Thinking of this, Miao Jie's heart skipped a beat and he immediately controlled his spaceship to fly to the planet.

"Lying grass, what is he going to do? Suicide?" Someone exclaimed.

How dangerous that planet is, I believe there is no need to repeat it, they all just escaped from that planet.

"Then what should we do? Are we still chasing him?"

"How can I chase after this, I don't want my escape pod to be completely eaten by that unknown thing."

"I don't believe he dared to land on the surface of the planet, everyone follow!"

"Yeah, he must be trying to take advantage of our fear of planets and try to escape!"

"That's right, even if he has millions of dark gold, he can't afford such consumption!"

Everyone discussed for a while, and immediately decided to catch up.

Seeing their movements, Miao Jie said in a deep voice, "Then I want to see if you dare to follow me!"

If he fled to other places, he couldn't escape at all, so he could only risk rushing towards the wormhole.

As for landing on the surface of the planet, Miao Jie never thought about it, because the unknown creature was too terrifying.

Seeing the direction in which Miao Jie was fleeing at high speed, someone finally reacted.

"No, he's going into the wormhole!"

"Stop him quickly, enter the wormhole, we will have no chance to catch him again!"

"Continue to attack and slow down his progress."

"I'm out of power, I can't fire the railgun!"

"Hurry up and buy electricity!"

"I don't have any dark gold in my hand. If we had some dark gold, we wouldn't have to rob Miao Jie."

"It's about this time, don't let Miao Jie escape! Use other weapons to make do with it!"

"That's fine too!"

The subsequent attacks never stopped. Miao Jie kept hearing the sound of his escape pod being hit in the spaceship, and kept repairing his escape pod.

"If you can escape this time, wait for me!" Miao Jie looked at the pursuers behind, as if he wanted to imprint them deeply in his mind.

Miao Jie's escape pod stumbled into the wormhole and disappeared instantly. The other six people stopped after seeing this scene.

"What do we do now? Chase the past?"

"It's better not to, we don't know what's happening on the other side, if there are other enemies, or Miao Jie is waiting to ambush us on the other side, it will be dangerous!"

"According to what you say, then we can't live forever?"

"No, no, we can wait for other people to go in, and then follow in. If Miao Jie wants to sneak attack, he will definitely attack the outcropping spaceship immediately, so that he will turn against more survivors."

"That's true, so shall we go back to the satellite orbit now? It's a bit uncomfortable to be up and down here!"

They did not dare to land on the surface of this planet, but kept hanging in the air and consumed fuel continuously.

There was already a shortage of cornerstones and dark gold, but if there was a shortage of fuel, it would really make things worse.

"Let's go back to the satellite orbit, these few blows have ruined my entire family!"

"Whoever says no, it's all Miao Jie's fault. If he divides the cornerstone and dark gold obtained by selling information, we can all recover blood, and maybe we can explore the world opposite the wormhole together. Wouldn't the harvest be better? many?"

(End of this chapter)

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